Looks like the AR live is actually happening
In before it gets canceled due to COVID again
I think it's the opposite, for me this confirms what I have been theorizing for months, that the work the waves were doing back in october was for the AR live and then it took months for them to prepare it, or maybe they wanted to save it for the anniversary since the beginningThey definitely rushed this out to try and build back some trust with their shareholders. I'm expecting a shitshow.
Whatever the reason is, I should be happy we are FINALLY getting it and that it did not get cancelled after Selen's termination, but at this point I just feel... nothing, just frustration at the fact that it was just announced out of nowhere and I might miss it

Edit: I just also realized they did the same thing as last year where they packed a bunch of outfits/covers in one week/month instead of distributing it evenly in order to avoid droughts of content, I'm not gonna have time for everything. I don't have enough depressed takos to represent my sense of tiredness