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The next user trial won't be held in the Penis Explosion Chamber, it'll be the Deer Damaging Dome. You successfully defeat one crazed ungulate in unarmed combat, your forum crimes are absolved and you are declared a Brave of the Asylum Tribe and get your coming-of-age tribal shank carved from the finest quality toothbrush.
Alex the seal tried to play MGS yesterday. It seemed to be running at maybe 75% speed and the sound was all broken up and distorted, and all the textures had the characteristic PlayStation wobble - I think it was literally using a poorly-optimized PlayStation emulator to play the original PlayStation disc. Lazy garbage. But we shouldn't have expected more from Konami.
The most likely scenario is that Konami has gone the lazyest way possible. That is, taking the PAL version of the game, that ran effectively at 25 FPS*, and plopped it into an emulator. They changed some text to reflect the PS5/Xbox buttons and called it a day.
And why would they go for the PAL version? Because that one has all the EU languages plus a language selector, so less shit to do.
*Back in the NTSC/PAL era, NTSC games ran at 480p60Hz and PAL at 576p50Hz so when they ported games to EU they could recode the game so the FPS align with the slower refresh rate, or what the majority of companies did, blow up the image to fill the higher resolution(or straight up leave black borders), and slow down the game to go from 60 to 50 Hz, which made 30FPS games run at 25 and 60FPS games at 50.
Humans' best matchup IS against large herbivores like deer, buffalo and now extinct megafauna, but that implies we have tools and teamwork which this tierlist does not.
Our worst enemy is actually small eusocial insects like bees that we can't easily bludgeon to death with a rock, make into shishkebab with sharpened sticks or trap using group tactics.
I have wrestled Moose (not bull moose thankfully) before. Admittedly I had clothes on and It did knock me over but really once you close in most of their offense is blunted they can only swing awkwardly at you and bite deer are made for flight for a reason and while I have not personally wrestled a Deer I know people who have.
Their legs are their greatest lifeline and are Fragile comparatively it's why we had to be careful handling them to not make any possible wounds worse.
I have wrestled Moose (not bull moose thankfully) before. Admittedly I had clothes on and It did knock me over but really once you close in most of their offense is blunted they can only swing awkwardly at you and bite deer are made for flight for a reason and while I have not personally wrestled a Deer I know people who have.
Their legs are their greatest lifeline and are Fragile comparatively it's why we had to be careful handling them to not make any possible wounds worse.
I have wrestled Moose (not bull moose thankfully) before. Admittedly I had clothes on and It did knock me over but really once you close in most of their offense is blunted they can only swing awkwardly at you and bite deer are made for flight for a reason and while I have not personally wrestled a Deer I know people who have.
Their legs are their greatest lifeline and are Fragile comparatively it's why we had to be careful handling them to not make any possible wounds worse.
Forest Hiking in general I'm not some wilderness badass just heavy with some common sense I basically sat on the thing (with some help) till actual professionals could arrive by time they did it had calmed down and they basically sent it on it's way.
I'd pour one out for a real one in Chad Wakawiiga but the rest of the degens on the reservation would be diving for the firewater before it soaked into the dirt.
never forget to take delays into account. It may have been planned for Krisis but too late to implement or dropped for other reasons but they liked it enough to try to use here I doubt thats what it is but it's worth bringing up.
fair point, considering Krisis literally had to go through a whole rehiring process (supposedly, if we were to believe the leaks were true).
there just seems to be so many behind the scenes work that looks to be almost surfacing (mostly luxiem noctyx by the sounds of it) people on twitter have been speculating a mix of vox big lore project, something that luca said will explain why he is busy, noctyx seems to be working towards a big project happening starting November (which the announcement for noctyx itself is going to happen sometime at the end of October) that it’s actually hard to pinpoint what exactly this cryptic tweet is
Alex the seal tried to play MGS yesterday. It seemed to be running at maybe 75% speed and the sound was all broken up and distorted, and all the textures had the characteristic PlayStation wobble - I think it was literally using a poorly-optimized PlayStation emulator to play the original PlayStation disc. Lazy garbage. But we shouldn't have expected more from Konami.
Calli is absolutely terrible at videogames, you should have see her on Twitchcon but is less her lack of skill and more she pass more time doing music and projects that playing them like us, the big difference between her and Phil (that people keep spamming his name on the chat for god know why) is that she know she suck but she also know that people dont mind watching her suck, while Phil rage and blame everything under the sun for sucking instead of admitting he suck
At least she learn infinitely more faster than Phil
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