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You're thinking too small. Why would they announce anymore graduations/terminations when they can just ghostwrite on twitter accounts that the talent had some personal family stuff they're struggling with and they're taking an indefinite hiatus. Selling voicepacks is just the starter. Now you can hold events with the "unofficially graduated talents" at cons. Someone becomes too much of a nuisance and they're gone but you can keep milking that well with certain prerecorded promotions/events but without giving them their paycut anymore. Give it a few years and there'll be prerecorded collabs at cons but all the talents in the "collab" are AI recordings because all those talents were graduated/terminated.
Would be hilariously dark but generative AI is probably years away from being able to pull this shit off. And if there's one company that is probably not going to invest the hundreds of millions in R&D to get generative AI to the point where it can do this, it almost certainly isn't the fucking vtuber company that hires fresh highschool grads as their sole tardwranglers.
"HAHAHAHAHA HEY GUYS, It's me! SELEN! Can you believe that people thought I left such a great working place? Isn't that just crazy? AHAHAHA. BUT HERE I AM, ME, ON STAGE! And I even have this totally accurate play button to hold on stage, live, right now, with my 3D model. You can't make THAT up HAHAHAHAHA! Man it's been a willllld year, I sure hope nobody's been parading around as someone just like me since I was gone on vacation. BUT now that I'm back wouldn't a LOT of companies like to collab with us, Anycolor, and their famed branch NIJISANJIEN?! Missing out on that kind of deal sure sounds stupid HAHAHAH like you're throwing away money eassssy money by not working with us. It sure wouldn't be negligable the amounts you would earn! ALSO CHECK OUT MY SPECIAL GUEST!"
"YEAAAAAAAAH! IT'S ME POMU! Uh.. Kept yar weighting hun? I sure do love Metal Gear! SO ANYWAY HERE'S WONDERWALL"
You then proceed to get treated to a 3D concert of VR chat emotes, because we all know they aren't spending money to have people skin walk as actual dancers. That costs money. And we all know they're allergic to actually investing into improving themselves.
Actually did a little search and turns out you made it to those hallowed grounds before. They even included your name and linked to the post on the "random forum".
Actually did a little search and turns out you made it to those hallowed grounds before. They even included your name and linked to the post on the "random forum". know, after being reminded, there is no way no one in that group chat didn't save some of the photos. And it was probably on a work phone, since it had Niji related accounts. They have iphones, and they like to save files to the cloud by default so you can recover it if you lost some. So if someone from a company had access to an account and noticed it has some random photos added, there is a non-zero chance they saw nudes of Ethyria members. And since the horniest and dumbest of them all, therefore most likely to save it is Millie, it would have others but not her. So if the lucky intern who got to see Nina's Ninas then later contacted Millie and explained to her what could happen if he shared this fact with the company and with other girls, but portray it as if she intentionally sent it to him begging for favors, then she is literally and figuratively his bitch forever.
So I was about to go "more than you think less than you'd hope" and talk about the aster leaked pics and how people who aren't weirdos like us don't save and archive every interaction and event that could lead to more information of the work culture between the livers and/or managers, but then you got to Nina's tits and I think you're just horny, bro.
So I was about to go "more than you think less than you'd hope" and talk about the aster leaked pics and how people who aren't weirdos like us don't save and archive every interaction and event that could lead to more information of the work culture between the livers and/or managers, but then you got to Nina's tits and I think you're just horny, bro.
A r*dditor is among us... View attachment 74788
Looking through his posts, I don't think he has an account here and definitely doesn't post. Just a really avid redditor using our site for karma. If you're reading this PermitSafe: suck my nuts.
Sorry for the double post but the second clip here has so much context and so much information that deserves to be written down.
She talks in kayfabe about that she's not from the same place as everyone else as she's from Indonesia (NijiID for those who don't get the context) and talks about grinding there, like doing her job and having moderate success but not being a huge star and believing that once she gets to 100k she would get some merch or something... only for that to never happen, so she tried for 150k and the again until she just gave up. Says that she had her first sponsor and merch with Vshojo, which honestly fits the image of NijiID being left to the side/not paid as much attention as the JP/EN branch. She doesn't mind growing that fast. Talks about people saying Michi doesn't care about ID and her friends only numbers and admits they were right because that's what she was doing but not that she wanted to do it.
Talks about a meeting a long time ago, where she was grinding for a long time and doing the best, 6 days a week, scheduling collabs videos etc. and the other day work offline. Admits neglecting EVERYTHING in order to make things work. Had conversation with people in her old work where she left her feelings out, things could have been worse but things are not as bad. In her head she thought that if she slowed down it was going to affect everyone, didn't want the situation to get worse. SHE DOUBLED HER WORK so that things don't get worse for everyone, and then things got worse. Never got the chance to participate in a lot of events with her friends. Says that in all groups there's going to be clashes, totally understands where they are coming from. She was M.I.A a lot and that she couldn't join stuff and people made assumptions that she was up her ass in the "I'm a big streamer and you are small, fuck you". But that was because at that point she didn't have the energy to clear her name and earn enough so people could see them as valuable.
Michi found out some people didn't like her and felt sad because this group of people was the reason she wanted to join in the first place, she couldn't even complain about it because she felt it was the consequence of her actions. And in the present she feels like a distant parent, wants to apologise but she has been ignoring that feeling, to the point she would play the villain than to change the people's mind. She couldn't show her coworkers proof because of NDA. Like literally couldn't apologise to her friend at one point because of NDA.
When echai/ichel reached her for a charity event (WHO????) hearing their voices again felt nice. Wanted to apologise at first but it was a nice situation, hearing them laugh and making cringe jokes. Admits some fault nonetheless because she was a very "intense" person. No one forces her to work hard but if a lot of things depend on her doing well then she has to do things perfectly. Seems like she was working super hard so there was less "pressure" on the people around her.
Talks about a metaphor: Landlord calls and says that if apartment doesn't get cleaned every single day the apartment will get demolished, there's a chance that if things are not "clean" someone in power will look at it and take it down. That was the kind of situation she was in, never said it like that, but if she didn't do well things could have gone worse(???) Says bayme she misunderstood but that was the place where her mind was "I need to keep this place afloat". At the same time the people around her didn't put pressure on her eveyone was nice, she was very paranoid "we still exist ding ding ding". The charity was nice because it was everyone being themselves. She was so focused on numbers she forgot being a good friend and missed all that. Says that her manager was very nice AND THEN THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED, and the fire nation managers "are a different topic for a different day". Says she's not here to judge to say "this good this bad". Then it segues into the original part of the stream or another one, not sure
TLDR: This paints such a grim picture of what it must have been like working in NijiID post merger, according to Michi and translating from kayfabe it seems like she grinded HARD within her time in Niji, to the point of working 6 days a week, not because she wanted to grow her brand or channel but because there apparently was "pressure" that if things did not do excellent then there was the chance the branch would be axed, says she grinded so hard she left her friendships and family apart, to the point some of her coworkers had the idea she was a stuck up asshole in the "I'm a big channel and you aren't, fuck off" kind of way, when she was trying to work hard to mantain her working place afloat. She even says her managers were nice but then "the fire nation attacked" and the fire nation managers are "a topic for a different day". Seems like she had the chance to reconnect with some of her old co-workers at a charity event from echai/ichel/ichol??? and that it felt nice to just hang out with people, an experience that she sadly missed a lot of times in her stay in Niji
Well this doesn't narrow it down at all... View attachment 74795
Looking through his posts, I don't think he has an account here and definitely doesn't post. Just a really avid redditor using our site for karma. If you're reading this PermitSafe: suck my nuts.
Apparently Michi dropped a bombshell. The information is from Kurosanji Reddit though so don't take it as a gospel.
I dont know how well these links work but its at 1:52:00 onwards.Mind you, she talks from a "different person".
Visited the office of a certain company she worked for.
Saw her playbutton on the wall when she toured the office.
Company didnt even allow her to take a photo of it.
Made a clear joke gesture of "OOOH YOINK".
Company scolded her out, claiming she made a distasteful joke.
Says she works for the entertainment industry and didnt think a obvious joke would be met with staff thinking she actually intends to steal it and wondering what person the company thinks she is.
Admits she had a certain ego but questioned "What kind of person do they think I am?" and why she was scolded.
Confirms the company threatened to KICK HER OUT OF THE BUILDING for the joke.
Said this made her feel really weird and combined with the money issue is what broke the camels back.
Never actually created a post here, apologies if I have done this wrong.
Kiara talking about the fancy streaming setup Cover prepared for her. She asked them for a mixer, mic, mic stand and headphones. In addition to what she asked for, they gave her a big desk with a pc, two monitors, chair, keyboard and mouse, capture card, and usb hub.
For sure. Also, Minto in the chat. Wawa's audio sound really good with this setup, tbh. Apparently they had a Yamaha AG08 for her and Mint said she had an extra she could give her if she wanted it.
if she actually did that with Niji money/equipment, Niji would try and find a way to hire Kiara just to terminate her with a laundry list like "was too gay" and "called a manager a cunt once"
A r*dditor is among us... View attachment 74788
If you want to enjoy some prime watermark autism just visit that Mr. Beast tranny thread on KF. The farmers were going ballistic with watermarking all their screenshots they were taking and claiming that it was to prevent people from coming to the farms and taking the content without naming them as their source. The retardation comes from the fact that the farms are not the only source of the discord leak, and they weren't even the original source to begin with. Peak reddit behavior right on the tranny genocide forum.
Actually nevermind, I would suggest not going into that thread for the sake of your braincells. About 20 minutes ago I just tried to pick back up and read where I left off yesterday and was greeted with pages of sperging about Belle Delphine being a pedo enabler and a dissertation on how youtubers are only in it for making discords to entrap children. You know sometimes I feel like when you're so focused on the rallying call of 'for the kids' you can lose your reasoning in all the righteous indignation.
Would be hilariously dark but generative AI is probably years away from being able to pull this shit off. And if there's one company that is probably not going to invest the hundreds of millions in R&D to get generative AI to the point where it can do this, it almost certainly isn't the fucking vtuber company that hires fresh highschool grads as their sole tardwranglers.
I agree that they likely won't, but I'd say you ought to be prudent and check anyway. Better safe than $100,000 in debt because you had to fight a court battle against a multimillion dollar corporation who claims it is totally their right to use your voice for all eternity because it was in fine print on some dead tree.
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