"You fucking retard"Kotoka Torahime

General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

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Don't think this got posted already, but I could have glossed over it.

8bitdrummer is great.


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The Peanut Gallery

New year, same insanity🕯️👁️
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So now that Grimmi is done explaining her undertale deltarune lore and theories, she's moved on to reading spear hero.

Other than her, Mari streaming now

And I'm going to ask this here, but would we consider Newgrounds creators with 2D/3D models vtubers? I keep getting recommended Zone and I follow Mattyburrito and just curious if either would be considered vtubers. If anyones curious Mattys currently streaming

Aka Split

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Axel's response to getting sex-bots in his chat?
Reading the names out loud of course:

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I hope kiara gets to collab with NijiEN someday.

suisei will take a 1 and a half month break for throat surgery. oof. also, sang Treasure box around the 28 minute mark.

Not that i necessarily want to ultra-necro this, but i just got recommended the clip of suisei singing treasure box.

She's obviously a great singer, but her kinda struggling with it really makes me appreciate Marine's vocal range so much more.
I don't hear her brought up that often when people discuss best singers in Hololive, but I personally much prefer her 'unique' voice over pretty much anyone in Holo. The way she switches from low to high / from cute to sexy voice a lot is really impressive to me.

If only her english was better she could pump out some killer soul / swing covers (don't really know if there's a lot of japanese songs in that direction).

I'm also not caught up on her karaoke streams so maybe that will shift my opinion on her a bit more, kind of a shame she talks too fast for me to keep up in japanese in her normal streams.

Also left in the remark about Kiara and NijiEN, crazy how in a month we can go from 'maybe someday' to 'ah this was 2 days ago'

Clip tax from kusogaki collab.

electronic elephant

"I am uncontrollable. I cannot be managed."—Vesper
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Vesper members stream 10/23/2022:

Selected highlights:
  • One time Vesper was fishing and caught something "brick-shaped and wrapped in cloth". He immediately called 911. He didn't attempt to open it but he thinks it was probably cocaine.
  • Vesper is banned from turning off superchats.
  • Vesper tells a story of how he used to buy beer from a guy on a street corner selling homemade beer. The guy disappeared for a while, and it turned out he'd been in jail for illegally selling alcohol.
  • Vesper recently went to the gym for the first time in 8 years. He messed up his wrist doing a power clean and quit lifting because of that. He doesn't have time time to bike as much now, so he went to the gym again. His quads now hurt.
  • Vesper spills part of his drink but (mostly) doesn't get any on his keyboard.

Bolded entries are items that contain information holo or Vesper's ideas about his content.
  • Vesper has the viewers take a drink together with him of whatever they have on hand. He'd drinking an oolong highball and a can of a LaCroix.
  • A superchat mentioning Magni's members stream makes Vesper realize he's accidentally overlapping with Magni.
  • A chat says they'd like to try the oolong highball.
    • Vesper warns them that it doesn't have much of a taste. "It's like being in the same room with a fruit."
  • Vesper mainly does pier fishing. He also likes charter fishing and sport fishing.
    • the main sport fishing fish is large mouthed bass. carp is a decent sport fishing fish too. It has kind of a muddy flavor so it doesn't taste great.
  • Vesper likes a youtuber named Mav who makes videos about fishing and living out of his truck.
    • Mav never curses. Vesper originally planned to be like that but instantly failed. Vesper thinks he will improve over time and in a few years he can get to the point where he won't curse.
      • Vesper feels bad about cursing because of fans who have kids. Apparently Axel mentioned something in discord about some fan of his having a kid.
        • Chat informs Vesper that Axel cursed immediately after learning about the fan with a kid.
  • A superchat mentions watching a big dota 2 tournament and suggests Vesper check it out.
    • Vesper has only played the original dota and hasn't played for at least 10 years, but he considers himself a dota fan in his heart.
  • A superchat says deep sea fishing for halibut in Alaska is fun and they recommend it.
    • Vesper talks about how Alaskan halibut are gigantic apex predators and nothing eats them but people.
    • Vesper describes halibut. It's a very large fish that's flat with both eyes on one side of its body. Vesper thinks the difference between a halibut and a flounder is the side of the body the eyes are on.
      • vesper gets briefly confused by the chat spamming "YOU ARE KING" after he says the phrase "left side, right side" while talking about halibut and flounder
  • What's the weirdest thing Vesper has ever caught while fishing (e.g. a beach umbrella)?
    • One time Vesper was fishing and caught something "brick-shaped and wrapped in cloth". He immediately called 911. He didn't attempt to open it but he thinks it was probably cocaine.
  • Vesper sometimes visits his uncle who lives in Alaska. They go fishing together. Sometimes Vesper's uncle goes hunting and Vesper goes along to hang out with him (Vesper doesn't hunt).
  • Baby halibut look like normal fish. As they grow they morph into the weird shape of an adult halibut.
  • superchat: "You should do an educational watch along. Something fun and engaging. Richard Feynman’s 1964 lectures on The Character of Physical Laws."
    • Vesper likes the book Six Easy Pieces (also by Feynman). He's bought 10 copies of it and given them to different people he knows.
    • Vesper talks about Richard Feynman.
      • Cal Tech physics professor.
      • Some people put his work on the level of Einstein.
      • Vesper knows some lesser-known facts about Feynman.
        • Apparently he used to go to strip clubs near Cal Tech and talk to the strippers about physics.
          • A chat says he would grade papers in strip clubs.
          • chat: "Ah yes, g-string theory"
  • Vesper is banned from turning off superchats.
    • It's because of the time Vesper panicked and ended a stream because of superchats.
    • Vesper asked them why he can't turn of superchats when other holos can. They told him they trust other people to not turn of superchats in a panic, but Vesper is banned from turning them off for 6 months and they'll reevaluate then.
    • Managers told Vesper that the decision to turn of superchats should be a calm, rational decision. E.g. when doing a superchat reading stream, turning off superchats to be able to catch up to the end.
  • A superchat tells Vesper he should look up the Benjamin Franklin's thesis about prefering older women.
    • Vesper knows about it. Apparently one of his professors talked about it. Vesper won't elaborate further.
  • how much money for Vesper to teach physics?
    • Vesper doesn't know physics. Magni might be the most knowledgeable about physics.
      • Vesper says he thinks Magni learned "up to light and electromagnetic" [probably talking about in college because Vesper says he only has high school physics]
  • will Vesper ever play FGO on stream?
    • Vesper doesn't think he can play anything gacha
  • does Vesper plan to play Dicey Dungeon again?
    • yes. It's a nice game to have available for times when Vesper doesn't have a specific plan for what to play.
  • what are Vesper's favorite beers? superchat mentions their own favorite as red Irish and IPAs.
    • Vesper likes stouts, porters, IPAs
    • Vesper isn't really a beer connoisseur. He just drinks it.
  • are there any sites Vesper recommends for JP learning resources?
    • Vesper doesn't know anything about JP learning resources. He learned JP in school years ago but he's forgotten almost all of it.
    • Vesper's holostars senpai tweet translation plan is a very inefficient way to learn JP, but he likes it because:
      • it's more interesting stream content than just going over vocab
      • Vesper learns things about holostars senpai
      • viewers also learn things about holostars senpai
  • A superchat reminds vesties to stay hydrated while drinking.
    • Vesper gives viewers some advice
      • Don't have the goal of being able to drink a lot. Young people think drinking a lot is a mark of being an adult, but that's not a good idea because alcohol is expensive.
        • many alcoholic drinks are cheap to make but get sold for a lot. "alcohol is kind of a scam"
        • if you can get drunk off of a drink or two, that's good
  • Chats ask vesper about his opinion of various types of drinks.
  • Vesper tells a story from his time in "the academy"
    • like many students, he was kind of poor, so he lived in a rough neighborhood and commuted to school
    • there was a guy on a street corner who would sell homemade beer in mason jars. If you brought back the jar, he would refill it for a discounted price.
      • it was pretty good. Vesper had "a fair amount of it"
    • the guy disappeared for a while. Vesper thinks it was 8 or 9 months.
    • Vesper ran into the guy at a bodega and he told him he'd been in jail for selling alcohol without a license. [Vesper said "bodeg" and cut himself off and changed it to "shop". Not really important since we already know he lived in NY, but it's a little funny.]
    • Vesper offered to buy the guy a beer from the bodega, but the guy told him the reason he started making beer was because he thought the store bought beer was garbage.
  • does Vesper have any go-to cheap meals from his time at the academy? Also, what's vesper's favorite recipe types of instant noodles?
    • olive oil and garlic pasta is cheap and good
  • a chat mentions that in Thailand you can't brew alcohol even if it's just for your own use and you don't plan to sell it.
    • Vesper thinks you should be able to do it, but he understands why places ban it
      • if you make it wrong you can blind yourself and put yourself in the hospital
      • "you go blind, you have to go to the hospital. So I do understand why certain people would...but from my point of view, just let them perish!" [he was joking about the last part]
  • Vesper claims that if he ever says something weird it was just to make the viewers laugh. "If I think it'll make even one vestie laugh, I'll belt it out."
  • does vesper have any fun convention stories?
    • vesper doesn't like crowds.
    • he's gone to a few anime conventions but only because he hung out with people who would go. He ended up carrying things for his friends who never had pockets in their cosplay costumes.
  • A superchat says they think Vesper would like Ranni from Elden Ring.
    • Vesper doesn't think he'll ever play Elden Ring on stream.
      • The permissions are a little bit difficult.
      • If he ever did play it, it would probably be as a few marathon streams on twitch to finish it a few days and not end up playing it for months.
  • Vesper has thought of an idea for getting around permissions problems (specifically related to not overloading his manager with requests). He's thought about polling members to pick a game from a list of games that viewers often recommend for him to play. Then he'll play the game off stream and live tweet or make members posts while doing it, and afterwards do a members stream talking about the game.
  • a superchat asks Vesper for inspiration for creating a dnd character.
    • Vesper's recommended character:
      • human
      • who wants to be a dragon. It's his life's goal.
      • hangs out with dragonborn
      • he's like a dragonbornaboo
      • whenever he meets a dragonborn he'll speak to them in draconic
      • for bonus points: he's a wizard or warlock so he uses a staff, but he wants to seem buff and macho so he ties a dagger to the end of his staff to make it look like a spear
  • Vesper recently went to the gym for the first time in 8 years. He messed up his wrist doing a power clean and quit lifting because of that. He doesn't have time time to bike as much now, so he went to the gym again. His quads now hurt.
  • Vesper refills his drink and does another kanpai with the viewers.
    • he clinks his glass with something and there's an audible noise of something falling [maybe some ice that sloshed out of the glass?]. Apparently vesper spilled 25-30% of his drink. It (mostly) didn't get on his keyboard or computer.
      • "am I drunk? I don't think so? what caused me to do that?"
      • after a few minutes, vesper notices a little bit got on his keyboard and gets a towel to wipe it off
  • chat convinces Vesper to set his model to blush and zoom in on the face. Vesper decides to spend the rest of the stream zoomed in.
  • chat notices Vesper chewing ice.
    • Vesper's dentist has told him to stop doing that.
  • does vesper have any experience with RTS games?
    • Vesper played a good amount of brood war when he was younger. Vesper also played warcraft 2 and 3. He wasn't a huge fan of starcraft 2. Vesper likes tiberian sun.
  • chat asks Vesper to do a wink.
    • Vesper attempts to wink. He's only partly successful.
    • Vesper talks about how Altare can consistently wink.
    • Vesper wonders if wearing glasses is what's messing up his ability to wink. He takes off his glasses and is able to wink without the model acting up. Vesper hypothesizes that Altare must not wear glasses.
  • vesper asks the viewers to help him think of a second birthday gift for Magni to apologize for not finishing the original gift in time.
    • eventually "a fursuit" gets suggested
      • Vesper talks about how fursuits are really expensive and take forever to get made. "you have to be an actual millionaire...and even if you are a millionaire, you'll commission one and it won't be done for 20 years"
        • chat asks Vesper how he knows about this. Vesper "has approximate knowledge of many things".
  • vesper like sour food
    • vesper's top 3 flavors are meaty, spicy, and sour
  • vesper learns Altare is planning to stream zomboid in ~12 minutes. He briefly considers playing zomboid with him but resists the temptation.
  • Eri-san [the same JP vestie that asked for advice on motivation at work in a previous members stream] asks Vesper to please go to sleep. Many other chats also express the same thing. Vesper wants to hold out until Altare starts streaming so he can redirect.
  • is LaCroix worth the hype?
    • No, but it's a pretty good way to stop drinking soda. It doesn't actually taste very good.
      • Vesper is wary of diet soda because of the things he's seen over the years about how ingredients like aspartame are bad for you. Though apparently recently people have been saying MSG isn't actually as bad as people used to say, so have they been correct about aspartame?

The Peanut Gallery

New year, same insanity🕯️👁️
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Maris chat just bullied her into putting a subathon timer up just to see the number go up.


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Hime gave chat a little head :smugpipi:


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The Peanut Gallery

New year, same insanity🕯️👁️
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Punished Anime Discusser

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!!Foot Dox Confirmed!!
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It's been mentioned here before but the only thing that's gonna happen is the open-season in chat for spergy unityfags begging their oshiis to collab with x or y from the other corpo. It's not happening if there is no strong MUTUAL interest from both chuubas.
I would love to see Millie collabing with any of the EN girls although she might be a bit too chaotic. Maybe Bae could be a contender or even Moona (seems Moona was a Lyrica fan).

Lisa's schedule for the week plus her music review form. Get your submission in before it fills up if you want to.

It filled up. Fuck.

Add this one to the recent graduation list as well:

I wish I had kept a document with all the recently graduated talents. There are about 7 or 8 pretty notable and big ones. Gonna have to wait for FruitSite to work properly to see if I can start the document.

I feel the same way minus the creeped out bit. One of the times when people were sperging about Canan/Noel I saw someone ask a question that no one had provided information on. So I thought to myself, "Well, I'll just see what I can find and report back." I failed my mission after maybe 15 seconds. She was whispering directly into my left ear, and I definitely did not enjoy it. I felt the tingles run down my left side, but to me that's an awful feeling, and I kept automatically trying to turn my head away because I don't really want people blowing into or whispering directly into my ear. Some asmr doesn't illicit this response from me. It just seems to be the breathy whispering/blowing and random object noises when made to sound like they are right beside your ear that just kill me. I can deal with asmr that's not so 'invasive'. Soft spoken stuff is ok just not right in my ear plz.

By any chance do you also have a problem with "mouth sounds" or hate people chewing?

Nene speaking English via translator, giving deets on the beetles.
God, she's adorable.

Vesper possibly has the best art and thumbnails.

Normally I stay on Youtube for the most part but a few days ago I was on Twitch and this girl was running a vtuber originals Radio stream. Pretty great honestly.

I was on Twitch earlier today and she was streaming. Seems she had finished doing a "smash or pass" and was going to do a "Wet" stream. Not sure what it was, guess its just a bunch of lewd talk as she got really drunk and started accepting questions. I don't follow much of the lewd content but listening to her get wasted and oversharing a bunch of info was very entertaining. Just hope she continues the whole Radio show thing tomorrow so that I can have something to listen to while im at work. I had to go (got work early tomorrow) but she was doing karaoke and was singing from some musicals and a few other lounge-type versions of songs like "Creep". She's pretty good at it.

Finally got off my ass and commissioned a Live2D model from the same artist that worked on Fen Riru (who happens to be another one of those people of interest that randomly graduated recently, on August 31, despite doing pretty well in numbers)


Model wont be ready until next year and I will then have to find a Rigger but I have been sitting on this shit for the past year.
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Burnt Fish

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The Holostars Manager Shinove has announced he will be stepping down on the 31st.

(A note there because it didn't translate the "ikeieke" bit comes from "ike ike don don" which is describing a state where something is building momentum so he's basically apologizing for dropping this news when things are looking strong and a lot of good news has been coming for the stars lately)1666597095246.png
I'll edit in translatiosn for the 4 notes he left there in images when I can find one
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Send gastralia and fourth trochanter.
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New Sony group
Dev-d 10/29
View attachment 3353
I had to check to see that this was not some kind of joke but I guess it is true. That girl on the left is basically Kiwi-chan, she even has the same heterochromia as Chris.
Kiwi Chan.png
(sorry best picture I could get while that site is down)
Apparently her name is Kakapo which is another completely unrelated flightless bird from New Zealand.
The agency name is Vee too, which also made me think it was a joke. I guess if I wanted to draw more connections I could say that the girl in the middle is a reference to Hampture and the one on the right is a reference to Jim's recurring dolphin porn joke.


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I rewatched a little of Uruka's coffee stream that I caught when live to see what was removed and I think the one part where she shows a lot of her thighs was really the only thing removed. You still end up seeing her thighs and shorts throughout the stream, and she had a whole segment where she padded her bra to show off her "200 cm" booba. Looks like next to nothing was removed, and yet it took over 3 days to reupload.
Her hair makes me think she's on a Pippa shower schedule. :calivomit:
She has the hair of an elderly asian women, bald spot on top of head included.
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God's Tastiest Bucko

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ASMR is one of those things that I can understand how some people find relaxing or even erotic in some cases. But no matter what scenario I've stumbled upon and tried watching, it just creeps me the fuck out and leaves me feeling very uncomfortable. And I have to tune out. Not quite sure why I have such a visceral reaction to it either. I liken it to the feeling where you have a random hair fall on the back of your neck but you think it could be something crawling on you.

I envy you saplings who can enjoy that stuff. Seems like some primo content from Fauna.
Amiya rare ASMR streams are pretty great because it's usually just her reading things while the chat gets comfy or tries to make her snort in laughter - there was a stream where she read an issue of Nintendo Power, Charlotte's Web or recently some spooky prose and poetry. Pretty much zero coombaiting but that's a given since it's Ami.
I suspect ASMR "purists" might disagree whether those types of stream qualify as real ASMR - especially since she doesn't needlessly invest in overly expensive microphones just because they're hyped in the community - but no dreamweaver or bucko really cares. Ami content is great as it is.
Note that a bucko wrote all of this so it's definitely a very subjective take.

And speaking of
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Just pretending

The Great Bald Rrat
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New kronii schedule

My Nazi Timewarden: Genocide Is Magic I'm sorry, Lia's stream influenced me a bit too much
Edit: It's supposed to be a policewoman Kronii? Fuck you, this lame excuse won't fool me. Ever since her Frostpunk streams I staunchly believe Kronii would make a great cog in a totalitarian regime, don't kinkshame me.

The Holostars Manager Shinove has announced he will be stepping down on the 31st.

View attachment 3369
(A note there because it didn't translate the "ikeieke" bit comes from "ike ike don don" which is describing a state where something is building momentum so he's basically apologizing for dropping this news when things are looking strong and a lot of good news has been coming for the stars lately)View attachment 3370
I'll edit in translatiosn for the 4 notes he left there in images when I can find one

What exactly was this dude's position? Was it something similar to A-chan? I can't imagine him being a proper manager to all the talents at once, it would be too much work even taking into consideration that holostars are less numerous than hologirls.


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The Holostars Manager Shinove has announced he will be stepping down on the 31st.

View attachment 3369
(A note there because it didn't translate the "ikeieke" bit comes from "ike ike don don" which is describing a state where something is building momentum so he's basically apologizing for dropping this news when things are looking strong and a lot of good news has been coming for the stars lately)View attachment 3370
I'll edit in translatiosn for the 4 notes he left there in images when I can find one

Shinove in Holostars then?
My Nazi Timewarden: Genocide Is Magic I'm sorry, Lia's stream influenced me a bit too much

What exactly was this dude's position? Was it something similar to A-chan? I can't imagine him being a proper manager to all the talents at once, it would be too much work even taking into consideration that holostars are less numerous than hologirls.
More like a General Manager for them, just like how M-chan is for ID. A-Chan was never a manager, she was more like support for Sora.

AO Cody

Go read Cloudscratcher
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The Holostars Manager Shinove has announced he will be stepping down on the 31st.

View attachment 3369
(A note there because it didn't translate the "ikeieke" bit comes from "ike ike don don" which is describing a state where something is building momentum so he's basically apologizing for dropping this news when things are looking strong and a lot of good news has been coming for the stars lately)View attachment 3370
I'll edit in translatiosn for the 4 notes he left there in images when I can find one

Has to be just some personal shit on his end; no way he'd be stepping down from being forced to or due to some kind of disappointment at his performance right when the Stars brand is blowing up more than it ever has in the past.

I wonder if he got a new gig somewhere, or it's some personal thing. Not like I'm dying to know, mind you, but the timing has me a little curious.
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