"What is three times nine? In a german sense it's 'I really don't wanna deal with your shit' because three times nine is 'NEIN NEIN NEIN' in german"Takanashi Kiara
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I mean its Hologra, I thought the fact that it very obviously wasn't a helicopter was the joke. Why make something make sense when it could not make sense but still work just fine for the episode.
If I recall, since the game was made to be run at 30 FPS it's almost impossible for you to grab onto the chopper for some reason. It's the same glitch that causes those weird zoom-in you see during some cinematics.
In the words of their president, the y don't just make ports or remasters.
Because they make sure to be as godawful, buggy and expensive as possible. You would think that a company that started on PC would care a little.
In the words of their president, the y don't just make ports or remasters.
Because they make sure to be as godawful, buggy and expensive as possible. You would think that a company that started on PC would care a little.
Looked it up, it's worse; GTA IV was made during the high of the console wars, so it was designed to be played at 30 FPS since it was made for consoles first (It has a fucking slider to set the resolution in the options menu) before any PC port was made, so playing at a higher framerate actually breaks the game. Beside the camera zoom-ins and helicoper stuff, it also breaks the car speed and vehicle handeling too. I'm surpirsed the game only crashed once on her and didn't bug out until now.
Not so different from the rest, as 50% and maybe renegotiation a year after for a better cut was always assumed to be the case. With their whole "we cover the costs" it basically means if you are just an autist playing games all days you are effectively subsidizing other more productive members' covers and projects. On the other hand, while sugaring it a lot, it's realistic numbers, he isn't going full retard "our talents receive 90% cut so you all better start paying the same losers" just to poach talents. Instead just the normal "It's not a secret and I am tired of pretending that it should be"
Rin's talking about it currently. That 15% for expenses is also based on scheduling and timing. She had to pay for her 2nd original song cause she was asking for funds when management was investing in Gen 2 stuff and the budget was tight. She could have waited until after Gen 2's debuts and got it covered by management but wanted to work on it sooner so she covered it herself. Her 3rd original song seems like it'll be completely covered by management though.
It isn't 75%, I am saying it is 60%. That means Idol takes 40% and allocates 15% of that to covering business expenses of their employees. Holo supposeably takes 30%, but the talents normally have to pay for stuff themselves, aside from their allowance for debut. But that also means they can choose to use that money for other things that aren't work-related, which is not the case for Idol.
I'm just saying that 15% note is very misleading.
Edit: NVM, math is wrong. If Holo is 50/50, then Idol would be 40/60. I was thinking about Holo's cut including Youtube's which would be 35% for both Holo and Talent after Youtube takes their portion.
Really nigga? Coming from a woman who came back less than a month after graduating to stir up old shit about Lumi while Lumi was on vacation. I can't even be sarcastic about this one. The lack of self awareness with Hylo is beyond retarded.
I would assume Yuri may have since they were good friends when they jumped ship, but I've seen no evidence of such. In one of the two screenshots of the Discord leak we have, Pandora did say she wanted to leave on civil terms, whatever that means. Other than that, I've seen nothing.
As far as the Aura stuff, despite everything, I honestly don't wish ill of her. Opera is retarded for inflating numbers in any sketchy ways because it makes Aura look bad as the face of this whole operation, even though I doubt she had any hand in the decision. I'm sure her numbers will stabilize and any criticism against Opera over this will die down in a few days, so it's whatever at the end of the day.
Now that being said, I am all for laughing at her if she does stupid things like blocking Pippa or having a bot that blocked her. Not sure if it was her or the company, but until I hear otherwise, I'll just laugh at her for that.
1. How is tax deduction handled? Does local government rules apply? Does Idol manage it by themselves and make the talents' life easier? What if the talent want to embezzle that money because their government is corrupt to the point of no recovery? If I remember correctly it's a israeli company and I'm completely clueless about their legislation.
2. What about marketing/ads? Does the talents' viewership influence a possible cut from those?
3. What about merch cuts? Fixed cut with overhead as profit for the talent or based on royalties?
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