"Not everyone agrees with that perspective. There are many women who still value love, connection, and mutual care in relationships with men. I’m tired of the assumption that everyone thinks or should act the same"Saruei
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This seems crazy but I feel like I don't have enough context to really follow the story. It seems like nobody has NDAs, though, at least that they're respecting. Do you think any of these girls would be willing to come on a stream targeted at us foreigners and explain what happened here with as little Tagalog mixed in as possible?
according to the canva document that row4 put out isay and 2 others which i can presume are managers or such did sign an NDA to protect isays image which would then be breached by isay herself so they responded in kind
and honestly screenshots flying left and right is more or less a staple on these kinds of dramas in the ph chuuba community
as for them responding to any stuff you could maybe try to contact them as they are able to speak in coherent english i just dont know if they will respond positively on that
Proctor had a woman moment and banned all roleplay accounts. Todd survived by blending with the crowd and became @Shiori's Mistake. Hideo Kojima did not sadly
There's a reason why SEA is know for Seamonkeys and not something else. All SEA language sounds like monkey speak, and this is coming from a SEAmonkey himself.
Definitely not how I'd describe it. Imagine chinese, but they constantly spits/gagging while talking
Your only Thai source is cute vtuber girls, mines are memes.
Okay so apparently a huge chunk of the talents from a well respected pH vtuber agency(?) Is all pulling out and I was digging on what I could find and oh boy
So as I was crawling through my usual feed I saw something that was posted by doc shiori which actually got me curious on what the fuck is happening currently on the scene and oh boy tea is being served View attachment 60868
good morning I don't usually post about this stuff but anyway
So there was tea being splashed around last nigvht but I slept while learning about everything xD
Even though I didn't do anything, I was dragged
Along the issue as well
Calling me a cloutchaser and a gossip.ironic
After all that's been said and done, I do not want to associate with someone who backstabs and pulls down other vtubers.it was such a waste of your hard work
You boasted being about a community for phvtubers yet you talk shit about your fellow phvtubers.These people supported your community, helped with your events; some even defended you and this is how you repay them?
I'm sorry but that is disgusting behavior and I hope you do better
Which led me to open my Twitter to see what's happening there as my friend said that theres drama brewing about there as well
Which lead me to seeing other phchuubas calling out saysay and her catty behavior(not including doc)
Which also according to yabi includes money as well
Which is apparently animated scenes for the girls debut which she made back in fucking October and guess what
TL:the gist of it was a screenshot of someone inside saysayvts community outright saying that the bitch doesnt know graphics and has a lot of pending commissions
Which lead me to seeing this because apparently she did a stream about it but it's in twitch so fuck that shit
Which then lead me to this particular tweet with a fucking slide for a clapback on what the bitch was yapping about on that stream
Which then lead to the woman of hour posting this announcement a day ago
TL: I would like to let people know that I no longer wish to be associated with row4/v-vibes because they are faggots
I hope they change for the better and to not be an inconvenience to others
I love you all except for the people who have no respect and is using others to elevate their own winning horse
If you need clarifications about this matter, do not hesitate me dm me on Twitter or Facebook
Now going through her Facebook page announcement of this the people who are outright criticizing her are getting their comments deleted immediately so kek
As of this moment there's no activity on this bitch in both ends(fb,Twitter) so she's probably gonna DFE
All in all this is fucking gay and I'm infuriated that doc shiori was somehow dragged by this bitch when she literally did a donothon to save her patients life
ULTIMATE RRAT: Kiara kidnapped and has been keeping Gura in her basement for a year while making her pretend nothing is amiss due to her uncontainable menhera and jealous numberfagging, but Gura has been fighting back and refusing to stream more and more, after she refused to voice act on the sock puppet thing Kiara had enough and killed her, and the police just found the body.
This. My girlfriend switch from english to indo on the fly and I just tune out because I know some people do it (especially latinos) but fucking hell, you said half the sentence in english STAY IN ENGLISH.
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