This is basically the gist. Dialogue was bad, cgi was bad, acting was bad (I blame Lucas for that, not the actors), slapstick comedy was bad, but it's all stuff that can mostly be ignored. On the other hand......if I looked past the Gungans, the really bad dialogue from Hayden, and the overuse of CGI
The sequels were absolute trash. The entire core was rotten and there are practically no redeeming qualities. The plot was trash, a boring reboot of the original series but made worse with retarded macguffins and plot points that never resolve. The only good thing was Kylo Ren (sometimes). So imagine this as an ending instead of Return of Skywalker: Everyone except Kylo dies, but he gets a redemption arc at the very end and defeats his own empire and becomes a wandering ronin; a guy with evil past leaves everything behind (the whole universe views Kylo as a villain, but they also think he's dead, like Hitler) and anonymously wanders the land doing good deeds to atone for his past actions. It's common trope in westerns and samurai films so it would have been a fitting end for the series since it started off by using those tropes
Wait what are we talking about? Here's an art that shows off both sides of IRyS.