Went to meeting, and now I saw a lot of brown girl SPERGING posts. Jannies should move these to new "Brown simping" thread

She is trying hard to get the Vampire Bussy in this gameTenma, bro, it's 5AM where you live, have mercy on your jannies.
To be honest, I have a feeling she may have some serious illness (cough* cancer cough*), if she needs to take chemotherapy, that might explain why she needs to take a long break before she can travel and practice, otherwise her condition will be worsen. Let's hope I am wrong (due to my biology experiences in my field)The one thing I'm still puzzled with is that if her health issue is severe enough that she can't even commit ahead of time, how did the Japan trip even became a reality with her having to do long distance travel, constant dance practice/rehearsal/recordings, etc. She did mention in a member post that she had to get doctor's approval before traveling to Japan.