A very rare membership stream with Gura
Edit: I don't know why it says the stream ended when it's still live

Edit: I don't know why it says the stream ended when it's still live
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Not quite. The off-collab arc came in two parts. The first part was when all of them minus Calli were in Ame's house, this was when Kiara recorded for her concert. They then split up and reunited in Calli's rented place after a few days, which we know was in LA.I think Ame is still in PST. We know Kiara recorded her birthday concert at Studio Ame at the end of June and we also know that Kiara was in LA at the time. I don't recall Ame mentioning relocating between then and now.
No.dear friends
any dota vtubers?
perhaps anyone that mains dazzle?
Pippa said PC repair ETA was Monday (Today).I do not believe this has been mentioned yet, pippa will be collabing with kirsche, iori and yuri and play boo men.I wonder how that will work with no pc. View attachment 3409
Guess Nux is back to attention whoring. Recently he popped up in Kson's anniversary stream. And he released this video (possibly recorded about two or three weeks ago) about Vtuber-related drama where he basically misses a ton of points and gets a bunch of shit wrong. Starts off by basically pushing the whole talent freedom shit when talking about Coco and speaks about Hololive implying that they don't give a shit about their talents and shilling them to his general audience. Also mentions that Coco is Kson and Rushia is Nasuna. Not sure if its just me being autistic but shit feels weird.
Guess Nux is back to attention whoring. Recently he popped up in Kson's anniversary stream. And he released this video (possibly recorded about two or three weeks ago) about Vtuber-related drama where he basically misses a ton of points and gets a bunch of shit wrong. Starts off by basically pushing the whole talent freedom shit when talking about Coco and speaks about Hololive implying that they don't give a shit about their talents and shilling them to his general audience. Also mentions that Coco is Kson and Rushia is Nasuna. Not sure if its just me being autistic but shit feels weird.
If I remember correctly only Gura went to Calli rented place. Gura and Calli left the next day to meet with the others. Kiara also mentioned that Ame asked her aunt to pick up some In N Out and bring it to her place. In N Out only operates on the west coast and Nevada.Not quite. The off-collab arc came in two parts. The first part was when all of them minus Calli were in Ame's house, this was when Kiara recorded for her concert. They then split up and reunited in Calli's rented place after a few days, which we know was in LA.
So going through the billibilli interview and seeing how things got scrubbed quick, this seems like a high possibility. They both have a nervous energy while talking and both are very quick to apologize for seemingly innocuous things. The voice in the interview sounds more like one of the voices Grimmi uses here or there that she breaks into. I don't think it would be too hard to keep up a certain voice for a few hours if you were an experience voice actor (especially considering the Gaspar streams). Searching the name from the interview you can still see fragments of the tweets/twitter and writer is listed next to voice actress (Grimmi has written a book and waiting to publish it).So I know there are some Grimmi fans here so I wanted to know if anyone can weight in on the veracity of this:
View attachment 3396
Many people on the thread say it does sound like her, but to be honest I neither know enough about her to tell or want to spend long time analyzing porn audio, wanted to post more for archive sake more than anything, googling the name does link to a deleted tweeter and an empty souncloud with the name Iris Harman, also googling the character she supposedly voiced in a game called subverse bring a lot of people wondering what happened to her.
Unless Indos are just banned from Origin or Kobo is using a pirated copy, I don't see why they'd need to run through dollar-store Tunngle to play Dead Space 3.Holy shit, I always forget how much Calli is still an amateur when it comes to streaming.
Pippa said PC repair ETA was Monday (Today).
Guess Nux is back to attention whoring. Recently he popped up in Kson's anniversary stream. And he released this video (possibly recorded about two or three weeks ago) about Vtuber-related drama where he basically misses a ton of points and gets a bunch of shit wrong. Starts off by basically pushing the whole talent freedom shit when talking about Coco and speaks about Hololive implying that they don't give a shit about their talents and shilling them to his general audience. Also mentions that Coco is Kson and Rushia is Nasuna. Not sure if its just me being autistic but shit feels weird.
It doesn't help that he is absolutely and pathetically desperate to be liked. I've said it before about Nux Taku but I don't even need to know the guy to know he was terminally unpopular in high school and is in a constant state of begging people to like him at every moment of the day.I may have felt bad and sympathized for the guy back during his public hanging, but he's always been a clout chaser and an obnoxious human being. Only makes sense he's trying to show his support for the both of them. Gotta get in their good graces for tHe CoNtEnt
The dude animated for over a year, "bad end" is the title of the entire work, i guarantee there is only going to be one version.This suggests we're getting at least 2 endings
As someone who doesn't get anything from ASMR I never looked into canan, "she does asmr" was enough info for me to never search her up, but not long ago I head her video versions are woth checking out.Canan/Noel I saw someone ask a question that no one had provided information on. So I thought to myself, "Well, I'll just see what I can find and report back." I failed my mission after maybe 15 seconds.
It's astonishing how on point he is.Axel's predictions are getting insane, he called the part about Monika addressing the player instead of the main character, and right after dismissed it for a theory of Monika being a ghost lol.
Are you guys posting time stamped links into the "media" feature? That cuts anything from the url including time stamps, so it's kinda useless when used to refer to a specific moment.Here is a timestamp where Ame talked about why she has been doing more collabs.
What a wild ride. Switching to Resident Evil 5 now.Jesus fucking Christ, Calli.
Dead Space 3 is either bad luck, or Indo internet, because I've played that game with someone who's probably as geographically as far from me as he could possibly be and we managed to beat it. Even if some scripted segments broke in the funniest fucking ways due to the lag. Like characters not animating in time or loading in properly, NPCs being able to move and shoot when they're supposed to be in cutscenes, etc..LMAO, Calli can't even get Phastmo to stream properly. I can't legit tell if she's legit shit at streaming or just has completely bad luck at this point.