Got a question what other content would you like to see from a Vtuber? Besides just chatting and video games. I have set up a hand cam and opened some packs of cards and it was really fun but wanted to know some other shit I could do that people would enjoy.
I might be unique in this, but I dont enjoy gaming content. Like the only games I enjoy watching are Minecraft, Sims and Elder Scrolls games. I usually watch streamers in spite of the game, not because of the game. Thats why one of my favorite streams of recent have been the Kiara sock puppet making and playing with them streams. Its silly, its absurd, its fun.
Also I just like seeing teaching streams about really niche topics. It was ages ago, but I remember watching a Sara Nagare stream where she talked about budgeting and reviewed her viewers budgets and what she thinks of them. Something I really enjoy is reviewing viewer content in general, something that Haachama used to do fairly often. Even if Room/Food/Cosplay reviews/contests seem repeteive, they were always unique and full of variety. But I suspect that Haachama cultivating a fanbase full of schizos and encouraging them might have to do with it as well. Especailly for smaller vtubers I am afraid that they could never get the volume of submissions to keep things fresh to repeat the same topic multiple times and still be different from each other.
I also enjoy ASMR, but the taking random objects and making sounds you have never heard before kind, not the mommy-will-whisper-and-lick your-ears-until-you-sleep kind (I dont dislike it tho, but I have a preference).
As an aside, does anyone know a Vtuber who has train autism? Or maybe city planning and maps autism? (not the geogeusser kind, the looking at a map of a given country and committing all the major rivers and cities to memory kind of autism)
Kiara is back in Japan from a 3 Day weekend trip to Indonesia, but no breaks in the Off-collabs.
In other news, Calli somehow fucked up her off-collab stream with Ina
And Kiara was in chat making fun of her

She adopted the ID spirit well