"thhrang is a very, very good boy"The Proctor

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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Sky Shouter

Stupid by birth, manhera by the grace of God
Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
Hey Journoscum, I have a vital piece of information for you regarding this site:
Anyways, here's an important discussion between the homostars

Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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Raki released a new cover.

She's doing a guerrilla stream to talk about the cover.
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The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
Oh yeah, I forgot about this from last year. Neat.

>encouraging campaigns of harassment and abuse against other vtubers

name one, actual example of this that isn't just "saying mean things on the internet"
Shit guys, this one might be my bad. While I didn't start any harassment campaigns, I have partaken quite a bit, actually against one vtuber:

Kaneko Lumi.

It's just that sometimes, she's such a tard, that I have to join in with others in calling her a tard, lemon whore, and even throwing things at her avatar from time-to-time. I know I'm not supposed to touch the poop, but god damn, sometimes it's just too hard to resist making fun of her.

So sorry if I've brought any negative attention to this site, and I'm also sorry that I'm more than likely going to keep doing it. She's just so easy to poke fun at...

The Scream Guy

Genuinely Mentally Handicapped
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Anime Fan

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Airi cancelled her Dead Space stream for tonight because of Nvidia issues.

She also released her schedule for the week.

Clem the Gem

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You almost got me but I checked Chris's Twitter feed and that's not there. The all-digital art was my first clue, but I was at first willing to accept Chris picked up some new art techniques since his release.
Late reply, but...did you know there's an AI model for that?

I present to you:
(made using online tools at work instead of my own at home, so I did not even unleash my true power level)
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Lurker McSpic

We need to increase the hag population
Joined:  Mar 8, 2023
If shitting on yuri and hobo roza is considered harassment then I'm such an evil person oh no...

Also if this retardation were to take speed just remember that our dear groomer in chief lives in a shithole that jails people for what they say online, so him running a forum where people call fags eh fags with impunity he might be sent to super prison. Pray for him or not :whatastory:


Rrat Dissolver
Joined:  Jul 22, 2023

This is the worst graduation in the history of graduations, im crying, sobbing, on my knees. asking for a signal from god


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If shitting on yuri and hobo roza is considered harassment then I'm such an evil person oh no...

Also if this retardation were to take speed just remember that our dear groomer in chief lives in a shithole that jails people for what they say online, so him running a forum where people call fags eh fags with impunity he might be sent to super prison. Pray for him or not :whatastory:

@The Proctor's only two choices to not get prosecuted in his island shithole is either convert to Islam and claim this forum is an expression of his religious beliefs about gays and women or become a person of gender.

Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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If shitting on yuri and hobo roza is considered harassment then I'm such an evil person oh no...

Also if this retardation were to take speed just remember that our dear groomer in chief lives in a shithole that jails people for what they say online, so him running a forum where people call fags eh fags with impunity he might be sent to super prison. Pray for him or not :whatastory:
@The Proctor's only two choices to not get prosecuted in his island shithole is either convert to Islam and claim this forum is an expression of his religious beliefs about gays and women or become a person of gender.
I forgot he lived in bongland. Well, Ireland, but close enough.

El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
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Rat idol with a cover of IDOL.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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@The Proctor's only two choices to not get prosecuted in his island shithole is either convert to Islam and claim this forum is an expression of his religious beliefs about gays and women or become a person of gender.
For any tourists, let me sing you the song of my people:
لن تكوني أبداً امرأة حقيقية. ليس لديك رحم، وليس لديك مبيضين، وليس لديك بيض. أنت رجل مثلي الجنس حولته المخدرات والجراحة إلى استهزاء فج بكمال الطبيعة.
كل "التحقق" الذي تحصل عليه هو ذو وجهين ونصف قلب. من خلف ظهرك الناس يسخرون منك. يشعر والديك بالاشمئزاز والخجل منك، ويضحك "أصدقاؤك" على مظهرك الغول خلف الأبواب المغلقة.
الرجال ينفرون منك تمامًا. لقد أتاحت آلاف السنين من التطور للرجال اكتشاف عمليات الاحتيال بكفاءة مذهلة. حتى المتحولين جنسيا الذين "يمرون" يبدون غريبين وغير طبيعيين بالنسبة للرجل. هيكل عظامك هو هبة ميتة. وحتى إذا تمكنت من اصطحاب رجل مخمور معك إلى المنزل، فسوف ينصرف وينفجر في اللحظة التي يشم فيها نفحة من جرح الفأس المريض والمصاب.
لن تكون سعيدا أبدا. أنت ترسم ابتسامة زائفة كل صباح وتقول لنفسك إن الأمر سيكون على ما يرام، لكن في أعماقك تشعر بالاكتئاب يزحف مثل عشبة ضارة، وعلى استعداد لسحقك تحت وطأة الوزن الذي لا يطاق.
في نهاية المطاف، سيكون الأمر أكثر من اللازم - ستشتري حبلًا، وتربط حبل المشنقة، وتضعه حول رقبتك، وتغوص في الهاوية الباردة. سوف يجدك والديك حزينًا ولكنك تشعر بالارتياح لأنهما لم يعودا مضطرين للعيش مع العار وخيبة الأمل التي لا تطاق. سوف يدفنونك مع شاهد قبر يحمل اسم ميلادك، وسيعرف كل عابر سبيل لبقية الأبد أن هناك رجلًا مدفونًا هناك. سوف يتحلل جسدك ويعود إلى التراب، وكل ما سيبقى من تراثك هو هيكل عظمي ذكري بشكل لا لبس فيه.
هذا هو مصيرك. هذا هو ما اخترته. ليس هناك عودة الى الوراء.
إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ


in a toxic relationship with IRyS
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El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
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Neither IRyS nor Bae could save this shit song.
I like the song, personally, but it is pretty obviously tailored for Ikura's voice.

At least the MVs we have gotten out of it have been nice.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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Meanwhile in production kawaii


The goings-on of a dark grey company seem much less exciting after the quality implosion from a sheer black company like AkioAir.

El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Bae's a bit stupid, but, in her own words, in an endearing way.

foto_no_exif (13).png

Jolted Cookies

Ohmies don't snitch
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Aka Split

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