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Sep 13, 2022
Meat Pippa isn't stinky, she's aromatically affluent.In my heart of hearts I imagine Pippa is stinky. Her home must smell as well, not necessarily due to her personal poor hygiene, but due to the large number and variety of animals she keeps about. In this way, Pippa is a jeet.
She's not actually ignoring Lumi's DMs, she's just calling her a bitch lasagna for not showing bobs and vagene.
That's just a gay jewish way of saying you agree, but you like the way she be stankin'.Meat Pippa isn't stinky, she's aromatically affluent.
No, you're wrong. Meat Pippa smells of strawberries as she has said that's the body wash she uses and she buys herself fancy washes and sponges to encourage herself to use them more often so she's extra clean.That's just a gay jewish way of saying you agree, but you like the way she be stankin'.
You could've just postedand it would've been less creepy
No, you're wrong. Meat Pippa smells of strawberries as she has said that's the body wash she uses and she buys herself fancy washes and sponges to encourage herself to use them more often so she's extra clean.
u want 2 fuck a jeetNo, you're wrong. Meat Pippa smells of strawberries as she has said that's the body wash she uses and she buys herself fancy washes and sponges to encourage herself to use them more often so she's extra clean.
Yes, lots of wonderful things.
Meat Pippa isn't a jeet!u want 2 fuck a jeet
As we can't determine the actual existence of the Meat Pippa in Meat Space, only Mind Pippa exists, based on the years of facts before me, it is my expert opinion she is a jeet and you want to fuck her. Unlucky. Enjoy the stench I guessMeat Pippa isn't a jeet!
We have literally witnessed meat Pippa's beautiful creepy little hands and adorable feet and both were alabaster pale. You have failed in your slonder.As we can't determine the actual existence of the Meat Pippa in Meat Space, only Mind Pippa exists, based on the years of facts before me, it is my expert opinion she is a jeet and you want to fuck her. Unlucky. Enjoy the stench I guess
A brahmin physique is still a jeet make, sir. Those too were just digital renderings of purported meat flesh, could've been that AI the jeet is so fond of... Lest you come before us now and claim to have stalked the meat Pippa in her meaty flesh to report that she is of White origins, nothing streamed could be taken as certain.alabaster pale.
You sir are a slonderous villain and a scoundrel.A brahmin physique is still a jeet make, sir. Those too were just digital renderings of purported meat flesh, could've been that AI the jeet is so fond of... Lest you come before us now and claim to have stalked the meat Pippa in her meaty flesh to report that she is of White origins, nothing streamed could be taken as certain.
Attacking a True and Honest reporter of fact will do you no favors in this Court of Truth, nor the Court of Public Opinion. If all you have left is to attack my character, I'm afraid we all now may conclude: you want to fuck a stinky stinky jeet... Maybe the other Jeets were right, Jews and Jeets are a match made in Heaven (hell).You sir are a slonderous villain and a scoundrel.
So there's a hierarchy for the meat pippa's body parts... And her feet rank higher than her hands.We have literally witnessed meat Pippa's beautiful creepy little hands and adorable feet
Thank you for subscribing to the Truth of Jeetpa
Okay, I've still been thinking about this because I really want to try getting a ball rolling on something relatively soon so that time doesn't creep up on us like it did last year. Earlier I had an idea, inspired by the fact someone earlier in the thread was trying to make a Phase RPG, but cancelled it - what if instead of a ground-up game, we repurpose some concepts and make a mod (or map) for a game this year? Those are character/enemy designs and sheet art, sitting here within this very thread, waiting to be potentially riffed on for other purposes (assuming of course @ChilChakSack wouldn't mind that idea since it is his art, and also the RPG maker guy hasn't been online in a year).
I don't really have any true experience with modding anything myself, but I think we may have enough talent to make something work? I do like the idea of perhaps a DOOM WAD? I'm throwing everything at the wall here including the kitchen sink - we have folks like @Security who knows a lot about Doom, and I'm also pretty sure @RedRage has talked about modding before. Would this be reasonable to achieve homegrown?
The main issue I see right now is we need to get something started or at least in heavy brainstorming phases to gain momentum.
e: After thinking about it even more, I think I really do like the idea of a Doom WAD. As I said, we could utilize/repurpose/Doomify ChilChakSack's enemy ideas, and the setting could be a huge demonic Walmart or some shit to loop it in with a running joke. There are also users who are really good at pixel art, like @somethingfarworseinthehorizon, and again ChilChak himself too. The background music could be Doomified PTR. And we could even make a short 'behind the scenes' pamphlet thing too with the art of the enemies and some of its' development process in a similar vein to the aesthetic stylings of last year's cookbook (though obviously not as long)? There are a lot of opportunities with this idea, like having an actual secret room where the credits are hidden too (which is where some forum circlejerking would be more acceptable, I suppose). KF has had Doom WAD Community Projects before (and has a dedicated thread for modding too) - I don't see why we couldn't do something similar.
I've often thought about a Phase Connect Doom MOD, and the ideas bounce around in my head. It'd be more extensive than just a single map, and involving all Phase members. However, the technical requirements are beyond me, and my experience with modding (mainly Half-Life) was not in coding or art but in design, map making, and sound - and all of this was over twenty years ago.
With the right team (artist or two, a coder, someone to assist in sound and map making), I could probably help in making a solid single map TC for the anniversary. Focus would be on making amusing and good feeling weapons, an interesting and challenging level, and creative and distinct enemies (these would be other Phase members, like an angry Tenma throwing beer bottles at you). I could see all this being done in a few months.
If you need some art, you know who to call. If you go the DOOM route, I actually have some experience with that. I lead a team working on a project in the DOOM engine, so if you need some extra help (small help, mind you, they're busy with our project) I can hit up my team.
If anyone here has any modding experience or general coding / mapmaking / sound experience and is interested, or if you're another artist who may want to contribute ideas (this is the area I am least worried about tbh, since we do have a whole lot of artists around in general), feel free to post your interest & ideas in that thread. If we can actually get a team assembled, I have faith in our ability to produce kino - we've done it twice before, we can do it again.