Kson live event report:
* About two hours long
* In Ebisu Hall, a venue with a max capacity of 1500, the size of a school gym (no chairs)
* Venue was filled up but not Taylor Swift level packed
* Everyone was a hardcore kson fan, saw some silly costumes, a lot of suits and a surprising amount of women
* Merch line was enormous. They sold standees, keychains and a huge towel

* Kson started off with her two original songs
* Gaijin guy from the hardoff video was emcee
* Demondice Karen, Guutara, Giri were there the whole time. Henya and another vtuber I don’t remember we’re introduced early on and participated in the games
* Basically a hololive meetup
* Guutara is legitimately one of the prettiest women in Japan.
* Lots of teetee moments
* Karen downed two double size shots of Ksons sake back to back completely fearlessly “I love sake”
* Audience played bingo for some of ksons stuff
* Giri was very shy
* Henya friendzoned kson live on stage