Re: new NijiEN
From the "Touchdown" line at the end of the teaser, none of them have a particularly deep voice. So Bandage will need to try harder to take after "haha sex joke" Hex.
You're probably thinking of Ver, he's the Korean one. He's also the one who Koreans got pissed off about because he made a your mom joke at Zaion. No idea what's up with Asians and being pissed off at your mom jokes, but I guess family's treated very seriously in those cultures or something.
I thought it was Vox and Sonny who made chinks mad over your mom jokes and Ver got in trouble for teaching Zaion a Korean gamer word.
New Niji wave and also a bunch of recent graduations with a see you soon in them. I just hope Beryl/Peari found a better place than Niji. I'll take Phase even, but man, the timing lines up for this.
e: every time Niji and the smaller corpo bring out new gens I imagine the talent pool for HoloEN being sucked even drier
Well, no Beryl.
But I imagine the same thing. Unless EN3 has already been chosen and locked up in the basement like HoloX was, competition for the talent pool may be happening and will happen going forward. I keep thinking of Chapipi. Lumi thought she was Hololive material. She would definitely have shaken up their music offerings, and they could offer her connections for production. So why did she go for Idol? Maybe Hololive rejected her. Maybe she wants to do her own thing instead of idol projects. Maybe Idol said yes to her first, or offered better splits or IP options. Such is business.
At least the leaked designs seem to be, if the rest is true then I guess this guy was supposed to be Aruvn (maybe he dipped because of the weird space suit thing)
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This guy's mech-suit-off design was my favourite of the four.
His oshi mark is a TP roll.
At least it's not

These names are... I wish we could go back to the good old days of Elira Pendora and Millie Parfait. The designs are eh, but seeing them in a group shot with the JP heroes makes them look better. This also means that they have "hero" forms and "regular" forms, which is nice? It's interesting that this wave is linked with the previous waves from the main branch and I wonder if they're going to do anything with it. Probably not, but it's an interesting thought.
The rrats going around are interesting as well. I'm seeing some people say that this is not the gamer wave and that gamers are actually dead in the water, and I'd believe it. Taking one cursory glance at the supposed PL's and I'll go out on a limb and say that none of these guys were the gamers that the audition form was looking for. The other rrat is that aruvn and management didn't agree so they dropped him, and in turn, he became spiteful and he leaked everything. I don't actually know where this rrat came from and if it has any legs to stand on, but I found it interesting. If one of them is French, then hopefully that means that he can possibly do a French-speaking collab with Nina and/or Rosemi. I don't speak French, but I think Nina sounds nice when she speaks it and Rosemi speaking broken French is cute.
IMO the Niji girls have always had better names than the guys. Other than the erstwhile Queen of the Jews and Maria Marionette, none of the girls have had a jarring name. Meanwhile, even in Luxiem we had the terribly literal Vox Akuma and Mysta Rias. Noctyx and the Iluna guys had okay names. But then after Verver and Dopdop we get Bandage.
Nothing about being pro gamers is in the debut branding, so combined with the supposed PLs, it's certainly possible this isn't the gamer wave. I'm not sure what the aim of using lore to connect them to the earlier JP "hero" waves is. Are all three supposed PLs fluent in Japanese?
I honestly do wonder how much of a say the Nijisanji talents get in naming themselves...but then again, no self-respecting human would deem to name themselves the likes of Ver Vermillion.
Makes me think if Aruvn just ditched them because he was given a really fucking shit name?
I once asked this on the homeland. The replies I got were that
NijiJPs can change names, and that
Nijis can pitch names but their "mama" has final say. No clips, so take that as you will. But with Verver and Dopdop, maybe they said "sure, whatever" to save themselves the trouble of thinking of another name. There's no explanation for Bandage.
Some new "Vtuber group" is teasing debuts for the 25th. They've almost all QRT or replied to the posts with something like "ooo wonder who this is?". Most of them are below 500 followers on Twitter.
The only one I recogize is Yomicham from Tsunderia's Gen 4rn't.

probably should of added that. yeah. Take this knowledge combined with playing in some of the easiest seasons of league. *sad trombone* am I wrong in remembering Holo has one in challenger?
Kaela's PL was in e-sports, but I don't know her ranks. If it wasn't her I don't know who else it would be.