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Not like an ostensible JP deciding to stream in English instead after a bit of acclimatisation and recognising her audience doesn't have precedent in Phase.
I think clara is gonna end like pikamee where 90% of her audience ended up being eop's. Japs are too bitchmade that will stop commenting eventually and clara is just gonna be speaking japanese to a full english chat and I've already seen it happen on outlast.
I agree with this assessment. But it's too early to judge the effectiveness or success of fish's japanese incursion.
An instant success it obviously wasn't, but nobody expected that. I'd like to see if they do manage to court some kind of long-term dedicated JP fanbase or just end up defaulting to catering to the EOPs.
Wait, I don't get it, are you angry that Beryl might have a shot at reaching a wider audience in japan? Does it really matter what language chat speaks for the most part.
I think this is a fine beginning. Anyone apart from Clara gets barely any en chat, and even when they overlap(and man do they overlap a ton), talents held around 300-400 ccv. Unless they have 200-250 en lurkers, they are doing better than origins girls (except maybe Nasa I'm unsure of her ccv) who generally have higher en presence in their streams.
Four 3 view talents is a good start for a community that wasn't anything more than a handful of people. Clara being like pikamee is not ideal, if she ends up that way, but its not a disaster either. Her worth is more than bilinguality imo.
If this is about her JP proficiency, cant say anything, but otherwise its normal i think. People who have 80 ccv dont need to check chat that often. She just needs to adjust to the bigger audience and chat she has now.
I'll clarify for the severly autistic. I'm not actually mad at anyone, it's a bit. Im just annoyed the universe decided to cockblock me in this way.
My worry is that clara's might end up doing mediocre numbers again when the girl should be doing top talent numbers. Great for me if she becomes pikamee but I rather have her succeed in jp if that's what she want. If she wants that she needs to commit and cut the filthy gaijins hard and fast.
My worry is that clara's might end up doing mediocre numbers again when the girl should be doing top talent numbers. Great for me if she becomes pikamee but I rather have her succeed in jp if that's what she want. If she wants that she needs to commit and cut the filthy gaijins hard and fast.
Her Japanese isn't good enough to do that.
If it's visa reasons then hopefully the Pikamee route will be enough to satisfy Japanese immigration. She's making enough tax money for the country which is the main thing.
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