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Not everyone visits the pippa containment facility and views the specimens within, or notices their occasional containment breaks into the other threads.
Huh, I didn't remember it being husk who shared that info... idk if my memory is failing me that fucking badly rn but I have the feeling somebody else came out with accusations against her in one of the side threads and then failed to provide any compelling evidence and we mocked them.
Not everyone visits the pippa containment facility and views the specimens within, or notices their occasional containment breaks into the other threads.
We also have someone begrudgingly posting an art commission of Yuko they'd already paid for, and a familiar face injects himself into conversations to explain the drama.
Good Lord, if she eats anymore she's going to have to molt! But that's an interesting thought, molted Matara, all white and soft... and squishy.... What's gotten into me tonight?
Also, the thing that she Tweeted about last night is that she got accepted into a university. Not her first choice, but one that's far away from home. This means she would be moving out. Says "Lia is going to be a big girl for the first time ever." She doesn't know if she'll accept yet, as there's a lot to consider. She intends to keep vtubing, no matter what. The only thing that might change is her streaming hours.
I think it's fair to be worried. But hey if her college works out and she is able to get a career that would be like 1 happy ending in Vtubing out of this giant shitshow lol
That's it? I thought "meat" was an analogy to "meat vtubers", as in the guro, violence-enjoyer ones, as if you drew (or physicalized) meat Pippa.
Homo alert I'm even inclined to say that's cute if you actually cook them and eat, or at least season it properly like tartar. It seems Funamusea, like other shitty artists, engages in scamming and holding others' money for them while they don't do shit
Now, dogpilling apart, Funamusea is a meaningful name in the indie sphere: she made popular cult games such as Wadanohara, Mogeko Castle and The Gray Garden, being outed as something close to a scammer but more of a mess of an individual is not a good outlook for her future endeavors. The breaking point was slutting herself - artistically of course - to Dokibird, to "get that clout", as the kids say:
I'm not against it, artists need to eat and value themselves, but doing so before delivering and outright lying about projects on her portfolio is appaling, something fans wouldn't consider much from someone who made her games.
I feel that this is relevant to vtubers because many L2D models weren't delivered or were outright cancelled, and as I said before her games are very popular in the niche. I feel that Bat would get a major hit from these news.
My moralistic view on this is that Reina is using her shortcomings as a reason to get some viewers in her channel, because the writing style reminds me of other bitches I've met through life by a lot, but I'm not insensitive enough to not consider Funa is in a terrible life condition, having conversations with death itself or my lack of meds.
PS: How do you fags archive in bunks? This took too much time.
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