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@The Proctor you might want to keep an eye on your inbox, I have the feeling a certain whorehouse will email you about a certain drooling mutt's post soon.
But her mother showing up to defend her honor is a new level of spergery you typically see with some lolcows and kind of makes me think there might be some fire to this smoke.
It kind of reminds me of the kind of shit that goes on in Ethan Ralph's extended family, except instead of having a soon-to-be father-in-law becoming an alog over plastic wrestling belts and escalating the situation, we have here a mother sycophantically 'defending her daughter' from the 'legion of trolls' and escalating the situation. Similar vibes.
@The Proctor you might want to keep an eye on your inbox, I have the feeling a certain whorehouse will email you about a certain drooling mutt's post soon.
Wow, I wasn't that interested in this cause I don't watch this one, bit now that there's a MOM involved....
Seriously though, this kind of "woman unhappy/man do bad" = "It's okay to cheat" seems to come up a lot from Moms, even if they're apparently loyal married women, it's very disturbing.
How many months has it been since the last VShojo drama? They just can't seem to keep it together for long. Either way, I'll be watching with great interest.
I don't know if I like Shinri's style. I'm watching his VOD and I feel like he tries to have the wholesome “OMG I love my bros” from Vesper, but it ends up sounding more like the “I'm super safe and comfy for you, super emotional and I cry for nothing, just like you” males feminists use. It makes me feel uncomfortable.
First we have Chase being outed as a dogfucker, then we have this shit happen. I don't like the fact that I've been the first one who's been breaking these things here. It makes me feel uneasy.
This is reason i can never truly quit this hobby shit like this is still what gives my soul fuel Happy 2023 folks lets see how much shit gets burned and retards being retards
I hope Froot has never filmed indecent videos of herself, because her mom picking a fight with every person she sees and making the drama even bigger will cause true autistic people to investigate. And we all know the power of finding any relic on the internet that autistic people have.
It's certainly a bit of a headrush when you first see it, it can be unreal seeing your name in credits. Even if you're just one of the hundreds of crew. Being a major title name is unfathomable, good job priestess.
So first we have surprise new Tempus members, then a Pippa anti doxed as a literal dogfucker, and now we have the retarded shit with Froot's mother... I propose we place bets as to what other completely insane bullshit will happen tomorrow and/or by the end of the week. This momentum in the industry is growing!
It's alright, I'll mirror the information I gathered back then to here. There's also some more extra stuff to the saga, so I guess this can serve as an update.
Well we can all agree that Nyanners wins 1st place and since Turkey Tom is getting bored of making nyanners videos and larps here this might give him more content and this thread will give some users general ideas about the other vshojo members. 1st Place Nyanners we already have a thread...
The Katz sperg then makes a part 2 video (catbox), going over her Facebook. View attachment 10299
After it is released, Cinnastixx returns to Varis, upset about the drama being drudged up.
Credit to this post , posting it here cause it's a pain to search for shit on the Fediverse Here's the twitter post: Archive of tweet Looks like it's not actually a lawsuit but a request from lawyers asking him to remove the Vshitshow logo...
And unless I'm missing something, I think this is where that story ends. Although, checking the Varis thread again for this post made me see something... It seems that Froot's goddamn real life mother is on Twitter attempting to fight the people making fun of her daughter for cheating on her husband?
a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a FROOT'S SUPPOSEDLY REAL MOTHER IS NOW ACTIVELY ARGUING WITH PEOPLE ABOUT HER DAUGHTER'S CHEATING. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING
@The Proctor you might want to keep an eye on your inbox, I have the feeling a certain whorehouse will email you about a certain drooling mutt's post soon.
It never ceases to amaze me how people never get that adding fuel to the fire just draws in more lol she could have said nothing and it'd have just been some comment spergs that no one saw unless they were looking for it, now there will be autists who get involved just because they smell blood in the water.
FWIW I believe the accusations, if for no other reason than it was /k/ autists who did the digging for the most part independent of /vt/, which just helped them connect what they already had to the vtuber persona. I could see some speds on the vtuber board having a bone to pick but the research seems to come from independent parties who aren't involved in her life as Froot they know her from before that moniker.
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