"He just straight up insults me! He calls me a 'pen'! ~'Your pen!'~ Omae wa pen~da! Anata wa pen... da! Kusogaki! You brat... wait, was I wrong? it's incorrect? I'm sorry I'm sorry! I was tricked"Roboco (vs Duolingo)
Coco helped this subreddit (who used to be a fan-made one) to grow IN THIS particular case i dont think so
r/hololive its infested with chumbuds who just brigand everything HoloEN related
Yeah, I'd imagine it's hard to be enthusiastic your oshi is only doing her mandatory biannual stream to sell you shit.
Chumbud schadenfreude is always delicious
Most of their streaming is not significantly affected by the projects. Yes, they do stream less immediately before and after a concert, but it's not like a concert 4 months away halves the amount of streaming they do.
Not sure what this guy's point is. Is what I'd say but they have a Gura flair, so they are clearly bitching because of her. All the other girls have been streaming consistently since after 3rd fes, except Gura. Mumei evetually got sick and had to stream less, so that is totally unrelated to "projects". Ina had a bit where she couldn't stream after 3rd fes, but is back now and consistently streaming again.
Seems like they are just projecting whatever issues Gura is having onto all the other girls.
The EN concert is literally in 2 weeks and they are all streaming consistently, except Gura and Mumei. All that shit got recorded at the start of the year, except for Bae's stuff, which she seems to be going to Japan to record when she finishes a dance routine. But aside from a week or two, Bae's one of the top streamers.
INB4 Cover announces that Gura has passed away due to leukemia and she was keeping it a secret from everyone, even her own genmates, a la Norm Macdonald.
Coco helped this subreddit (who used to be a fan-made one) to grow IN THIS particular case i dont think so
r/hololive its infested with chumbuds who just brigand everything HoloEN related View attachment 30714
r/hololive is way different now than it was two years ago. It has been getting more and more infested with /vt/ denizens since Coco's graduation, from what I can tell.
INB4 Cover announces that Gura has passed away due to leukemia and she was keeping it a secret from everyone, even her own genmates, a la Norm Macdonald.
I get wanting your favourite streamer to stream more and give you more content, but imagine saying they should put their dreams aside so it makes you happy.
I'm confused. I thought you guys liked her because she said retard and told the Twitter freaks to fuck off. Which is why she was suspended a few weeks ago.
Shondo is clips only for me. She is funny, but anything beyond that makes me feel bad for and about her. At least she apologizes though... or not, maybe that's worse.
I kind of want to know what this episode "Oshi notices you: GONE WRONG" is about.
I don't know anything about lumi but people say (no proof) she's 26-27ish, which would make sense. "Mysterious oldest" and Airi (second oldest) must be 28 or more, but how much is anyone's guess. The way Tenma and Airi discussed it made it seem like it ("Did you know about...her?")might be a significant amount older though.
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