To be fair, proctor-sama, I don't think anyone is really arguing, just providing their perspectives on this stuff. I know mumber said not to bring up the 'it's just some fake shit' argument, but that truly is about 95% of it. The rest is that even joking about the real thing doesn't equate to being some real fucking freak, and then there's the people that try to hide their actual, unironic lust for real children behind a thin veneer of jokes or loli/shota stuff. I'm personally an extreme believer in absolutely no thought crimes being brought up to accuse someone of real crimes, no matter what they are. When it comes to fiction, or joking, in my opinion there are no real boundaries that should be excluded. If no real, flesh and blood individual is being physically hurt or prevented from living their life then everything is ok. So yes, even Rie joking about getting that totally real kid's contact info is ok to me, and I find it funny because it's clearly a joke. I would defend her and her choice of joke material to anybody or any organization and I would have no moral hang-ups with doing so. I also won't try and force anyone else to entirely accept my viewpoint on the matter of fiction and jokes, but I will definitely try to argue my points with you if I think someone is going too far in their criticism of any fiction or joking material.
Just for the record so nobody thinks I'm calling out anyone here, being uncomfortable with something and expressing that distaste or disgust is completely different from accusing an individual or group of being unironic pedophiles. That kind of extreme accusation can be career/life ending if people just believe it, and doing it over fiction or jokes seems deranged. That's my stance. I don't want to see another round of "playing GTA directly correlates to you killing people IRL" when violence or fetish material or joking is all just fictional enjoyment at the end of the day.
Just so any replies don't shit up the thread further, I have posted my thoughts on the question, and if you'd like to continue a healthy discussion I would be more than happy to continue on my profile or in a dm. Thanks for coming to my TED talk!
When logging back in, this was my quote at the top of the page. Obviously this means the universe is telling me something. I now have a divine mission from the powers that be. Coincidence? Unlikely!