Are you guys looking forwards to the VShojo 3D concert next week

Seriously though I don't understand how they still haven't found a studio that can produce stuff with at least a passable quality. Kson's 3D events last year had the same problem (and I'm guessing they are using the same people)
because the companies both willing to do such a project and ABLE to do such a project are already swamped with more profitable uses of their time (digital media mostly) or lying and are far worse then they let on.
it's more then just wearing a 3d headset and haptic gloves. CUSTOM modelwork must be done to ensure the movments look smooth (and not even getting into the clipping) Custom stagework is not required but expected as well even if it's something simple theres all the network fuckery that has to be done to make sure not of the models lag especially with the stress on the servers of 1000+ people watching so they can Nolan at the 6 girls and one guy.
It's not only damn expensive it's a huge project most established companies will be unwilling to undertake. which is why smaller companies opt for the sololives. AnyCover are both big enough to either have in house stuff done or pay the extra fees .
One Day we will have a Vtuber Concert handled entirly by industrial light and magic mark my words.
Kaela got 100% achievements on Holocure. She thanked KayU, us Pemaloe, and her mom for motivating her to do this. Last challenge was hard but she managed to get it done. Great stream. Now what she gonna grind next
Touching Grass Any%
lol, here's why he got blocked
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So true Hylo...
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dramatuber advocating for "why can't we all just be friends" you can't make this shit up people.
Aviel please, the government can't keep funding you forever, I don't want Rin to be e-homeless after the gibs dry up.
i know theres NOTHING to this Rrat but I still think Aviel has HOLLYWOOD Money in this. Also Rin's discussion earlier on they refused to cover her second original song because they were investing in G2 at the time makes me thing that dispite all the money hes throwing at this Aviel oes have some limitations in place.
aka hes a jew and knows how to squeeze gold from a stone.
Idk about you fags but the more jewlord tries to convince me about how incredible and generous his corpo is the less I like and believe him. Maybe it's because I'm a fucking hardheaded mule but whenever somebody acts like a saint I always default to distrusting them. Say what you will about cover and anykara, atleast we know their flaws and weaknesses, this guy is revealing his hand how he wants people to see it, he controls the flow of info so he can never get caught with his pants down, such crafty and scheming people are the type I would never put my trust on.
you can just say "profit bad" and move on dude. the better compairison is Vhoejo. would you rather A company that does nothing for you. Or a company that does everything to ensure they (and by extension you) are profitable.
Doesn't Phase Connect generally have better numbers and share a cut from just about everything?
I recall some of the girls mentioning voice packs having the smallest cut to the fish, then memberships and superchats being the highest with something like 25%.
I'm not sure how you make a profit when the CEO is living in your merch werehouse drinking unsold ohase coffee but it shows commitment to SOMETHING and I think I can respect that maybe.
And the way Aviel writes in his statements, he just seems conceited to me, like he's putting the entire industry on check because he's just that much better than everybody else.
He is but not the bigger companies the smaller corpo's have to either match him or fall further behind i explain this earlier but new talents looking to join up with a company are gonna hit up Idol first with a decent reputation and knowledge of what they are getting. also the twittards will eat it up and spread it around like they do giving idol a small boost to their numbers.
What reason is there not to do this?
Nigga that's worst, people weren't even seeing the stream, no difference between this and just buying bots.
this is fucking retarded:
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WE DID THE THING no don't look over there what are you a cop WE DEFINITELY DID A THING please stop looking over there what are you paid PAY ATTENTION TO ME PLEASE LOOK AT ME IM SPECIAL