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She was one of the first gens in Tsunderia, which never really had that extensive of marketting. The small corpo world now is definitely different than it was in 2021.
This reminds me if a janitor at work back in the day. He simped hard for a co worker of mine who was the most obnoxious person I ever had the pleasure of working with. She was also married to an older man who did not work. He would always hang around and creep, but she was too much of a hyper active fuckwit to notice.
I think he's mods all of PC, but some of them (Lia?) doesn't like him so he doesn't show up, he's probably still got the wrench though. Fucking king shit trannie Jannie,
making Henri RIGHT wtf
I can only assume the saplings/fauna fans have spread the "tears of joy" thing they do into other groups and its starting to become a general thing that will be asscosicated with vtuber fans.
I think he's mods all of PC, but some of them (Lia?) doesn't like him so he doesn't show up, he's probably still got the wrench though. Fucking king shit trannie Jannie,
making Henri RIGHT wtf
Far as I know he has wrench everywhere, he seems either to spineless to deal with Pippa's fans or she told him to keep quiet as he is pretty much never seen there.
Fucker probably wouldn't be so disliked if he wasn't the biggest attention whore with a broom this side of a Resetera thread.
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