All this karaoke is for Jelly.
Very wholesome. Nice that Jelly has the Invaders there for her.
Watching/listening to Lumi, sounds like the Invaders collab should be a-go, though Lumi may not stream it herself. So not only will Jelly be back, and hopefully doing better now, but we'll be getting an Invaders collab, which I'm always a fan of.
Also, Lumi beat Titanfall 2, cried a bunch, and was coping a bunch about eventually being able to play Titanfall 3. She's also starting early tomorrow to try and beat KCD2. Sounds like she'll be moving onto Black Ops 3 afterwards just to be able to continue with the Black Ops storyline, though she knows it supposedly is horrible (I wouldn't know, I stopped playing CoD after BO2 and only have 3 for zombies).
Here's her current gamelist of finished and future games to play:
You may notice that Civ 7 is crossed out. While she did give criticism during her sponsored stream of it, she listed both negatives and positives about it during it and did say she liked more about it than 6, which she hated. Well, today she also just flat out said it was shit too. Not sure if she played more of it off-stream, but I guess we won't be saying anymore of that. I think Jelly also said she didn't like it, but I could be wrong on that.