Remember when we used to make fun of VShojo for this kind of horny/yuri-baiting...?
Vshojo gets made fun of more for their lack of horny bait without any filter, like many other twitch whores.
If I would make fun yuri-baiting it would probably be yuribaiting in NijiEN, I am pretty sure the twitch girls dont even really do yuri that much. I dont remember what I disliked about the NijiEN yuri, maybe it was too explicit or way more sexual than what HoloEN does but as a yuri enjoyer, it felt off.
Yuribaiting has been a foundation of Hololive since at least Matsuri came in. The amount of people she already tried to kiss in the company has to be in the double digits.
She also kissed Kiara and Ame (on the cheek):
Speaking of Matsuri being a sexpest, she apparently tried to french kiss Ollie (the other sexpest).
Glass canon vs Glass canon as one would say, but in this exchange Ollie lost.
Timestamp from Ollies stream where she talks about it.
Basically, Ollie previously gave Matsuri diamonds in Minecraft. Matsuri promised her a kiss as thanks.
Right before fes was starting, in the big cafeteria where a bunch of members were having lunch, Ollie walks over to a table where a lot of IDs are sitting. To her surprise, Matsuri is also there, says hi Ollie, tugs on Ollies arm to pull her down and goes for the Kiss right away. Ollie was so surprised by the sudden developments that she was stunned and couldn't even open her mouth, but Matsuri was going at it, eyes closed and all anyways.
As a member of the Yuripean union, I always eat well after Fes.