Google TL:
We have to make this disappointing announcement at such a big event, and we feel very sorry for everyone who has been looking forward to the event. I'm really sorry, even though I said I'd be fine by the festival.
Personally, I was determined to get well in time for the event, but my condition was more serious than I expected, and I had to wait until the last minute to make a decision on whether I would be able to perform on stage or not, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to perform on stage on the day. As there was no change, we decided not to participate this time.
It's really frustrating.
I'm sorry to everyone who was looking forward to it and bought tickets, and I wanted everyone to see what we've created so far. However, I may not have been able to do anything about it, as it would have been impossible to achieve that without a healthy and able-bodied body, but I am now reflecting on the fact that I may not have been taking good care of my own health.
I would like to support ``hololive GAMERS fes. Super Ultra Ultra Gamers'' and ``MUSIC VERSE Fes'' by watching them with streaming tickets.
Everyone who always supports me. I'm sorry for making you feel sad. I am truly heartbroken to have to give you this disappointing news even though I have received so much support. But I want to come back healthy enough so that I can enjoy activities with everyone again. It may be selfish, but I would be happy if you could warm up Miofa Forest and wait for me.
It's a little long, but that's it.
Thank you very much for adjusting your schedule in response to this situation. And to everyone who will be performing at Gemaz Fest, we apologize for any inconvenience caused. We sincerely wish “hololive GAMERS fes. Super Super Super Gamers” and “MUSIC VERSE Fes.” great success.
Mio Okami
I hope the rest does Mio good, it sucks she has to miss the events but if she's healthier in the long run at least it won't be in vain.
Mama Mio love.
Update: Mio disclosed her disease in her sub account to communicate to her fans and reassure them (avoid speculations too).
Here's the DeepL Translation:
"I have nothing to hide, but I have an internal disease and I'm on a lot of IV meds right now

This is my first time in the hospital and I want to tell you all about it..."
I'm praying for my favorite wolf hag, I'm just glad she's healthy enough so far that she's able to give updates. You can tell based on her words how much she cares about her fanbase. Gambare Mio-Sha!

It sounds so generic with an Indian voice.
Parrot has a monopoly on that sorta content, and AI voice tech have gotten so much better and accessible, that I'm surprised somebody didn't add 2 to 2 together.
Competition = Good, always has been.
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