I'd disregarded Runie, not out of any negative opinion but my scattershot impression of her was "Oh, normal Stacy in PC." To learn that she went from not a gamer to speed running RE2R? I wanna check her out. Sincere enjoyment and pursuit of something, even in a game, is cool.
Sincere enjoyment and pursuit of something is basically Runie's entire MO.
Runie is one of those chatterbox nerds. The ones who can't shut up about their latest obsession. She's high functioning which gives the normal Stacy impression but watch any two of her streams and her open enthusiasm is endearing as heck.
If you're looking for vods to check out:
- I would recommend her
Valentine's karaoke as an example of just how high effort she can get.
- Long gaming series are all good.
DMC3 playthrough was where it all started but a slow burn, Bayonetta was so-so,
RE2 both her first run and her S+ are peak (this playlist is backwards for some reason), and
DMC1 is pretty good so far. Her one-off game streams were less good, but she more or less stopped doing them after the first 2 months.
- Her other characteristic content are roleplay streams, see if you like them and if you do they're all worth watching.
- For non-story gaming, Phasmophobia has become an obsession and Guilty Gear Strive was fun while it lasted.
- If you're in, then watch all 3 of her
100 anime ranking streams, that's the "this girl is
not a normie" baptism.