"Conversion therapy IKZ!"Lia Rinkou

Tora Karu, the 'No honey, we have Vox Akuma at home', and the Twitter Thot Chronicles

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Proctor's Note: this thread was initially envisioned solely to discuss Tora Karu, but after doing more research, it's clear to me this man is the quintessential example of a much bigger problem in the indie vtuber circle, and represents a behavioural sink that repeatedly ensnares both low-IQ men like him and many desperate, clueless women who have no idea how to function in society. Being an esteemed connoisseur of Mouse Utopia nonsense, I find this both fascinating and a great warning example for other people. Now, without further ado...

Ladies and gentlemen, I present unto you, for your delectation, the thirstiest vtuber in the universe. Grand master of rizzing extremely gullible Californian rainbows. Supreme Gentlemen towards ethots the world over. Professional bag-carrier for gyaru lolis. 600+ breeding targets and counting! Heifer hunter extraordinaire! Master purveyor of glorious Chinese-American MEAT to the inboxes of swooning heroines!




Tora Karu was a decently-sized male vtuber with an active following until very recently. His content was essentially Walmart Vox Akuma; generic gameplay footage interspersed with lewd ASMR streams from a passable-quality microphone, just sufficient to cause the panties of extremely closeted Chinese women to briefly moisten out of reflex.

The thing about Taro is that his content was not the primary draw, but instead his 'friend group'. By 'friend group', I mean the enormous numbers of women that he proactively courted or sent sexually explicit messages to. Now, you may be thinking 'oh Proctor why do you care, most male vtubers are creeps anyway'. However, the sheer magnitude and reach that Taro had is staggering. In my personal research, I have come across dozens of allegations of inappropriate behaviour against him. These are from both women and men, as well as 'genderfluid' vtubers whose biological sex is ambiguous. The scale of these claims is hilarious, painting a picture of a man who would wake up in the morning, open Discord or Twitter, and instantly start messaging his sexual thoughts to anyone and everyone on his contact list.

Additionally, Taro maintained various Twitter lists. Most notably his 'breeding list'. Though the exact contents are unknown, it included over 600 individual entries, plus another 800 in his 'harem'.

Even if you had no idea who Taro was before all this, you likely don't need to guess where we're headed. So I won't beat about the bush any more than he does on a daily basis. Ahem...

Pt 1: A Cow Said...
Democracy is one cow, one tiger, and a hundred seething vtweeters voting on who to cancel today.

But all of this is mere background to the events that would transpire in mid-March, which were kicked off when a vtuber named Lily posted a google document entitled 'my experiences with Tora Kura'. In this document, she describes how her and Karu met at AX anime convention, where they planned to have sex. While Lily claims to have been having second thoughts by the time of the convention, it was actually Karu who called the planned tryst off, citing a pre-existing relationship he intended to take seriously from now on. The document goes on to allege that in the evening, Karu sexually assaulted Lily by climbing on top of her and kissing her forcefully at their AirBnB, and that only the presence of a friend in another room prevented the situation from escalating.

This was first brought to my attention on TVAcord, and I quickly realized this was just perfect material for a stream. Therefore I switched around my schedule and settled in for a nice long read.

But before I could even begin my stream, two of the vtubers in TVAcord both commented that they had been in contact with Karu in the past. One had reacted to his erotic overtures by immediately blocking him, but the other, Koinuko Kotoku*, had conducted a lengthy correspondence with him and even met him in person at AX, the same location described in Lily's document. Now knowing I have one doozy of the stream on my hands, I asked if she would be okay talking about it, and hit Go Live.

The first part of the stream was fairly standard. My perspective immediately was the Lily came across as an extremely naïve and closeted individual who had been tricked into believing she had a chance with an obvious creep. The screenshots she provided in the document were crucial is establishing her side of the story, and given Karu's eventual reaction, were what convinced me this was more than a false allegation for clout. After about two hours of commentary, I had gotten through the document itself, and brought on Koinuko (timestamp).

What followed was a hilarious rollercoaster of increasingly insane discord screenshots shared from her personal DMs with Tora, which showcased just how damn horny this man was. The spoiler below this post contains all the ones uploaded to the Discord server.

Perhaps most entertaining of all however was Koinuko's description of the man himself. Before nuking his Twitter, Karu had posted a number of selfies. While I did not have a chance to archive them, I did show them on my stream (timestamp). As you can tell, he is not exactly Adonis given flesh again. He was also a Supreme Gentlemen in person, with Koinuko describing him as carrying her bags for her and helping find her safe places to walk in her heels, which she was unaccustomed to at the time. This will be a relevant data-point later.

* While she did enable Karu by not blocking him, I do not lump Koinuko in with the women whose behaviour I condemn below. Though I dislike crude and vulgar sexual discourse, she was never disingenuous and fully admitted she considered the whole thing a joke that was being blown massively out of proportion by deranged grifters.

View attachment 66379
(Yes, he seriously does actually offer her pictures of his feet for nudes:kaelalaugh:)

For extra content, it is vitally important to remember that the dates on these messages show that the same time Tora was busy convincing and manipulating Lily into having sex with him at AX, he was proactively encouraging and soliciting sexual attention from Koinuko, who was just one of many, many other vtubers he was doing this to simultaneously.

Now, this brings me to my first tangent of this thread. The fact that Karu was an extremely creepy person is not in question. However, the fact that he was enabled by so many people paints a very unpleasant picture of the indie vtuber scene, which is absolutely jam-packed with desperate 1 and 2-views doing everything from spicy ASMR to selling their bodies on OnlyFans to try and get ahead in the game. The only reason he got away with this behaviour for so long was that 1) nobody bothered doing more than block him, 2) there were many, many e-thots willing to tolerate and enable him in exchange for even the tiniest gram of success or connections.

Karu himself was a dead-end vtuber, never able to achieve more than 2-view and very low 3-view status with his work. However, his Twitter network was vast, and prior to deletion, his social media accounts were large and healthy. vTweeters, OF girls and confused rainbow introverts alike flocked to his banner, having been raised in a world that taught them social media likes & follows are worth any cost.

Pt 2: Hunting The Tiger Down.
A thousand whooping tribal vtweeters sharpen their spears and plunge into the jungle!

Let's switch back to the allegations themselves. A short while after Lily made her initial callout, Karu responded. His message was simply a link to a google doc containing a statement responding to Lily's own statement. tl;dr: He was DFE'ing and leaving forever, which he immediately proceeded to do. Unfortunately for him, he had no way to get rid of the vast, intricate network of Discord logs of his activities. Now that his actions had made him radioactive, seething vtweeters and sluts with nudes in their bio began coming out of the woodwork to weep and pity-bait over the unspeakable disgust and humiliation they felt at being told that the lewd content they released for men to masturbate over was, in fact, being used for its explicit and intended purpose.

Highlights from the resulting massive wave of callouts include the revelation that Kuro had been in extended contact with a minor. Here are the relevant embeds. It was also revealed that the 'steady relationship' he had decided to jilt Lily for was a 'male presenting genderfluid' called Mezuki Nemu. Nemu proceeded to release its own document.

To my direct knowledge, 15+ vtubers have come out stating that Taro sent them sexually explicit material, and it is very likely dozens of others have yet to speak up. While I find it highly amusing how many e-thots are using his corpse for clout, the fact every single one of them can provide receipts shows how stupid Taro was, and his inability to ever delete any incriminating material about himself.

Astute readers may notice a striking contrast between the Karu of the online world and the Karu described in real life. The most likely explanation for this in my mind is drugs; several vtubers have claimed Karu was often spending money on illicit substances. The details are fuzzy, but I would speculate it is quite possible Kura is a pothead, and his raging libido that seems to disappear entirely in person is due to doing large amounts of weed and hentai while alone, but deciding to abstain during conventions like AX when such habits would risk his ability to attend. This is, of course, a rrat, but a plausible one in my eyes.

Pt 3: A Cow in a China Shop
How to dismantle a fool-proof position in one easy livestream.

A few hours after my initial livestream ended, Total Taro Death reigned supreme. His rebuttal had been weak and ineffectual, and not a single person seemed ready to leap to his aid or refute the accusations against him. It is unlikely many had even read his document, since at this point the 'believe all victims' narrative was in full swing. Had Lily stayed silent at this juncture or confined herself to twitter posting, it is absolutely certain nobody would have questioned her narrative for months at least.

Unfortunately, Lily is an idiot, and just had to livestream about the document hours after releasing it. This is where her side of the story collapses completely. I was unfortunately unable to catch the first bit of her livestream, but was eventually alerted to the unfolding disaster by members of TVAcord. So I tuned in, and within five minutes, I was posting things like this;


Over the course of about four hours, Lily rambles incoherently about various leftist nonsense like 'victim blaming', calling out my stream in particular as something she was unable to even sit through for more than a few minutes at a time. Her entire narrative is that she was sexually assaulted by Taro and how deeply traumatizing the event has been, completely contradicting her own written statement that she had more or less forgotten the incident until others told her it was an assault. She spends an inordinate amount of time nit-picking and disseminating on the various facts of the event, muddying the waters and saying things that strongly imply a different intent behind her actions than claimed in her document.

It is, in brief, one of the most prolonged Woman Moments I have had the displeasure of witnessing in video form. If anyone wishes to do a more in-depth analysis of the stream, there is an audio version archived in the relevant Google drive. Here is a link to a download of the full video, though it is not mine and may go down at any time.

Pt 4: Where Are They Now?
Ramifications, Recriminations & Retarded Replications.

While there were many people who took Lily's side initially, some voices dissented from the majority opinion. These voices grew considerably louder after her own livestream, which neatly divided bystanders along ideological lines; the hardcore #BelieveAllWomen types, and basically anyone else who could understand what it would it be like if they hadn't had breakfast the day before. One of the loudest voices of dissent was the Under The Tea Podcast, which called Lily out for her behaviour. Having spoken to a few members of this podcast before, I had assumed they were hardened enough to the realities of Twitter to stand by their position in the face of backlash. Unfortunately this wasn't the case, and they ended up deleting their thread on the topic. I fully admit fault in not archiving it, and would appreciate it if anyone more suspicious than me had any decent screenshots of the event.

Lily for her part blocked me on Twitter (of course) and with Taro deleting everything, it seems as if their part of the saga is over for now.

... Which just leaves us with the copycats. Specifically, we have the wonderful Akka Rui, who accused vtuber Smoosh of... honestly I'm not even sure at this point. As a tl;dr: Akka was a 19 year old who lied to Smoosh about being 20, then engaged in a consensual online relationship that ended with them meeting in real life and having sex. After describing how she consented multiple times and providing numerous screenshots testifying to how consensual their relationship was, Akka attempts to clumsily call Smoosh a rapist and a paedophile because he had a dakimakura of an anthro mouse character. She somehow ignores the fact that Smoosh's vtuber avatar was almost identical to this character anyway, and that she'd only had sex with him after a months-long relationship as vtuber friends.

An additional bizarre accusation Akka makes in her rambling document is that Smoosh refused to ban a member of his community who had a link to pornographic material in his profile somewhere. What makes this so absurd is that sentences earlier, Akka admits Smoosh's community was closed to minors, while hers was open to minors. It was only when Akka raided Smoosh's community that one of her underage community members was exposed to this material, meaning she was the one at fault the entire time.

For his part, Smoosh responded very well to this accusation, simply supplying receipts that their relationship was indeed consensual and treating it all as a joke. Less than 48 hours later, after I had a chance to do a whole stream about the ridiculous nature of the accusations, Akka Rui chose the Tora route and deleted her Twitter account.

This brings us to the 'you are here' point of the saga, with everyone more or less having gotten the affair out of their system. For my part, this was a hilarious rollercoaster of insanity that resulted in two streams that were tremendously fun bits of self-indulgence. Tora has yet to resurface, but everyone I've spoken to says it's only a matter of time. Until then, I feel the events of the last week deserved memorialization in this thread.

Beyond laughing at all involved, I do also feel profoundly sorry for the twitter generation. Not for anything they do, but because they are products of a totally broken society that has raised them to believe this gibberish is the basis for a lifestyle. What disturbs me the most is that in Lily's case, she fully admits she had mostly forgotten and moved past the incident with Tora until her friends encouraged her to view it as a sexual assault. Since then, she has continued doubling and tripling down on these allegations, even while failing to provide evidence for any of them.

When I have children, Tora's story will be one I relay to them when they're old enough. I will use it to help them understand why dating and hooking up online can only ever turn out badly for you. Hopefully this saga will prove to be amusing for those reading it, but also, potentially, just a tiny bit educational as well...
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The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Reserved for future potential developments.
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Nigel Nigerman

bitch please, yo mom's ghey.
Joined:  Dec 22, 2022
I watched the drama unfold in YT. It was... Enlightening.


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
This is why I watch Hololive. Vtubing should've stayed in Japan...


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
The part that sticks out to me about this, and so many other "sexual misconduct" callouts, is that so many of these women play along with it, then later change their mind and try to reframe the narrative.

This is not one degenerate preying on 600 innocent victims, this is a community of 601 degenerates who, at least at one point, could be reasonably assumed to all be into it. I think it's important to acknowledge the fact that while a lot of people on the forum are (understandably) repulsed by this kind of promiscuity, these actions take place in a culture where it's the norm, and no-one seemed to "opt out" by telling him to knock it off in these chatlogs - even Lily's supposed disgust at him jerking off to her voice was delivered in the same cutesy all-caps surprised tone as their earlier flirting. If he was doing this with as many partners as it appears then it was clearly working for him a lot of the time, and I don't have it in me to get mad at the digital equivalent of a rockstar fucking his groupies after a show.

I just really hate how the ~believe victims~ mentality has muddied the water with this shit. No means no, it's a crystal-clear boundary that you don't want the situation to escalate any further, and if someone oversteps that boundary then their behaviour is abusive and they deserve the condemnation they get. But you have to actually say no.

Black Sheep

Joined:  Jun 26, 2023
Pretty embarrassing for the female species as a whole that this dude managed to unironically crush pussy for quite a while. Do better ladies.

Sky Shouter

Stupid by birth, manhera by the grace of God
Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
The part that sticks out to me about this, and so many other "sexual misconduct" callouts, is that so many of these women play along with it, then later change their mind and try to reframe the narrative.

This is not one degenerate preying on 600 innocent victims, this is a community of 601 degenerates who, at least at one point, could be reasonably assumed to all be into it. I think it's important to acknowledge the fact that while a lot of people on the forum are (understandably) repulsed by this kind of promiscuity, these actions take place in a culture where it's the norm, and no-one seemed to "opt out" by telling him to knock it off in these chatlogs - even Lily's supposed disgust at him jerking off to her voice was delivered in the same cutesy all-caps surprised tone as their earlier flirting. If he was doing this with as many partners as it appears then it was clearly working for him a lot of the time, and I don't have it in me to get mad at the digital equivalent of a rockstar fucking his groupies after a show.

I just really hate how the ~believe victims~ mentality has muddied the water with this shit. No means no, it's a crystal-clear boundary that you don't want the situation to escalate any further, and if someone oversteps that boundary then their behaviour is abusive and they deserve the condemnation they get. But you have to actually say no.
Consider the kind of women who become vtubers: many are socially maladjusted weeb girls with few real-life friends and even fewer positive experiences with the opposite sex, and who basically grew up online, where idiotic ideas (such as "retroactive consent" and "you are always the victim") that would be laughed at in a real personal conversation are parroted unopposed in hugboxes like Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, and Instagram. It's not the least bit surprising that when a seemingly charming guy slides into their DMs they would be gullible enough to go along with whatever degenerate thing he wants them to do, only to turn around and call up a lynch mob when someone in their circle says "YOU WERE GROOMED!"

To those women who aren't like this, I salute you, but let's be honest and admit the scene is saturated with people like this. If it weren't, there's no way this man-bun wearing chink would have been so prolific.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
Consider the kind of women who become vtubers: many are socially maladjusted weeb girls with few real-life friends and even fewer positive experiences with the opposite sex, and who basically grew up online, where idiotic ideas (such as "retroactive consent" and "you are always the victim") that would be laughed at in a real personal conversation are parroted unopposed in hugboxes like Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, and Instagram. It's not the least bit surprising that when a seemingly charming guy slides into their DMs they would be gullible enough to go along with whatever degenerate thing he wants them to do, only to turn around and call up a lynch mob when someone in their circle says "YOU WERE GROOMED!"

To those women who aren't like this, I salute you, but let's be honest and admit the scene is saturated with people like this. If it weren't, there's no way this man-bun wearing chink would have been so prolific.
That's a big part of the problem, that these people are able to retreat into these excuses, rather than accepting that they themselves made a mistake.

Usual jokes aside, I'm incredibly sceptical of grown adults in first world countries claiming to have been groomed in general, outside of very extreme cases where their parents/creepy uncle/trafficker etc. kept them locked in a basement until the age of 26 or whatever. Abusers are able to take advantage of children and younger teenagers as they are naïve and are very unlikely to understand the physical and social implications of sexual relationships, which is why any civilised society draws a line in the sand at an appropriate age and rightfully condemns adults who cross that line to exploit younger people's vulnerability like this. But the age of consent carries a second implication - that once you are of legal age, you are responsible for your own decisions. If you're nineteen years old you can make an informed decision on whether to advance a relationship or not, and while you may regret it later, if you were cool with it at the time you can't take-backsies later.


my pronouns are re/tard/fag/got
Joined:  Jan 4, 2024
Consider the kind of women who become vtubers: many are socially maladjusted weeb girls with few real-life friends and even fewer positive experiences with the opposite sex, and who basically grew up online, where idiotic ideas (such as "retroactive consent" and "you are always the victim") that would be laughed at in a real personal conversation are parroted unopposed in hugboxes like Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, and Instagram. It's not the least bit surprising that when a seemingly charming guy slides into their DMs they would be gullible enough to go along with whatever degenerate thing he wants them to do, only to turn around and call up a lynch mob when someone in their circle says "YOU WERE GROOMED!"

To those women who aren't like this, I salute you, but let's be honest and admit the scene is saturated with people like this. If it weren't, there's no way this man-bun wearing chink would have been so prolific.
Yeah this does happen a lot in the scene where an attractive sleezy charismatic guy joins the VTuber scene and starts flirting with girls. In any other normal situation he would just be a casual hookup or a one night stand, but when it comes to online interactions with mentally ill woman they kind of drag things along and feed into it.


Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
This is why I watch Hololive. Vtubing should've stayed in Japan...
Do I need to remind you about ryona vtuber? Meiro Asahina? Rushia?:SelenHAHAhere:

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
Early Adopter
Joined:  Oct 10, 2022

Zyklon Mag

This magmite stares at gays
Joined:  Sep 14, 2023
Tangentially related, but some random makes fun of the sex pestery being exposed/male indie pick meism and people get mad at him.


Pig in human clothing
Joined:  Oct 3, 2022
The part that sticks out to me about this, and so many other "sexual misconduct" callouts, is that so many of these women play along with it, then later change their mind and try to reframe the narrative.
Yes also mean no, chud. Even if there is signed paperwork, yes can turn into no. Look it up.
In related news, once I have had to use a certain number of HORRIFIED stickers, do I start getting them free of charge?
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