"you've beep bopped your last boop beep"Gawr Gura

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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Spooked But Lobotomized

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Joined:  Jan 29, 2023
Man... that was a read. All that info and all that chaos... and no final showdown between John and Nag? wtf were the writers thinking? They build up their rivalry for 3 or 4 seasons, kill nag off, then bring him back and then this dramatic showdown occurs and its the perfect time for them to settle their differences once and for all, but nope. They really dropped the ball on this.

I hope someone got fired for this blunder


menhera addicted sister
Pipproject Producer
Joined:  Jun 21, 2023
Woman, you are a vtuber avatar who posts porn of herself on main and poached a large number of creeps and weirdos from the fanbase of a woman who pissed in cups for them to masturbate over. You posted and participated on Kiwifarms for years before that.

You draw people who are weird, creepy and have no understanding of personal boundaries to your orbit like flies to honey. Every signal you put out screams at the top of its lungs BE PARASOCIAL. STALK ME. BECOME OBSESSED WITH ME. Your complete inability to shut the fuck up about stuff you should keep silent and never breathe a word of already cost you one corporate job. Do not sit there and wag your finger and huff angrily at all us silly little boys who just don't understand grown-up things like boundaries and what is and isn't acceptable to post on a forum that told you when you signed up that anything that wasn't your real-life address and phone number was acceptable to share and spread.

Literally the only reason people put up with your shit and your inability to learn is that you are so pathetic that treating you poorly feels like kicking a drug addict in the street. But I am fed the fuck up about your smug condescending bullshit after the 9674374th time you fucked up and did something that the previous 9674373 massive disasters you brought on your own head should have told you were a terrible idea you should never repeat. Get the fuck out of my community with this attitude, and go drink yourself to death in the pit of irrelevancy you and your piss-addicted simps dug for yourselves.

If you ever, ever need to escape to South America, hit me up. Am struggling, but I do in fact own property, I can offer you a roof.
I wasn't familiar with your game, I owe you an apology (I will still make fun of your woman moments and vagueposting, it's how men show affection).
Inb4 Nag gets banned again somehow from any fallout from this.

Edit: Also back to pages ago discussion, I also can kind of see why people might not post the vtubers/content they enjoy, especially if they know it's already popular or rather unpopular here. For instance I listen to ASMR stuff, but I know most of the frequent posters view it as complete degeneracy (admittedly there is a lot of degen stuff so completely fair), so I don't post about it here
I think no one would mind as long as you don't get weird about it. I'm not fond of ASMR but I have one talent to get me to sleep sometimes, unfortunately her main content is hardcore gooning but it is what it is.
I blabbed a lot months ago, and I lost friends and opportunities over it. I have changed that behavior as it was hurting not only myself but those around me that I care about.
I'm gonna share a secret that works for 99% of men because we aren't backstabbing snakes: inner circle.
Get yourself a circle of 5-10 people that you can share everything with, the good and the bad, it does wonders for your mental health and it doesn't harm outsiders for your estrogenic urges. Why do you think these kinds of videos are so relatable?

The way you behave is just like another e-girl that can't fathom accountability, and I get it, women are never held accountable because everyone is dying to get in your pants, but don't expect that to be certain on the internet. I started noticing more from when you gave up on overcoming alcoholism but if you just want your hugbox and ask yourself why your mistakes have consequences, then I guess it's a "women" moment for you.
I still lurk your streams sometimes, I don't hate you (I don't think many do, in fact) and I think you can do better, so if you ever wanted to stop being perceived as a clown with tits, stop acting like a clown and stop showing your tits.
It's now 8AM and I have been up all night. I just want to clarify that Megu did need to go on a long hiatus for her mental health. That was completely genuine and true. Stellarverse debuts in December, more than long enough for her to actually get her life in order. The corporate lifeline is why she will be coming back. If that wasn't there, she would likely have had to quit vtubing entirely
As someone who was there for her first graduation as she was meant to join AkioAIR, I became very skeptical because in the first instance she cried rivers about abandoning the IP and homegrown community she had, I got emotionally involved and started cheering/spreading in the backstage. When she came back and announced her own minicorpo with the amazing redesigns and motions, I was with her as well as Akio wasn't her fault.
When she announced she was leaving again after all the effort and money put into making her foothold only for her to drop it again, my misogyny flared up like a racist in a cotton field. I couldn't fathom that she was doing the same shit again least than a year after the fact and reduced it to another helpless woman that would never change. I was already aware of her family issues and, to put ir mildly, lack of better work options, but I get obnoxiously condescending on people that have the opportunity but don't help themselves.
If she went broke after that minicorpo attempt and had a light on Stellar, it changes things a bit but it's still abandonment of a community that gave so much.
When she guerrilla'd to update us on her situation I got it a bit, but this adds a lot of context as it lays out the correct timeline, so I'm sorry for judging you too harshly @Smegmar I know that stuff eats you alive so I'm happy that you took the adequate steps and was bound to let it fester.
I hope more of your haters/betrayed fans can know this piece of information as well so they can find peace.
Will continue to cheer, I like your karaokes full of SOVL. :pomuLove:
With such a blanket statement she's implied even those beyond her and Kirsche like Sleepy and Chromu would be blacklisted. Hell if you stretch enough you can add Lisa to the bunch and that's why Fishman never reached out to her.
I can get Kirsche because Sakana is a pussy and I can get Chromu who festers a degenerate community since long days gone where she posted selfies in skimpy underwear/cosplay and recorded audios of her peeing.
I think Sleepy just doesn't want anything to do with the problematic capippalists, she got a rough year, she got no dirt in her name and is chill.

That was a cool backread for my morning coffee. I love it here.

Eira going through Metal Gear Solid (she us super fujo, be aware)

Nano is addicted to the farmfields
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Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster
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Pope of にじさんじ
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I can't even begin to describe how necessary this was. Holy fuck.

Individually the current three all pretty solid, but they have negative chemistry together in collabs. Remia was actively annoyed in the Apex collab the other day and only Arya has made any attempt to practice the FPS games Jira and Remia specialise in. It doesn't help that I think Remia is the most entertaining streamer but my lack of Slavic blood makes CS2 skill level as easy to parse as the ancient texts of Al-Azif.

Giving Arya an Apex partner so she doesn't tilt 10 minutes into stream and a new member that'll hopefully make Remia less isolated borders on necessity.


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
and no final showdown between John and Nag?
You know dollars trilogy? Basically both of them had their showdown months ago in the desert of dms with outcome left up for imagination but neither of them returned unharmed. Whore was left without his oshi, Nagger was left without his dignity


Forever Siro's Punching Bag
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Now I understand how Proctor feels when shit happens when he's asleep.


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Joined:  Oct 22, 2022

Speaking of Ollie, I hope her and the ID branch will be fine. It's tough when there's a potential coup that will happen to a country.

Superduper Samurai

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Im preaching to the choir here but the thought of someone actively aware of KF and participating in a splinter forum that still follows some of its internal community principles like archiving everything and still being mad people archived "private" and/or past happenings just because is honestly kinda hilarious

The other day the spicy fox who may or may not be chubby brought up random taiga shit i archived on a whim almost 2 years ago, being assmad some random chucklefuck SSed and posted your 100+ follower (assuming here) priv is a top tier hilarious women moment


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Unseiso Dragon

Seiso? Say No!
Joined:  Jun 8, 2024
The most interesting case of this I'd say is still Balldo, everyone called him out on blocking this and denying the collab it would have been and at the time I understand why but well, time has vindicated his decision there.
Rekieta's descent started to get noticed by the farmers around late 2022. I don't know when fishman put his foot down for the collab but considering Pippa collabed with Balldo's pet monkey in March 2023, I assume fish found out just how much Nose became a shitshow either through Rekieta's own passive-aggresive streaming behavior around the January ~ February of that year or even the farms. While I do commend fishman for doing his research, he's not some Amuro sensing danger from nowhere as the clues were already spread like asscheeks at that point.


Redemption Arc
Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
My personal little schizo theory is that the whole interacting with the forum, mentioning the Farms and leaking shit was more or less just a huge grift. After the Pippa collab, when a lot of people here, for some reason, simped incredibly hard for her, she saw an opportunity, and it worked. The whole "girlfailure" shtick also just seemed pretty exaggerated because she knew it would gain sympathy. Pretty much everything about her just felt kind of disingenuous to me.

I think she knew exactly what she was doing the whole time, and I find it extremely hilarious that everything she did is now blowing up in her face.
The fact that some people here will probably still simp for this BPD bitch and defend her after all this shit is amazing but not surprising.

Egg the Boiled

Joined:  Nov 2, 2022
My personal little schizo theory is that the whole interacting with the forum, mentioning the Farms and leaking shit was more or less just a huge grift. After the Pippa collab, when a lot of people here, for some reason, simped incredibly hard for her, she saw an opportunity, and it worked. The whole "girlfailure" shtick also just seemed pretty exaggerated because she knew it would gain sympathy. Pretty much everything about her just felt kind of disingenuous to me.

I think she knew exactly what she was doing the whole time, and I find it extremely hilarious that everything she did is now blowing up in her face.
The fact that some people here will probably still simp for this BPD bitch and defend her after all this shit is amazing but not surprising.
With the amount of farmers who don't know proper ospec I assumed she was just sort of stupid.


God is dead. You aren't. Keep running.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Well that was a read and catch up. Gawtdamn.

Also as far as blacklists for Pippa I mean, she literally just hung out in person with Chromu and collabed with that void of personality ethot Fefe so I mean... I imagine you have to be pretty ridiculous or considered bottom dreg to actually hit that list. I cannot recall any other collab that ended in a several hour meltdown that involved reading and posting live on places like /vt/ during a freakout. So yeah as things kept happening not exactly surprised by the outcome.
Fishman's retarded sometimes but he was smart enough to figure out how to get the company on recovery and hire some people who could actually handle dealing with women. In the long run it's hard to argue his batting average for what we can more or less assume/confirm were blacklisted people. Which would be the crackfiend and now a known nda breaker. Anyone else seems to get pretty decent leeway.
Also that discord call.. YEESH.

Anyway uh.. OH Speaking of digging holes, Calli said Holo finally got Shovel Knight perms! That's pretty cool!

... Jesus Christ.
Well at least it was funny as fuck for everyone not involved.


Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
Joined:  Sep 23, 2023


Redemption Arc
Joined:  Oct 23, 2022


Murdered Lurker
Joined:  Dec 19, 2023
My personal little schizo theory is that the whole interacting with the forum, mentioning the Farms and leaking shit was more or less just a huge grift. After the Pippa collab, when a lot of people here, for some reason, simped incredibly hard for her, she saw an opportunity, and it worked. The whole "girlfailure" shtick also just seemed pretty exaggerated because she knew it would gain sympathy. Pretty much everything about her just felt kind of disingenuous to me.

I think she knew exactly what she was doing the whole time, and I find it extremely hilarious that everything she did is now blowing up in her face.
The fact that some people here will probably still simp for this BPD bitch and defend her after all this shit is amazing but not surprising.
In retrospect, Hexa ironically is what Josh and some members of the farms think Pippa is. A pickme girlfailure trying to grift to the based and edgy 4chan/KF crowd while using our community as a shield for any criticism towards her. It's kinda funny that Josh's impression of her did come true in some capacity.

Sky Shouter

Joined:  Sep 15, 2022

Oh man, this thread made my morning :whatastory:

This shit is why I'm still on Kiwifarms, it's a whole lot of nothing ("ZOMG BOSSMANJACK LOST 3 BRAZILLION DOLLARS AND HIS PAYPIGGIES GAVE HIM 4 BRAZILLION MORE THAT HE ALSO LOST") or politishitposting in A&N but the instant I start to get bored, someone self-destructs or gets called out in the most spectacularly dramatic way possible

Though I enjoyed the novelty of having an out-and-proud vtuber active on the forum giving juicy deets, it was immediately obvious to me that Hexa had more red flags than a PLA parade in Tiananmen Square and a falling out was inevitable; I just wasn't prepared to see bossman be the one to set her ablaze like a witch in 17th century Germany.

Im preaching to the choir here but the thought of someone actively aware of KF and participating in a splinter forum that still follows some of its internal community principles like archiving everything and still being mad people archived "private" and/or past happenings just because is honestly kinda hilarious

The other day the spicy fox who may or may not be chubby brought up random taiga shit i archived on a whim almost 2 years ago, being assmad some random chucklefuck SSed and posted your 100+ follower (assuming here) priv is a top tier hilarious women moment
To anyone who may be confused, you need to read this thread

Signing up for KF doesn't instantly grant you opsec superpowers. Hell, some of the newer users are attention whores who subtly enjoy getting found out. The best stories are the oldfags who are discovered to be furries, troons, or pedos with wildly embarrassing history on other social media.

He who fights demons, you know the drill

Superduper Samurai

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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
View attachment 76418

Oh man, this thread made my morning :whatastory:

This shit is why I'm still on Kiwifarms, it's a whole lot of nothing ("ZOMG BOSSMANJACK LOST 3 BRAZILLION DOLLARS AND HIS PAYPIGGIES GAVE HIM 4 BRAZILLION MORE THAT HE ALSO LOST") or politishitposting in A&N but the instant I start to get bored, someone self-destructs or gets called out in the most spectacularly dramatic way possible

Though I enjoyed the novelty of having an out-and-proud vtuber active on the forum giving juicy deets, it was immediately obvious to me that Hexa had more red flags than a PLA parade in Tiananmen Square and a falling out was inevitable; I just wasn't prepared to see bossman be the one to set her ablaze like a witch in 17th century Germany.

To anyone who may be confused, you need to read this thread

Signing up for KF doesn't instantly grant you opsec superpowers. Hell, some of the newer users are attention whores who subtly enjoy getting found out. The best stories are the oldfags who are discovered to be furries, troons, or pedos with wildly embarrassing history on other social media.

He who fights demons, you know the drill
Its less about the opsec and more being mad when people point out failures of opsec

Then again
I should've known
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