"Now, 'KMS' is Kyoran Meloco Suki"Meloco Kyoran

Known Creep/Schizo/Autist Discussion Thread

Furious George

Low & Lazy
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Kid's into Elden Ring & Game of Thrones. So now I'm getting PTSD flashbacks to a former friend of mine who got radicalized by Reddit during quarantine times and became a Reddit Tankie.
View attachment 71267
He also seems to be sucking up to some old annoying-as-fuck neckbeard who thinks he's "saving lives" by telling vtuber fans to give up their hobby?

View attachment 71265
I like having lunatics like these two in the world to give me a good example of who to never ever become.

Edit: Is there any info here about this Ethan Ralph guy? I skimmed the above screencapped vid a lil and he seems like the kind of autistic boomer nerd that threads like this were made for.

Are you serious about asking about Ethen Ralph? I cant tell.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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Kid's into Elden Ring & Game of Thrones. So now I'm getting PTSD flashbacks to a former friend of mine who got radicalized by Reddit during quarantine times and became a Reddit Tankie.
View attachment 71267
He also seems to be sucking up to some old annoying-as-fuck neckbeard who thinks he's "saving lives" by telling vtuber fans to give up their hobby?

View attachment 71265
I like having lunatics like these two in the world to give me a good example of who to never ever become.

Edit: Is there any info here about this Ethan Ralph guy? I skimmed the above screencapped vid a lil and he seems like the kind of autistic boomer nerd that threads like this were made for.
Link to YouTube Playlist With a Bunch of Lore


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Furious George

Low & Lazy
Joined:  Sep 25, 2022
I'm new-ish, srry

No worries, I forget that there are some people who haven't been exposed to the sektur. That being said i love watching newbies get exposed to Ralph lore for the first time, the mix of fascination & disgust is hilarious.
Start with Seth's links and have fun.



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No worries, I forget that there are some people who haven't been exposed to the sektur. That being said i love watching newbies get exposed to Ralph lore for the first time, the mix of fascination & disgust is hilarious.
Start with Seth's links and have fun.

Well having done a little light reading over the weekend, I can safely say that it's nice to put a face to the spergs I used to laugh at on /b/ in my college days.

It's also pretty fucking rich that this guy who dated someone who looks 14 is now going after chuba fans & weebs for lolibaiting. Do these neckbeards get off on public humiliation rituals or something?
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El Rrata

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Superduper Samurai

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That recent post about Kakun here and in the Nolan thread reminded me that there was no info-post about him here, @GayKusa made an excellent write up that deserves to be added to this thread
Presenting Kiaras most persistent schizo: Kakun

First, a small disclaimer: I have been following Kiaras community at most since early 2022, and even then only really been keeping an eye out for her community since I joined this place and saw others do the same. So any events involving him earlier than that, I might not know about. With that out of the way, let's get started!

Kakun is a die-hard follower of both Keeki and Kiara. As any good schizo does, he has multiple accounts and often rts himself and talks to himself, because no-one else does.

He has his main; he uses it to reply both to Kiara and Keeki as well as to horny post about her (and other Holos)(very NSFW):

He also has his this second account; it's not in use anymore, he likely made it because he got pressured by the KFP community to use an alt when interacting with Kiara:
--kakun twit 2--

He also runs the totally authentic "fanpage" Keekibeam, it also has a kofi page:
You can tell by comparing the Keekibeam YouTube clips style of thumbnails and how the Kiara clips he publishes under Kakun look like:

He also has several YouTube accounts, at least 3 different ones as well but probably more
I wasn't able to track other YouTube channels down other than his main because that's the only one he seems to be using to send superchats. But he has been seen chatting with several different accounts in the same stream. He also sometimes makes more accounts, so he can superchat ARS with Joke profiles. KFP obviously likes to clown on him for the ARS shit he pulls.

A further proof for the existence of another account is this chat from Kiara:

Now, why would Kiara make her most famous creep a mod on her channel?

Well, as some of you might know, about 2 years ago Kiara would make long-time KFP mods. Those were on rotation and only ever stayed there for 1 month at the time. There were several rules about it, like no chatting with the mod account, no playing games with her (you are supposed to mod the chat), you only ever get to be mod 1 time and stuff like that. Kiara always wanted 3 community mods at the same time, to cover NA, EU and SEA timezones.

The mods would be selected at the end of a members stream each month. After several rotations she had trouble finding jannys for the EU timezone and so Kakun became just that. IIRC Kakun as a mod didn't go on any weird powertrip, but he also was a bad Mod because he would occasionally break the No chatting with mod account rule and often try to get into games with her instead of watching YTC. But overall pretty uneventful.
Worth noting is that Kakun was part of the last ever community mods rotation. After his time was up, she never made new community mods again.

Besides being a scummy ARS superchatter and coomer extraordinaire (the latter, on its own isn't a crime but it's an issue we shall come back to), he is also obsessed with the Spyro games and Hellblade. He would shill them and beg her to play them in Superchats, @ her on Twitter about them and throw then THEM OUT IN FULL CAPS whenever she asked chat what kind of game to play next.

As far as I can tell, he has been on the down low for most of early KFP. He admits himself that the Kakun identity he uses only goes as far back as March 2021 and that tracks with the age of his Twitter account. His YT account is older (June 2019) but he might have had a different account name back then. Idk how to check that.
Anyways, all hints suggest that he was a Kiara fan first and only found out about Keeki through her, and then later became obsessed by her.

How obsessed? Well...

Kiara/Keeki seem to be the only thing in his life. He seems to be a Hikki Neet with absolutely no friends and spends most of his days just obsessing about Kiara.
I can not remember a time when he was ever liked by the wider community, at best he was tolerated as "the local weirdo". He would overshare sexual fantasies involving her, do constant RM references, and on occasion sadpost about how lonely he is and that Kiara is the only good thing in his life.

The first major event involving him occurred at Dokomi 2022, where Kiara was a guest and Keeki attended as a visitor in Cosplay.
Basically, he saw a nip-slip of some cosplayer and his coomerbrain had a short circuit, and he decided to share this on twitter using the KFP hashtags.
Sadly, no archive exists of the original tweet. I went back and checked the Homelands as well, but there too it was only screenshot evidence.

The KFP discord mods used this as a reason to finally ban his ass.

This is small, but I wanted to showcase this as an example of the Kinds of superchats Kakun sends her. (now imagine how much worse the private Kofis must be).

Kiara reading a Superchat from Kakun where he declares that he wants to take care of himself and take a bit of distance from Kiara, and Kiara being very polite about it and encouraging him to do so, or in short: Touch grass and GSH.

Non-Kiara regulars probably think this approach with him is way too nice (and I frankly agree) but I still want to point out how rare it is that Kiara voluntary sends someone away from her streams. Usually, Kiara would be on the verge of tears every time the most random chicken leaves for a bit, but with kakun she was like "oh ok, see ya".

Further down the line, Keeki called out Kakun for using her Kofi as his personal diary and sending her almost daily kofis.
As you can see, she called him out very directly.

While he did stop donating daily after this, a pattern seems to emerge. This man just doesn't know what a social boundary is, and that there is a time and place for things.

So now, onto the most recent events:

Kiara announces that she is considering going to Yunicon in Vienna on her Instagram:

Ofc, Kakun has to go and travel to Vienna for the chance of seeing his angel.
There it appears that he was actively stalking her and looking for her and chatting up her friends (she never goes to a Con alone, and also has a few male friends that basically act as bodyguards for her) and generally just trying to invade her space.

This prompted this response from Keeki:

I am late with this whole thing, so now there are new developments:
View attachment 52089
As Rrat has noted, she seems to have blocked his second account, but that too is a new development. I wasnt blocked when I started gathering materials for this post.

But also, I am sure, this isnt the last we see of him. For now, he doesnt seem to see any fault in his actions.

Some of you have must be asking: Why didn't she block and ignore him from the start when he showed signs of being weird?

This is just an assumption, but I believe that she hoped to keep him on the down-low and contain him that way. She might have feared that by cutting him off completely, he might become even more relentless in his obsession and stalking. Maybe reading his name during superchats every so often will keep him satisfied. I am pretty sure, before getting blocked all of his accounts were already muted by her anyways, because she never gave him any attention unless forced to (call him out on his bad behaviour). She knows that he craves her attention, so she doesn't want to reward him with it, but at the same time, not giving him any attention could badly backfire. It's a tight balance.

IMO he doesn't seem dangerous. He kisses the floor Keeki walks on, I find it hard to believe he would go out of his way to hurt her. The stalking might continue, though. After the most recent episode, it's also possible that he will turn anti for a bit, but I don't see it sticking. At the end, he will come crawling back.

PS.: archive.ph doesn't load for me at all and ghostarchive seems to give me an error, so I excuse my lack of proper archives
If anyone else still considers it necessary and wants to archive all the tweets, I might edit this post with hyperlinks to them, so you can do so

Also, I hope this post is comprehensive and works well as a general overview on who this guy is


Dang it
Ward Security
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Superduper Samurai

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Man, I've heard about Kakun before but its jaw-dropping to see the breadth of his creepiness collected in one place like this.


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Lol, he doesn't even send her ARS akasupas but blue ones? Really showing your unconditional love there, buddy


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
Reposting this since it got lost in the move, and it might show the reason why his retarded ass hates Nerissa so much, plus some pretty disgusting messages at the end:

The Jewish hobbit's Twitter popped up for me, so I took a peek and found a few postings, including older ones I didn't originally see:

Not sure if he took this screenshot from someone else or he outed himself actually liking the posts himself. Unfortunately, Twitter took away viewing likes because tech companies always love making dumb ass decisions. But, I wouldn't be surprised if his schizo ass did it himself.

Is this the reason why he hates Nerissa so much? She said something he didn't like about some book series he likes?


Nice of him to defend Ralph's honor from the haters

I'm guessing in his mind, one of those thousand things worse than being a convicted sex offender is being a vtuber. Now that's worth bringing out the torches and pitchforks.

And lastly, I don't know the story behind the person he's replying to, and it doesn't really matter because his responses are self-contained disgusting insanity:



But yeah, it's the vtubers who are a problem.



The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
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Is this the reason why he hates Nerissa so much? She said something he didn't like about some book series he likes?


Was it because of this? If so, that is hilarious.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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Was it because of this? If so, that is hilarious.

The guy has been hating hololive for a year+. But i think his hate towards Nerissa started pretty much around the time of that clip. You might be onto something here.


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Was it because of this? If so, that is hilarious.

Very nice find. Also agree, I had to stop talking to the Game of Thrones stans in my life cuz they just never stop sperging out over this one fucking fantasy franchise. Based takes from Nerissa.


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
Moving this over here from general because it's super funny and a little less about vtubers:

The retard found out his daddy Ethan Ralph isn't too fond of Israel and Zionists/Jews:


Our boy is conflicted now.


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Was it because of this? If so, that is hilarious.

So the guys is obsessive because Nerissa responded properly to one of the worse Face/Heel turns in Media histor?. A turn so bad it destroyed a multi-billion dollar franchise. (While the Mad Queen turn was setup in the books/show from the beginning, as laid out in some like 2 hour video by a guy that got insane traction after that episode, the "How" matters for any Descent storyline.) Definitely a spot in this thread.

Also, GRRM won't finish the books because he got too old and was unwilling to bring in help while he had time.
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