"I threw up over my pizza, they had to throw it away; But the pizza was cold by then, the cheese would have been hard enough, I could've rinsed the puke off"Mozumi Pichi
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Fish isn't going to be that creative, he'll just sell jars of expired cherries that he found in the bargain rack of the grocery store for $50 and another $100 in shipping, and they'll arrive a couple years later.
Gen 3 still needs to be lightly trained than also plan their debut stream and any stream assets they need. Fishman said they already had the models made and the talents can only request light edits to it. Which I'm sure means like color changes or small art edits that would not need new rigging so they don't get delayed for many months.
Idol's scheme is great for the talent but anyone without infinite money like the head jew over there is a huge gamble. You invest god knows how much into a tailor made model only for the girl to turn out to be an Aloe or they pull a Rosemi, you're one girl down and a torched model you can't use, you can risk it by getting a new girl but I doubt people will like the idea.
Shiina's a lil late, but so is my Shiina post
Edit: View attachment 17722
Edit: She was talking to a PC senpai she hadn't talked to much before on discord VC and talked too long WAMEN
I don't know if anyone posted this /vt/ post from about a week ago before, but I stumbled upon it, and you need to take a gander at advanced schizophrenia.
Anyway I wouldn’t usually advocate reporting content as that’s against my principles, but this is clearly slanderous and deserves to be reported for harassment and misinformation (this is my first time reporting anything). Slander is not protected by the 1st Amendment. She’s obviously implying Gura is pedo-baiting
You are a giant autistic fag! Have you never heard of "not your personal army"?
What kind of pussy are you? "Some cloudchaser said my oshi is pedo-baiting, omg, thats so horrible lets report her guys." Boo fucking hoo. I think Gura is pedo-bait and if you jerked off to her model you are a disgusting pedophile! Is this harassment? Is this slander? Should I be reported for that? Should I loose my income because I said this? Even for you nolan this is beyond retarded! Buy a rope!
This entire stream is really reinforcing that theory Airi is legitimately retarded. I don't know if she's finished a thought yet. Or had more than .5 seconds of silence between tangents.
This entire stream is really reinforcing that theory Airi is legitimately retarded. I don't know if she's finished a thought yet. Or had more than .5 seconds of silence between tangents.
Dunno if you saw her twitter yesterday, but she's legitimately being overworked something serious at her job and is probably running on fumes right now.
I don't wanna shit up the thread with much more game talk after this recent Genshin spergery, but is the queue rly that bad? I've been playing on and off during the whole day with the longest queue being 15ish minutes.
I find hyperbole to be an effective comedic conduit, and these sorts of games are heavily integrated into various VTubers and their streams
all the same, I also feel like Diablo IV will be the flavor of the month for some VTubers when it comes out, so I'm getting as much time with it as I can to get the beta rewards and theoreycraft builds for launch - early-game I'm a Lightning-Based AOE Sorcerer, but with more skill points I could turn into an Elemental Summoner
on the other side of the coin, I also feel like this will start up another round of keyboard warriors shaming VTubers for supporting Blizzard's rather terrible behavior towards their employees, finding it physically impossible to enjoy games from their studio without pledging allegiance toward the individuals responsible for such behavior
I could also be wrong, but we're hot off the heels of hogwarts legacy *still* having rippling effects, and nothing can stop me from doomposting
This entire stream is really reinforcing that theory Airi is legitimately retarded. I don't know if she's finished a thought yet. Or had more than .5 seconds of silence between tangents.
They're grinding her down to her bones at her work, she announced during her megaman x4 playthrough she would not be able to play any IQ intensive games this month or the next.
Do we know her roommate?
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