Aw, man. Listening to Amiya sing "Hotel California", I thought "This is great, I'll clip it later", then remembered that this is unarchived and I'm not saving it. Oh well, I'm sure somebody is.
I don't know how. I already tried yt-dlp and it didn't work (though it did grab the live part - didn't know it could do that; useful for later). I guess screen record could do it, but I don't like to use that.
EDIT: Screen record didn't work (sound was fucked).
@lakyus and
@Azehara thanks for info,
@lakyus I copy/pasted your prompt into powershell so maybe I'll get it, but it's looking kind of slow. Some yt-dlp grabs are way slower than others. Maybe I'll at least get some of the stream. Gotta get the Hotel California for my playlist, man.