Pippa also said she didn't want them to just have a podcast of them talking, because to her that's just a collab that she can easily do, she wanted to do a shit ton of other stuff taking advantage of the format that is a podcast, despite the fact that people just wanted Pippa and Lumi to talk on stream. It wasn't that she didn't have time, it was that she was trying to make it something that it never should have been, and then when it couldn't work that way, she decided to just cancel the entire thing. It never needed actual prep-work, she made it so that it actually did, so if she complained about being the one that had to do all the prep-work, she's the one who put herself in that situation.Pippa also said that she would have had to do all the prep-work for yabcast, because she's the one that knows what podcasts are. It probably sounded fun at the time, but then the reality of her time getting sucked away over and over set in. Pippa has also become more into her life and taking care of herself over the years, so she has even less time to sink into optional projects.