Just like with Ayame, I have no qualms with someone making it so big that they don't even have to hardly work their piss easy job anymore. I love Gura and wish she would communicate better so I can know what to expect to an extent, but as long as she's doing what she wants I couldn't really care less what her schedule is. If people think that these projects are taking up all her time then you are huffing some serious copium. She could make the time to stream if she wanted to do so, but she doesn't. I don't buy that some nebulous medical condition is keeping her from streaming either. She could absolutely find time to stream, but she just doesn't feel like it, and I don't really care. I'll enjoy her whenever she pops up and I will hope that she eventually wants to stream regularly again.
On the flip side going from the people who like her, I can't really understand anybody who seemingly hates her or specifically the vitriol being thrown around surrounding her absence. She's extremely precious and the only yab she has is that she doesn't communicate with her loyal fans. I personally think that's actually rude because it's not like typing a twitter message or member's post is that hard, but that's about the only bad thing I can say about her. Other than that, any attempts to make her into some detestable figure are steeped in a sort of blind retardation just looking for any excuse to shit on her for reasons known only to their sad minds, or it's just braindead trolling. Although taking a stroll through /vt/ will immediately desensitize you to those sorts of things because of how obvious and terrible the troll job is.
Here's Gura contributing to the success of her animation:
@NolanCrush I am not trying to pick on you because there are plenty of people here who are being unironically retarded, but stop replying to this line of posts. You are not going to win anyone over because you are essentially being trolled right now. For instance, you should know by now that Warspite thinks Gura is unironic pedoshit, and no matter how ridiculous I believe that stance is, your posts aren't going over well because you've been out here all night tripping over every bait post in the thread when it comes to Gura. No one is taking anything you say seriously because of it. So either go to sleep or post about stuff you liked and just move on. Even if you wanted to have a legitimate discussion about people's views to try and change them, the way it's going is not working out that way right? So just do a little reset and try not to get super defensive about this stuff.

Detective Gura and smol gurame.