Lap Gaming
Also there are a lot of MOBAfriends in the Asylum TYA for your explanations![]()
Don't thank me for wasting 13 years and $1200 on a MOBA.
Have you heard of Shadowrun?
I said this same thing.
Shadowrun is cyberpunk with actual magic.
I really wish it was more popular/well known over Cyberpunk 20##. Basic bitch cyberpunk is boring when you can have cyberpunk with fucking dragons.

Thing I'm curious about is if she still has interest in firearms and military, or if those are gone for good. Would like it if she'd state if such things will still be apart of her streams but just no longer the focus, or if she's dropped them entirely.
Maybe I'm reading more into it than I should, but I think the intent is more she doesn't want to be pigeon-holed to solely that kind of a focus and would like to be able to do other kinds of content without getting pushback from a viewer base with specifically that one interest. I don't think she's giving it all up, I just read it as she doesn't want to be just that.