Pomu really wants spaghetti.
Damn, Sonny's got her whipped

Please wipe your keayboard friend. Nice Ayame though!

As long as she can updog them in Japanese, she should be good.This whole tournament is in JP and Rosemi is very shy when speaking Japanese. Also she just got back from Japan, so she wouldn’t have had time to practice. I’m still upset we didn’t see Pomu in the prism cup, but the timing just didn’t line up. Hopefully if they hold another one she can join.
>Webecause dispite claims otherwise the vast majority of people here are just as judgmental as twittards/unicorns.
We did it to Kiara we did it to Cali we did it to Kyo and Flayon Aia Scarle (though that turns around fast) and Nina not necessarily in that order but you get the idea and no one wants to sit through an hour stream to discover first impressions are pretty shallow.
Speak for yourself, Yamanba femboy.