Considering the numbers Michiru and Nasa did for the first.. well, let's say two years, I think it's safe to say Fish is fine with carrying dead weight for extended periods; he seems very promotion-by-merit going off who gets outfits and ad spend, too, so I think someone going MIA publicly won't bother him any more than the girls not doing noombers does, which is great imo. So, we can't infer anything like a graduation based on what we know, and that's all to say that there's even less information to imply a suspension of all things. Confidently: this is a no based on the info we have.
Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but I don't think it's fair to say that Michiru and Nasa were dead weight. They were grinding away just like everyone else.
Speaking of which, Da Michi will have a birthday celebration tomorrow.