Im glad that this site is still autistic and oldfag enough that people have an almost two hour long discussion about seaweed over a random post vaugely referencing moldLet's stop this chat before somebody begins arguing about birds or protists or hyenas, I had a 4 hour debate with someone about that once I do not wish to relive.Main problem with taxonomy is that it's generally a thankless job done by very overworked people and a lot of its foundations were created when the people making the charts were basically a bunch of old english and french assholes going to papua new guinea or the amazon basin and pickling random bugs in jars of formaldehyde and naming them after the duke of york or whatever.
Taxonomy was done purely VISUALLY for a good 200 years before we began analyzing genes and it is still done visually for a lot of field work, specially with rarer species that don't even have a holotype or any pictures. The framework of the whole thing is arbitrary and the system was made by some botanist Christian in the 1700's who thought whales were fish and rocks were alive.
The bigger issue is that taxonomy does not describe absolute reality, like all science except pure logic it simply describes how us humans perceive reality. Nature cannot be beholden to 8 ranks in some arbitrary system, you cannot decide what is what with absolutely certainty. So we are in an eternal quest to get as close to describing reality as possible but since evolution is a constant for living beings it will NEVER be over. Livings beings do not go from one state to another, they gradually change like frames of a video, so any description is only describing a snapshot in a process, if you travelled a million years in the future the whole system would be flawed.
Better than other places' "this week's trendy struggle session" posting
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