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HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

The Rrat

Phoneposting, Rat-loving menace
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FuwaMoco will change that and I think they'll be the biggest EN stars since Gura.
No, the two biggest EN Stars are getting their penises exploded, as we speak.


Vtweeter Hunter
Joined:  Jul 22, 2023
No, the two biggest EN Stars are getting their penises exploded, as we speak.
Now vesper can keep grinding his power until reaching Arch wizard rank, but really the odd silence in Cover and the fact that they were not around for the Tempus radio podcast practically guarantee they got yeeted, i pray to be wrong

Edit: new copium, the chapters with Vesper and Magni are probably already recorded but he cant release them for some reason, Agents in the field noticed that in Regus playlist count 3 videos and only 1 is up

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angry sushi

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Now vesper can keep grinding his power until reaching Arch wizard rank, but really the odd silence in Cover and the fact that they were not around for the Tempus radio podcast practically guarantee they got yeeted, i pray to be wrong
I wish an insider would leak wtf happened to those two cause cover's messaging is so misleading.

Just pretending

The Great Bald Rrat
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Doggos cute as fuck.
Big tiddy goth gf shows some promise.
Crazy eyes not so crazy after all.
Unpopular opinion: rock was meh.

That's all, I'm going back to missing Sana.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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Sorry for being late to this. Are the twins the ggn twins?

No Name

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basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
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The Rrat

Phoneposting, Rat-loving menace
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Man, that REALLY puts into perspective how hard Council got FUCKED by Youtube culling bullshit. Looks like they haven't been hit by anything yet. But makes me wonder how much Council's initial lagging can be attributed to malicious Youtube algo hijinx.
I think it was a multitude of things. Youtube's bullshit certainly played a big part, but I also think management really upped their game for this debut. They made a lot of choices that really boosted the debuts. Upping production values, not using obtuse marketing like the retarded 12 hour cube stream, the relay and redirect, and the watchalong to name a few.

Along with better support from management, I think they must have gotten a lot of good advice from the other EN girls, too. Council debuted before Myth were even a year old, so Myth probably helped as much as they could, but I can only imagine how much changed for them in that year, since EN was very much fly-by-pants during that time and shortly after. Now, Advent have Myth going on three years and CouncilRyS going on two. We even have Mumei talking about feeling confident enough with everything, that she feels like a senpai now, compared to last year.

Also, Council was just awkward as fuck for the longest time, far moreso than Advent is now, which certainly did not help.


No one in particular
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
Also, Council was just awkward as fuck for the longest time, far moreso than Advent is now, which certainly did not help.
Myth was almost as bad, to be fair - but they had the shark effect to counteract it, and Council didn't.....

Trap Supremacy

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I don't think anybody posted this here yet, so I'll share it now. Apparently Crunchyroll are doing interviews with all of the Advent talents, something that I think also happened with Council at some point? First up is Shiori. I'll be nice, go the A&N route, and archive the whole thing here.

hololive English -Advent's- Shiori Novella Loves Official Sherlock Holmes Stories and Definitely Nothing Not Official​

Just the official, canon Sherlock Holmes stories. Yep!​

A brand-new generation of amazing VTubers has officially debuted! We're celebrating the debut of Shiori Novella, Koseki Bijou, Nerissa Ravencroft and the rest of the hololive -Advent- lineup all week, exclusively on Crunchyroll News! Check out the full interview calendar here.
Get to know the girls through our very special interview series, or add to your anime watchlist with their favorite series and movies!

To kick things off, let's introduce you to Shiori Novella, known as "The Archiver" with hololive -Advent-. Check out her full interview below, but not before you listen to this super secret and very special message she has for Crunchyroll News readers:

Thanks for chatting with us! Can you introduce yourself to Crunchyroll’s readers?
Shiori~n! Shiori Novella here at your service!
I’m a simple archiver who loves books and loves to meddle in the affairs of characters I come across.
There are few things that truly excite me in this world.
My favorite literature genre of all is mystery. If something has a good murder plot involved, I’ll be super excited to witness all of the story’s events to archive it!
I’m a big fan of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes! I READ ALL OF HIS STORIES AND SADLY RAN OUT OF MATERIAL TO READ, SO I ReAD ń̸̠̎o̴͉̫̝͊n̶̩͎͔̣̂̚̕-̸̥̬̊͗̊̾ĉ̷͉̟̜̥ͅa̷̟̮͑͗̓̃n̵̟̮̔̓͑̂o̶̙͙͍̩͊͛n̴̡̬̱̊͆ HoLMES SToRIES NOw. I aLsO LIKE anime F̵͈̹̳̺͉̂͒͒̓̾͛̌̕̕͝͠ą̴̡͕̝̹̣̥̹̠̥̔͂͂̉͒̑͘̕͝͝ͅn̴̳̈́̈́͛̿͗̐́̊̎̂͝͠͝f̷̛̣͍̪̖̮̜͉̩͔̺̥̰̅͘i̵̡̨̩̦̣̪̯͎̲̪͍̗̜͙̳̓̎͗̓̉c̴͓̹͖̜̓̊̔͝t̶̜̗̯̼̄̿̽̏̊͑̎̎͐̋̆į̴̛͍͍̥͔̍̃͌͋̋̒̆̓̊͝o̵̹̱̓̾n̸̪̈̂̾ A lOT.
What attracted you to the VTuber world? What sort of things do you like to stream?
I enjoy life simulators for myself, and I prefer to stream plot-heavy games for viewers. I want a story to unravel, and picking up all the pieces of information together can be quite fun. I want to feel the shock, sadness and excitement of uncovering the mysteries and events behind a story, and I enjoy growing attached to characters.
I want to be able to go "AHA! It was me! I was the one who stole the jewel!" only to be told it was the butler who did it. Those pesky butlers get to have all the fun.
As for the VTuber world, I’m simply doing what I enjoy. I enjoy making things with my own hands, so I think the question should be reversed~ It was your world who was attracted to me after all~
You’re a collector of stories and memories…and collectors always have favorites. What’s the prized memory or story in your collection?
Sherlock Holmes! I enjoy the short stories and even some non-canon stories about him! ‘The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle’ is quite a wholesome story, and I also enjoyed ‘The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot!’ For a longer recommendation, you can’t go wrong with ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles.’ I’ll end my recommendation here since I can go on and on.
For those more fond of visual novels, I highly recommend The House in Fata Morgana. It doesn’t offer many choices though, but if you’re willing to wallow and wade through the emotions of it all, there will be tears of happiness in the end of it I’m sure. The story means a lot to me.
What’s your relationship with anime like? What does anime mean to you?
Although I enjoy anime, I prefer reading visual novels with choices involved. I especially adore otome games with a more mature plot than something more slice-of-life. I enjoy reading manga as well since it’s more time efficient, but I would much rather be a character myself in a story~
You were the mastermind behind the prison break of yourself and your fellow -Advent- members. How did you plan such an elaborate escape?
As someone who has traveled through many stories to archive it all, I’ve had alot of ideas gleaned from my mystery novels. You can walk away with quite alot of things from stories in my position. My friends were also an immense help, and it was fun seeing what they came up with impromptu. I shall leave it to them to tell that story, however~
You were imprisoned for obtaining forbidden knowledge. What terrible secrets did you uncover?
What a funny question, you’ll lose your mind if I answer that.
Describe your audition. What did you do when you found out you got in?
I walked up to a staff member and proceeded to destroy their childhood by summarizing what really happened in the original book version of some movies. I was also very passionate about a certain man who lives in the jungle, and I kept repeating that he deserved better than a certain woman who came to visit said jungle under an expedition.
After that, I remember seeing an envelope with a red wax seal on it as if it was inviting me to a fighting tournament, but the letter offered no such thing. Instead, it proceeded to congratulate me for ‘passing’. My reaction to such an amazing, unexpected event was going to sleep before conjuring a reply the next day. I was surprised and happy of course, but replying required more thought for professionalism’s sake.
Congratulations on your debut! How did you prepare for your first stream?
Thank you! I had a lot of time in advance to prepare. First off, I wish to thank all of the Hololive staff and the people we commissioned for my debut. Everyone worked so hard. The communication and planning involved can be quite overwhelming, and all the visions must be aligned to convey who I am and what I’m meant to represent. My thanks to all of our managers and the artists who brought us to life. Thank you so much!
As for my side, I’m no artist at all, but I made the graphics for my ‘Be Right Back’ and ‘Ending Soon’ screen. I think it’s nice to make things for yourself at times. With each creation, a little piece of you goes inside it; time, effort, and maybe a bit of that feeling of a job well done. I also did some video-editing related things and small animations for my cat mascots, but I won’t go into detail because of the jargon and whatnot.
Whether you’re streaming or taking a day off, how do you start your mornings?
In truth, as soon as it’s midnight, I walk for 3,000 steps.
After falling asleep at a completely irresponsible time due to insomnia, once I wake up I’ll pace around for another 3,000 to 4,000 steps. I won’t even bother eating unless a headache may start if I’m completely interested in something. Breakfast is more like dinner time for me. I suggest not adopting my lifestyle…..
Do you have any pre-streaming rituals or habits to prepare?
As that saying goes, I break both my legs for an extra bit of luck. That’s a joke by the way. I try to drink water an hour before starting a stream, and I’ve been trying to do more vocal exercises to warm up my voice. I may pace around and take a hot shower some hours before stream too if there’s time to do so.
Streaming’s a lot of work! What snacks keep you energized?
Are people supposed to eat snacks during a stream? I get embarrassed when people hear me chew…. Even if I mute myself, it seems kind of… embarrassing to be eating silently while people wait for me to speak... I don’t really keep snacks around me. Maybe I should start doing that to seem more human though… But it’s also really embarrassing….
What are you most excited about doing while streaming?
I want to make fun memories with people. People may forget names and appearances; however, people will remember feelings you invoke. Streaming and content creation seem like a good way of archiving happy memories and various types of emotions. In the future, perhaps I can look back and see how I was and how I am now.
What top tips would you give to aspiring VTubers/streamers?
Please have fun. Try not to lose sight of yourself too often. I think there’s a fine line where a hobby may turn into something more profitable, and that’s the most vulnerable time people will have when it comes to something initially meant for fun. There’s an excitement to learn new things and seeing the numbers grow, but with that comes an obsession for some people because it becomes a pattern. It takes a lot of mental training to simply be content with things while still having fun and doing your best.
My most important advice: Please make good friends, and surround yourself with kind people. If you have enough kindness around you, there’s a good chance you may become kind yourself and become more empathetic. I didn’t always have good friends, but now I do and I’m much happier now for it.
Finally, can you give a parting message to your fans and Crunchyroll’s readers?
Hello, readers! Thank you for reading the interview! Although we cannot directly speak to each other, I hope that you find things to smile about today! I’ll be cheering you on to find your own happiness!
On another not-so-secret note, I really adore my gen-mates! I’m so glad to be experiencing this journey with them! Everyone is so amazingly talented and hard-working. If you join us on our journey of growth, I hope that you make good memories with us! Whether you’re a wandering tourist or a full-time passenger aboard this trip, I hope that we can all reach our goals to find happiness in our lives.

Aside note: I love that she used zalgo text in the interview.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
I really wish i couldve catch them live yesterday. I am fucking sold. Fuwawa and mococo are the best things that couldve happened to hololive. As an old infamous member would say. That was a WONDROUS debut. FUWAMOCO LOVE


The Eternal Lurker
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Man, that REALLY puts into perspective how hard Council got FUCKED by Youtube culling bullshit. Looks like they haven't been hit by anything yet. But makes me wonder how much Council's initial lagging can be attributed to malicious Youtube algo hijinx.
Youtube's sub culling is one of the biggest issues Council had for sure, and they're sort of still recovering from it. That said Council has other issues as well that has made them lag behind the other EN members, with the biggest one is they don't really have an Kiara or Ame equivalent to wrangle them when they collab or to do background work; It sort of gives them a disjointed feeling when they get together for group collabs and results in a lot of avoidable scuff happening (They're alright with smaller collabs though).

They also tend to stay "in their lane" so to speak as the majority of Council are introverts so they're more reactive when it comes to stuff even within their own Gen outside of Bae and Sana before she left. In fact, Council itself feels very segmented; they're all friends who get along, but that group dynamic Myth has wasn't there as much and I think people noticed, which meant there's not as much overlap between them as I've seen with Myth as most people stick to just the individual members.

Lack of management support also hurt them as it meant they were fumbling around trying to find their footing when they should've been in a prime position for growth. Add in a graduation and (per word of Kiara) management acting like total morons about things behind the scenes and Council has more or less become the middle child of HoloEN; not some total failure or disaster, but isn't some massive roaring success like Myth was (and Advent might be if they keep it up).
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Chiato Macchiato

Macchiato "Definitely a PSYOP" Chiato
Joined:  Oct 25, 2022
I hope Shiorin does things related to literature. The only people I have to watch doing that kind of thing are the "Booktube" community and... well, it could be worse, I guess.


No one in particular
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
with the biggest one is they don't really have an Kiara or Ame equivalent to wrangle them when they collab or to do background work;
Remember, though - it took quite a while for Kiara to gain the confidence to do any kind of wrangling at all - she was down on herself as the "failure" of myth for quite a while at the beginning, she's grown far more than anyone else in her gen, I feel.

Lurker McSpic

We need to increase the hag population
Joined:  Mar 8, 2023
Remember, though - it took quite a while for Kiara to gain the confidence to do any kind of wrangling at all - she was down on herself as the "failure" of myth for quite a while at the beginning, she's grown far more than anyone else in her gen, I feel.
I MEAN....:ironmousekek:


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Joined:  Sep 30, 2022
That's the dog experience bro.

Sooooooo is this thread gonna be used to livepost now or what?

Phase Invaders has one, but it's died down a lot since their debut times. Could probably let this thread ride for an extra week or two I think til it slows down. Debut time will keep being exciting while everyone is trying to gauge their feelings about it all.

It will be interesting to see how Advent settles in over the next couple weeks, but maybe not interesting enough to post on the main thread. So it might be worth keeping this thread around/unlocked for a little while longer. Hopefully we can find out more about them and some behind-the-scenes info on how things are run now and what's going on.

HoloEN must have had some pretty big turnover (like OmegaA for example finally being wiped away from existence) and replaced pretty much all management if talents are willing to keep dropping these bombs about how badly it was managed in the past. Can't imagine they'd be willing to dump on them so much if those managers/employees still held sway over them today.


I like to watch.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
Man, that REALLY puts into perspective how hard Council got FUCKED by Youtube culling bullshit. Looks like they haven't been hit by anything yet. But makes me wonder how much Council's initial lagging can be attributed to malicious Youtube algo hijinx.
I don't think YT culling was the only factor in Council's debut performance, the overall way it was structured was sub-par. But it did hurt them a lot I figure.
I think it was a multitude of things. Youtube's bullshit certainly played a big part, but I also think management really upped their game for this debut. They made a lot of choices that really boosted the debuts. Upping production values, not using obtuse marketing like the retarded 12 hour cube stream, the relay and redirect, and the watchalong to name a few.

Along with better support from management, I think they must have gotten a lot of good advice from the other EN girls, too. Council debuted before Myth were even a year old, so Myth probably helped as much as they could, but I can only imagine how much changed for them in that year, since EN was very much fly-by-pants during that time and shortly after. Now, Advent have Myth going on three years and CouncilRyS going on two. We even have Mumei talking about feeling confident enough with everything, that she feels like a senpai now, compared to last year.

Also, Council was just awkward as fuck for the longest time, far moreso than Advent is now, which certainly did not help.

The culling was definitely a part of it but IMO is not the sole reason council lagged behind in sub, a very good proof of it is Irys, she had an absolutely insane debut WITHOUT any culling, she reached 200k before debut, 300k during it and was at the time the fastest Holo to reach 500k, yet here we are 2 years later and she still hasn't reached a million and is around 500k subs aways from the lowest member of Myth, the tru is that and some point after Council debut EN grow slowed to a crawl compared to before, why? Well it could be many reason, the end of the vtuber boon is probably one of them or even could say some of the issues EN was facing at the time were to blame too, like I really loved council, but they struggled hard with adapting to being streamers at the beginning, Mumei was a student who already struggled with keeping up her grades even before Holo, Kronii admitted that adapting to being a full time streamer was new to her and she was struggling and Sana had a laundry list of things that happened, not to mention Fauna had technical difficulties one after the other, plus being a perfectionist, she basically didn't do ASMR, her supposedly main content, for months due to it, only Bae really hit the ground running, now they are all IMO great in their own way but I do feel they failed to ride their own hype.​
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The Rrat

Phoneposting, Rat-loving menace
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
HoloEN must have had some pretty big turnover (like OmegaA for example finally being wiped away from existence) and replaced pretty much all management if talents are willing to keep dropping these bombs about how badly it was managed in the past. Can't imagine they'd be willing to dump on them so much if those managers/employees still held sway over them today.
I think it was whoever had control over the girls' direct managers, because their immediate managers all seem to still be there since we still hear about the named ones from the Myth girls every once in a while.


No one in particular
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
I think it was whoever had control over the girls' direct managers, because their immediate managers all seem to still be there since we still hear about the named ones from the Myth girls every once in a while.
Kiara implied Jenma was promoted, so I suspect she might have replaced Omega (and might be behind some of the positive change for EN overall). But we'll probably never know for sure.


The Eternal Lurker
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Remember, though - it took quite a while for Kiara to gain the confidence to do any kind of wrangling at all - she was down on herself as the "failure" of myth for quite a while at the beginning, she's grown far more than anyone else in her gen, I feel.
Very true, Kiara has grown a lot from the early days of Myth. That said she was always the extrovert, and mentioned a lot about trying to improve Myth as a whole (see her speech at Myth's second anniversary, it's obvious that the whole thing has been on her mind for a while). Councilrys's two extroverts (Bae and Irys) are very laid back and seem more content to do their own thing or go with the flow. The sole person I've seen whose really tried to do wrangling in Council is Fauna to mixed results; the only real times I've recalled her succeeding a bit is in the Minecraft End streams and the Monster Hunter collab, and that was more because of, well, her vidya game Autism making her get frustrated at the unorganized chaos stopping them from doing anything than actually wanting to wrangle them. I could see her maybe becoming the team wrangler, but Fauna seems to be more comfortable in her solo streams or just hanging out; she really doesn't seem like someone to do wrangling like Kiara or Ame do.
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