I was already against letting more jeets in due to the fact they made their country a literal shithole and we try to keep that shit exclusive to california but damn now I have data to back up my racism.There's been a number of recent suits/settlements about big tech hiring discrimination. It's pretty nuts.
That's just the first one I remember off rip. The other big meme in all this is the damn jeets keep breaking civil rights law due to their autistic caste system.Apple reaches $25M settlement with the DOJ for discriminating against US residents during hiring
This is the largest amount that the DOJ has collected under the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act.www.engadget.com
>Cisco hire tons of jeets
>The new jeets do hiring now
>Only willing to hire "lightskin" jeets
>"Dark" jeet said "saar I take u 2 court"
>Cisco loses some money darky jeet money good
Disgusting shit frfr
They all have to go back.