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In her words they PROMISED not to do it, like i told people here on discord PROMISES are not contracts, and as i suspected they went full snakes and used a gentlemen agreement to just fuck her over, their lawyers went "ok we did not sign anything that say we cant so fuck it we ball we have more money anyway"
this was said during the impromptu live react stream yesterday right? I wouldn't quibble about her wording too much if so since she was on the verge of a panic attack and stumbling over her words.
this was said during the impromptu live react stream yesterday right? I wouldn't quibble about her wording too much if so since she was on the verge of a panic attack and stumbling over her words.
Life isnt fair but its quite hard to see Elira being dropped by her most loyal fans due to being a traitor but LuxiemSisters came out to deepthroat Anycolor
In her words they PROMISED not to do it, like i told people here on discord PROMISES are not contracts, and as i suspected they went full snakes and used a gentlemen agreement to just fuck her over, their lawyers went "ok we did not sign anything that say we cant so fuck it we ball we have more money anyway"
Nope, she stated that they signed it between her, her lawyer, and their lawyers that this was never supposed to be released to anyone else during the stream.
Pipkun's brain is fried by all the weed he's smoked. I have a begrudging respect for the guy but sometimes he just can't shut up. He gets off on baiting too much.
I think he's coming at it from a management "what is the extent of what we can get away with without proveably violating the law", Lucy Pyre's Advocate position, which he's not wrong to do. I'm not sure that the company disclosing part of the provided materials is legally actionable, as there's no protective order in place. It's bad practice, and may inhibit the ability to have frank exchanges going forward, but as I said in response to people's previous criticisms of Pipkun, just because something is bad practice doesn't mean it's illegal.
Everyone is expecting the collapse of EN to lead to the overall collapse of Niji when they have countless other JPs that print more money than EN ever will
if anything they could weasel the smash hit of the Luxiem boys with fujos in a relatively short time frame making up for whatever they spent for EN as a whole, i dont think a chunk of JPs have that "Kaiganiki" audience like most of Holo does either, so unless this somehow resonates with JP bros then Niji will just retreat to its homeland and keep selling shit there
Life isnt fair but its quite hard to see Elira being dropped by her most loyal fans due to being a traitor but LuxiemSisters came out to deepthroat Anycolor
trust me, it was very hard to click unsubscribe and cancel membership right after her stream. i don't even watch selen that often, but every statement in that stream was the last straw.
"Collapse" is probably going a little far unless JPs start joining Chihiro soon. It's possible, but until that happens, it can keep going without an EN branch.
The investors won't like it, and the previous buyback means it's actually to a significant extent Niji's loss (with the caveat that stock value losses aren't real losses unless sold), but a collapse is, for the time being, wishful thinking.
trust me, it was very hard to click unsubscribe and cancel membership right after her stream. i don't even watch selen that often, but every statement in that stream was the last straw.
I just realized, my homie @soap suds hasn't been seen in almost two weeks. I hope he's doing well. This is probably the one of the few things worse than a graduation to happen to your oshi. (The other being termination)
I'm not sure that the company disclosing part of the provided materials is legally actionable, as there's no protective order in place. It's bad practice, and may inhibit the ability to have frank exchanges going forward, but as I said in response to people's previous criticisms of Pipkun, just because something is bad practice doesn't mean it's illegal.
It may not be illegal, but it makes you look much worse in court which is quite enough by itself. And now, tardsanji twice went with public accusations first, which is one of the biggest faux pas.
Brought to you by one of those Internet celebs who have to talk about everything notable and trending online nowadays or risk losing that delicious engagement.
a song cover that shows two ex-members as good people for a couple of seconds? better private that shit ASAP
a 15 min video of your biggest names self-reporting and shitting on a beloved ex-member while said member is starting a stream to get away from all of this? we better feature that shit on every account possible.
Nijisanji is malicious as fuck and i hope someone hacks their domain emails and leaks everything to the greater masses.
Damn reading the 15 pages since I went to bed yesterday, I didn't know this place had so many fucking lawyers, with all of you we could form Inmate & Inmate LLC.
I just realized, my homie @soap suds hasn't been seen in almost two weeks. I hope he's doing well. This is probably the one of the few things worse than a graduation to happen to your oshi. (The other being termination)
Damn reading the 15 pages since I went to bed yesterday, I didn't know this place had so many fucking lawyers, with all of you we could form Inmate & Inmate LLC.
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