Honestly speaking. How many of you have:
1. Watched Pikamee prior to her graduation notice
2. Watched any of her streams this final month?
I used to watch Pikamee often back when we only had EN1 (I remember staying up until about 3am watching the Winnie the Pooh Tigger live). Eventually, I stopped watching her content due to timezones, and a ton of other vtubers being there for me to choose from. Honestly it feels like most of the people bitching about Pikamee are just tourists wanting to use her to push their own shit to make the other side look bad (not like they need much help).
As sad as I was when Coco graduated, I have to admit that I barely even watched her. Hell even on her final few weeks I barely watched her content. Also lets be honest we all know that Pikamee will pop up under another agency. This girl is too socially awkward to work on a normie wagecuck job. She will pop up on VshojoJP and people will get butthurt because of it.