Botayori has activated something primal. Also I generally avoid musical content because it doesn't interest me too much but god damn Watame, I might need to make an exception.
So I clipped Bae, Mumei, and Fauna reacting to the Hololive Shuffle Medley (outfit swap song). Bae's stream didn't have the sound, so I added the medley song (syncing it was a fucking pain because of some lag on Bae's end, be grateful). For some god damned reason it's stuck at 360 and it doesn't say "processing HD" like usual, so this may be the best it's going to get, and I fucking hate that like you woudn't believe, but there's nothing I can do about it.nvm, just upped to 720 after I posted.
Enjoy the pudding, and happy motherfucking new year, assholes.
He is, under at least two accounts. You must have missed him.I know. He posts benign dum shit comments, the only person that interacts with him is romanianV. I don't know of any actual friendship or interaction between him and Yuni, but I don't think Zax and Yuni ban people from their discord. I'm surprised Henri isn't in there.
Ame in there as Mel or Roboco would have been amazing, but what can you do. What we got was still amazing.This whole segment is really great but it does sadden me a little that nobody from en is in it, especially after they were in the little hologra short beforehand. If you want a really pedantic complaint, Watame's tail being replaced by Towa's also bothers me, mostly because Botan keeps her tail while in Koyori's outfit.
Magni is going to sink this fucking party, but I'm here for it.
"Negan Protocol" lmfao.
Ah, but the definition of "woman" has changed now, don't you listen to the media? If a "man" can have a period by bleeding out his ass, then a "woman" can shoot a load through her snizz. It's science! Don't you BELIEVE IN SCIENCE?!?I think you're all quite bad at this roommate finding stuff, you all keep saying Vesper got someone pregnant but how could they?
Vesper is a woman with a voice changer.
Poor yabbit, the age is finally setting in for her. Though considering she was poor, she probably had the PS1 as the PS2 was being released as it was common back in the day to have a previous generation system, and buying games at yard sales for 5$ if you came from a poorer family. Kids these days are spoiled with them getting the latest iphone every year.
It gets better and she ends pretty chipper, or as happy as one can be in her condition.I had to tap out a few minutes into Pippa's call in. Hearing the funny bunny get weepy and emotional is too much for my heart to bear.
Spreading like a fine mold.A sample of the text posted in Jim's chat during stream. It's probably not surprising that Jim gets second billing in his own stream to a cute anime rabbit girl.
View attachment 9384
Chudgineer (
Here's a sample of the chat's autism today, sampled from about 21000 chat
Bae's password was literally 1111. That's one step below using 12345 for your luggage combination.
A sample of the text posted in Jim's chat during stream. It's probably not surprising that Jim gets second billing in his own stream to a cute anime rabbit girl.
View attachment 9384
Chudgineer (
Here's a sample of the chat's autism today, sampled from about 21000 chat
Best outcome for them is Magni's character dies, the others gtfo, and Magni makes a new character. If you want to play evil or amoral character then make them evil or amoral, don't make them technically good and pretend like they are good, but are free to do whatever evil shit they want at the drop of a hat with no repercussions. If they wanted to be evil murderrhobos i am sure that Vesper could have written a campaign where they were free to be that.This is extremely funny as a audience member, but holy shit if I were Catxel I'd be trying to get out of this party fast if this doesn't turn around quick.
Magni as CurioBOT is actually a villain. He just kills someone's parent to coerce himself into two kobold servants so he can steal their dragon as a pet, but first he tries to figure out which kobold will break first to make this happen. This isn't even some edgy "They killed my family so I'll kill all of them" like Goblin Slayer or something, this is just pure power hungry bullshit, which is probably IC for our favorite war machine but if I were in this party I'd IC be very concerned. This is why evil characters, especially unsubtle ones like this, get really messy with good aligned parties if you're trying to actually play IC. It just creates a lot of conflict of interest and you have to make bullshit excuses to keep the party together because a good person doesn't want to stay with some crazy murder robot who tries to blindly smoke out his enemies while on a rescue mission. I'd have left and made a new character that could deal with this stuff, after this quest at the latest, assuming I don't just try to screw them over first.
For example if I were say Catxel and an actual good aligned character, Catxel doesn't have a stated alignment but I'm presuming good because its Axel mostly playing himself, I'd probably be trying to orchestrate a plan to gtfo and ensure the innocents don't get murdered by CurioBOT's reckless power grabs. Altor isn't even much better as he encourages this or even participates and has taken a pacifist gnome cleric with him as a heal bitch, Altor is also stated to be "Neutral Good" apparently.
I actually want this to really blow up in CurioBOT's face now, not just because it'll be extremely funny, but because it'd be perfect karma for this story. I don't know if I want the wyrmling to just kill him outright, as that would really suck for a fresh dnd player and I want Magni to keep playing because he's entertaining, but that robot needs the fear of god put into him.
I don't know if we'll see the wyrmling unless it is the next scene after this combat, but if we do see it in the last episode, then I'm expecting a big cliffhanger ending.