🎊Check out the new Kamioshi Shrine thread! Shill YOUR kamioshi here! Win prizes!🎊
April is just around the corner, and I'd like to use this time to remind users to donate in support of the site. I am looking into purchasing more add-ons to streamline and enhance user experience, and I am also going to hire another VPS for additional backup space and other important purposes in April.
In addition: I am looking for users who would be interested in becoming Orderlies for the new vtuber threads. Responsibilities would include highlighting and properly collating information in each thread, and also maintaining the announcement widgets for each thread. Knowledge of basic HTML and CSS (very easily learned) essential. DM me your interest.
Finally, I'm looking for anyone with intermediate to advanced HTML/CSS/PHP knowledge to continue work on the forum styles. I am willing to pay for this service, but if I do, I expect commitment and results within a reasonable timeframe. DM me any offers. Thank you.
Thanks to IdolEN Nikki from the HE branch has been popping in my recommendations lately, she is currently doing a unarchived karaoke I clicked on randomly and she was just singing MJ Beat it and she is IMO really good
Fauna said her's is the only one's that is ready right now. The other girl's are not quite ready yet and Fauna's has been done for a few months so they decided to just go ahead with Fauna's and the rest of the girls will be in the coming months.
It is casual and she worked with her artist to make it. She sent her mama what she wanted and it came back perfect.
Fauna has designed a lot of outfits for herself. A few of those combined with the IRL pics we've seen, I think anyone could piece together a pretty accurate guess of what this might look like or at least the general vibe. Heck, the silhouette is almost a perfect match with the IRL pic of her in a pink sweater. I also would not be surprised to see the purple from her low poly and halloween models show up.
Hearing some of the girls talk about it, I have a nagging suspicion that they will all have idol outfits. That is including CouncilRyS, meaning we might not get their 'default' looks at Holofes. No hard evidence or for sure thing, just another 'vibe'.
Vesper "Lumberjack" Noir showing off to his new baby mama (who is your oshi btw) his camping skills he picked up when he cycled across the entire country and lived off the land.
I'm sorry @Porean but it looks like you're going a little crazy. With such audaciously untrue statements, I have no choice but to forcefully commit you to the funny farm!
Stop! Don't struggle @Porean it will only make it worse! I'm just trying to help you!
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