"Buckbreak the fish"Kirschey

MikeNeko Fiasco Thread - 2022 strikes back as MafuMafu and Rushia were married and divorced since her termination - Ongoing Defamation Suit


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
not even that im still looking for other ways to say it

language is fun


Edit : i cant link the website i think?


Edit 2 : well take the actual video i guess
Last edited:


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
As sad as it is to say

How many months until someone links a JAV with Mike in it because she has no other career path?
i mean she did do voice work in that shitty asmr hotspring isekai whatever the fuck thing. even if this goes full public and not just online public there will always be jobs.
while i am skeptical of the details and most of his claims, lying about a marriage is pretty wild. I dont think even korekore is dumb enough to do that. Same with the other article. That part of the whole thing should be acknowledged as fact. The two menhera married and now they are in a public divorce dispute.
thats the thing though unless rushia can produce counter evidence to even the wildest claims it might as well be true damage to the reputation is done and people who know her know her well enough that some of this shit is very plausible.

I Garentee you some of this shit is made up I also guarenty they are banking on the true stuff to give the made up shit credibility.
English drama tubers aren't going to have any real sources for this and mostly just repeat whatever random things they read, so I don't really put any weight to anything they say.

Also, since I haven't seen anyone mention it so far, Mikeneko is currently going on her third week of being hospitalized for intestinal problems that rendered her unable to eat, so this drama popping up now is horrible timing and will probably end up having some bad results.
Your right. But. Drama does not need sources screaming loudly into the void works better then any proof could thats why FalseFag and HEY NO have "succsesss" as youtubers.
At this point I'm just impressed at how many ways there are to say it
that's the short list.


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I mean, I would wait for a better debunk than a blurry image from a stream that is now deleted and there is no way to verify where it's from and when it was taken other than "trust me bro". Or saying "they weren't married because he said so before" when mafumafu admits he lied about not being married. Which, you know, eliminates the implied contradiction. But realistically, from now on everything said is just speculations until we somehow learn the details of a lawsuit and/or Rushia tries to sue him herself
The only two major points to why he wouldn't lie so blatantly is 1) in Japan you will likely lose in court, even if what you said is factually correct if they can show it damaged the reputation. 2) He is actively sabotaging his own career and fujo engagement by admitting to being married and lying to his fans about it. Now, I do not believe even for a second how he is alleging Cover asked him not to talk about it, with "other parts related to her" line, or the part about not being able to love before, or that he isn't blowing it out of proportions about how bad she was and how awful he felt. But even if you remove the entirety of hardly verifiable fluff, the biggest parts are still damning. She married a guy; he, not her, filed a divorce; all while both of them were milking parasocial fans with promises of love and affection and literal wedding rings.
Why go public with this now? You can't argue her reputation is in the gutter already, and unlikely to improve. She consistently gets involved in scandals, with recent one being trying to imply she got ghosted in vshojo, with all evidence pointing to contrary. If she can't show she suffered any kind of damages from it, she will have a hard time getting compensation. Or he went "fuck it" and fully prepared to pay for as long as court still finds his claims to be true


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Joined:  Jul 25, 2023
Femboy Prime really went the Full Destiny with buying a Cuckshed for his "'wife" to get fucked in, huh

I Wanna Die

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Joined:  Nov 15, 2023
Mafu didn't name Rushia as the wife and a bunch of stuff doesn't make sense for it to be her.

Short list:
1. Mike and Mafu knew each other before the September date given for him meeting the wife.
2. Mafu (and Korekore for that matter) previously denied they ever lived together in the aftermath of their drama.
3. Mike was having a mental breakdown as Rushia about never being able to get married and dying alone just 2 weeks before the GTA stream.

Korekore is doing his usual routine of vaguely baiting for views to hype the stream he's doing on it tomorrow.
It would be the funniest shit in the world if it ended up not being about her after all this fallout.
View attachment 62161


Edit : i cant link the website i think?

Edit 2 : well take the actual video i guess
View attachment 62162
TIL John Cena is racist

soap suds

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Joined:  Dec 5, 2022

How about this dude then
Most of False's "sources" are from 4chan, so unless there's an insider over there, he most likely knows as much as we do. And like someone else said, most EN drama channels won't have shit on this case other than what's been translated, and maybe a little more if they can speak Japanese. With my limited Japanese, I can say I've mainly been seeing people just laugh at the absurdity that is Rushia. There are of course people who are saying bullshit to Mafumafu's claims, but he's a well-respected utaite, so people are more or less taking his side. Again, there are doubters out there who don't believe all his claims and are waiting for Mikeneko's response, but most people are sympathetic towards him.

La+ de Central Norte

General of the second army commanded by Gozaru
Joined:  Apr 23, 2023
I mean, I would wait for a better debunk than a blurry image from a stream that is now deleted and there is no way to verify where it's from and when it was taken other than "trust me bro". Or saying "they weren't married because he said so before" when mafumafu admits he lied about not being married. Which, you know, eliminates the implied contradiction. But realistically, from now on everything said is just speculations until we somehow learn the details of a lawsuit and/or Rushia tries to sue him herself
The only two major points to why he wouldn't lie so blatantly is 1) in Japan you will likely lose in court, even if what you said is factually correct if they can show it damaged the reputation. 2) He is actively sabotaging his own career and fujo engagement by admitting to being married and lying to his fans about it. Now, I do not believe even for a second how he is alleging Cover asked him not to talk about it, with "other parts related to her" line, or the part about not being able to love before, or that he isn't blowing it out of proportions about how bad she was and how awful he felt. But even if you remove the entirety of hardly verifiable fluff, the biggest parts are still damning. She married a guy; he, not her, filed a divorce; all while both of them were milking parasocial fans with promises of love and affection and literal wedding rings.
Why go public with this now? You can't argue her reputation is in the gutter already, and unlikely to improve. She consistently gets involved in scandals, with recent one being trying to imply she got ghosted in vshojo, with all evidence pointing to contrary. If she can't show she suffered any kind of damages from it, she will have a hard time getting compensation. Or he went "fuck it" and fully prepared to pay for as long as court still finds his claims to be true
The fans are siding with him even with the lies just because he got "abused" by his wife so i guess he will just lose some fans

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
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It's insane to think that Haachama is like 22 but somehow infinitely more mature than Rushia when a yab occurs, hell Delutaya is more of a stable chuuba

When a bitch actually does a flip and survives to turn shit around, you know she's got to be made of some hard stuff. Rushia could never, she's too soft.

wear it on 10 fingers then wear a complete jirai kei get up complete with wigs and lacerations and maybe you will defeat the menhera goddess herself

wait why does that sound good as a game concept

Roo'sha and the Ten Rings.


menhera addicted sister
Pipproject Producer
Joined:  Jun 21, 2023
Yeah never fucking mind it aged so poorly :whatastory:


You see, I was raised in a racist environment but grew out of it because I felt the cons outdid the pros. People like this make me question my past decisions.

About the drama: if Mafumafu threw the shit into the fan because he felt jealous of her current achievements he is just as menhera as him (I had my doubts from the first impact). It will be extremely hilarious if PonyCanyon drops her cum-ragged ass because of it, and if the story about the cat ashes is true, I think she deserves even worse.

And we're still on the first month of 2024 guys, be prepared.


Well-known member
Joined:  Apr 15, 2023
You see, I was raised in a racist environment but grew out of it because I felt the cons outdid the pros. People like this make me question my past decisions.

About the drama: if Mafumafu threw the shit into the fan because he felt jealous of her current achievements he is just as menhera as him (I had my doubts from the first impact). It will be extremely hilarious if PonyCanyon drops her cum-ragged ass because of it, and if the story about the cat ashes is true, I think she deserves even worse.

And we're still on the first month of 2024 guys, be prepared.
Told you this was the year of the final yab


OG Pomu fan and former nijisister
Joined:  Jan 23, 2024
Wtf did I just woke up to? Seriously, I did not expect a bombshell to happen and thought this Mikeneko saga is over, but nope she keep fucking it up like DSP lol

Archive of official site
Official tweet
Second tweet because his site got ddos'd - a
Website link - a (His fans are more delusional then I thought possible. Also, do they not know about https://web.archive.org/?)
This tweet is in response to a printed gossip rag
This is the magazine - https://josei7.com/
Here is the continued reporting - https://www.news-postseven.com/archives/20240126_1937170.html?DETAIL - a
- Basically if you are gonna read one thing, read this

In short - fuck that guy anyways

Sorry, I don't trust aliens

Kore^2 and Rushia 2, electric boogaloo. One month early for the anniversary of her termination
Kore tweet a
He said he is going to cover the event on his channel - 10:30pm JST / 1.27.24 if you want to watch. Don't eat any mochi before then Kore...

VT deleted the thread discussing this so I assume people will flock here
This dropped right before Mikeneko's promotion - https://www.sweets-paradise.jp/collaboration/mikeneko - starting Feb 2nd
Some more archives:
Twitter bro straight dox'd her - a -------- video is her TV appearance
Timeline of event - a Another timeline - a
Reddit thread - a Reddit live thread - a
/jp thread a - /jp thread b - ADO vsinger talking to Mafumafu fans rrat

You can not like Rushia but don't invent things. Mafumafu has a massive fujo audience so he kept everything secret for his own benefit.

Imagine marrying a K-Pop looking guy only to throw you under the buss because you are not a ordinary menhera, but a mega menhera.

"Nazuna Manager"
This account doesnt exist
He had her for less than 2 years but poor nigga its problaby already traumatized

Or that account is Mikeneko’s sock puppet account to deceive you into thinking she is managed properly by a semi-hidden individual.
I said it before I'll say it again most vtubers have a bf or husband
ESPECIALLY any one that does gfe

True. What have we learned here is people need to start waking up and see vtubers as entertainers, not your gf/bf, wife/husband. You are setting up yourself for a brutal disappointment by doing so. “But vta_lurker, I want a boyfriend/girlfriend experience” Quit coping at this point, otherwise you will end up hating the person you love behind the vtuber avatar, might as well play visual novel games or start touching grass to find your future gf/bf.

Now imagine a timeline where the Discord yab never happened, and Rushia was still in Hololive, but the divorce and everything now still happened.

It'd truly be the final yab.

I for one can hardly wait for Evanit0's obituary.

Cover corp successfully dodge that timeline so Anycolor can have all the yabs they can imagine.

soap suds

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Joined:  Dec 5, 2022
The fans are siding with him even with the lies just because he got "abused" by his wife so i guess he will just lose some fans
From what I've seen, he isn't even losing a lot. In fact, there's more support for him than ever because he already had this image of a frail, submissive guy who needed to be coddled and protected. Now that he's claiming he was abused and hurt, fans are running to his defense and demanding Mikeneko be hung and all that. Sure, he may lose some fans who thought he was their pure virgin boyfriend, but a majority of them saw him as this helpless doormat, which is kind of the picture he paints of himself in the blog.


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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
From what I've seen, he isn't even losing a lot. In fact, there's more support for him than ever because he already had this image of a frail, submissive guy who needed to be coddled and protected. Now that he's claiming he was abused and hurt, fans are running to his defense and demanding Mikeneko be hung and all that. Sure, he may lose some fans who thought he was their pure virgin boyfriend, but a majority of them saw him as this helpless doormat, which is kind of the picture he paints of himself in the blog.
I am actually not sure if he isn't still a virgin. Wouldn't surprise me :whatastory:

Superduper Samurai

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Broke is being angry your oshi has a husband
Woke is feeling awful for the poor bastard who married a woman menhera enough to be a full time vtuber

The Rratarded Alt

Rat-girl Idol Connoisseur
Joined:  Dec 14, 2023
I am highly skeptical of just about everything about this, considering this is a joint mafu/korekore production. Mafu has always lied as easily as he breathes and korekore will say absolutely anything for clicks.
It's pretty easy to accept it once you realize that every single person involved in this is a lunatic. Mafu, kore, and Miguel are all fucking nutters.

Kuri Rinji

Marlon Reis
Joined:  Aug 27, 2023
People are the same everywhere online and they will quickly side with someone alleging to be a victim of abuse, even if they only have one side of the story. The others, who think critically about these sorts of things and wait for more information to come out, are always going to be in the minority. Emotions and sending ass pats to people will always trump anything else.

Just look at the constant cries of indie VTubers everywhere whenever they post their 100-page Google docs about their significant others/friends. Their posts announcing these issues will always get a million replies with "I'm sorry that happened to you!", "Sending e-hugs!", "I'm so buttblasted for you right now!", etc. In a lot of these cases, it turns out that the supposed victim was either worse than the abuser or just outright lied for attention when counter-evidence eventually appears.

Now, is Mafumafu telling the whole truth and is Mikeneko actually the wife in this? We'll probably find out soon enough with more concrete evidence because nothing about Michael Cat ever stays obscured for long.

If all of this does turn out to be true, it sure is hilarious how the reputation of one person can just keep getting worse the more she does anything.

I Wanna Die

Don't do drugs, blow all your money on vtubers
Joined:  Nov 15, 2023
From what I've seen, he isn't even losing a lot. In fact, there's more support for him than ever because he already had this image of a frail, submissive guy who needed to be coddled and protected. Now that he's claiming he was abused and hurt, fans are running to his defense and demanding Mikeneko be hung and all that. Sure, he may lose some fans who thought he was their pure virgin boyfriend, but a majority of them saw him as this helpless doormat, which is kind of the picture he paints of himself in the blog.
With everything we've seen about Rushia I'd believe much of he's said she done is probably true. However he's clearly lying through his fucking teeth about wanting to go public for years and being the innocent victim. He only went public hours before the gossip rag released their scoop after all.

I'm not a Rushia fan but I still kinda want to punch this twink in the face.


Well-known member
Joined:  Mar 27, 2023
Broke is being angry your oshi has a husband
Woke is feeling awful for the poor bastard who married a woman menhera enough to be a full time vtuber
Well if we are using this incident as a base, them being in a relationship doesn't mean they won't fuck you.
Rejoice schizo unicorns, be the best NTR antagonist you can be! Spray tans for everyone!


The Rratarded Alt

Rat-girl Idol Connoisseur
Joined:  Dec 14, 2023
We'll probably find out soon enough with more concrete evidence because nothing about Michael Cat ever stays obscured for long.
This is Mikeneko we are talking about. Any response she comes up with will most likely contain a lot of her own bullshit and end up muddying the waters even more. She can't just say "Yeah, no, this is not true. Here's that urn, so fuck off he is lying." She'll go on with some other psychotic, illogical story and just make shit worse.

Aquatic Novellite

Freshwater Shiorin
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You see, I was raised in a racist environment but grew out of it because I felt the cons outdid the pros. People like this make me question my past decisions.
Don't hate him because he's black, hate him because he's an awful human being.
From what I've seen, he isn't even losing a lot. In fact, there's more support for him than ever because he already had this image of a frail, submissive guy who needed to be coddled and protected. Now that he's claiming he was abused and hurt, fans are running to his defense and demanding Mikeneko be hung and all that. Sure, he may lose some fans who thought he was their pure virgin boyfriend, but a majority of them saw him as this helpless doormat, which is kind of the picture he paints of himself in the blog.
Somehow this makes me feel like if Mikeneko did everything he claims she did, it was entirely deserved.
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