"No pressure"Kaela Kovalskia

Forum Rules & Guidelines v1.0 (Community Feedback Edition)

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The Proctor

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If you are a guest considering registration, read this post in full.

This website is not like other anime or vtuber communities you have been part of before. Our culture is unique. I expect you to study and understand it prior to registration.

The Virtual Asylum was founded as a refuge for vtuber fans filtered by places like Reddit and /vt/. We endorse frank and open discussion of the vtuber industry and the talents within it, including the negative aspects and drama. However, we still enjoy the entertainment vtubers provide and earnestly want our favorite talents to succeed.

All posts here are governed by three cardinal rules. Violating any of these three rules will result in a permanent ban.

1) No lolicon, no illegal material, nothing unambiguously against Xenforo's ToS.
2) No moral crusades. We observe and document, we are not your personal army.
3) All users must be 18 or older.

In addition, we strongly value the concept of Operational Security, also known as OpSec. Burner e-mails, VPNs and other steps to maintain user anonymity are highly encouraged.

If none of this has scared you away already, please read the spoilers below. Keep in mind that I have 'a low tolerance for stupid bullshit', as the late George Carlin would say. If anything about the writing style displayed below offends you... leave.

All lolicon art is banned from this forum. Discussion of vtubers with childlike avatars is allowed, but any imagery that depicts their avatars in a sexual context is considered lolicon. I also have a zero-tolerance policy for discussing the 'merits' of lolicon art and what is or isn't a loli. I will not allow either puritanical crusaders or pathetic degenerates to tear this community apart over their own personal interpretations. If there is any ambiguity in a situation that may involve lolicon content, either err on the side of caution or report it to me and I'll make an executive decision.
I'm a simple man. I like cute anime women. I want to make this forum a place to discuss cute anime women (and hot anime guys, if that's more your thing). I don't like drama, insanity, or anything that makes me wish for the giant meteor to get here a little sooner. Rather than go on a long tirade about how I want people to act here, I'll summarize a simple list of things that I never want to know about:

I don't want to know: about your fetishes.
I don't want to know: which idol you want to fuck.
I don't want to know: about your jar collection.
I don't want to know: your name.
I don't want to know: intimate details about your parasocial relationships.

I regard this forum as the online equivalent to my garden, and the users here as invited guests on my property. Respect my property and I will respect you, but the latter will not come before evidence of the former. Anything you wouldn't say or do on your neighbor's property is something you shouldn't do here. Additionally, since this is a shared space, I expect you to consider the context of your actions. This does not mean you always need to strive to be nice to everyone. But it does mean you should take the time to read the room before running your mouth off.

No openly pornographic or NSFW fanart of talents may be shared here. Officially-licensed material of a sexual nature (I.E merchandise like an explicit dakimakura) may be linked, but please put it in spoiler tags. The same goes for links to SFW fanart hosted on providers that also contain easily-accessible NSFW fanart or content. This is not purely out of prudishness, but also out of pragmatism. If users consistently try and make sure inappropriate material is properly contained, it establishes good faith, preventing malicious detractors from smearing us as sleazy peddlers of digital filth.

'Tribalfagging' is a creative term for arguments about which vtuber company is 'superior' to the other, or whether talent X is better than talent Y. I have no time for this nonsense. Everyone appeals to somebody. Even your mom appealed to your father. People are allowed to like what they like and not like what they don't like. That said, people may make frank and honest criticism of vtubers or vtuber companies and compare objective facts and policies as much as they like. I just expect people to act like mature adults and not descend into screaming matches.

I have no interest in enabling the absurd parasocial cult that has arisen around various vtuber personalities. A vtuber is a virtual avatar operated by a real person who shits, pisses, farts and makes stupid decisions just like you or me. I have no issues with people discussing vtubers in the same way as they would conventional hollywood actors, and I will make zero effort to preserve your fantasies of a vtuber as your perfect, flawless animated girlfriend.

That said, I respect that some people prefer not to discuss the 'roommate' of a vtuber out of simple personal preference, rather than as part of a parasocial fantasy. If some users make it a habit of deliberately reminding others that their favorite character isn't real, I will treat them like the security staff at a wrestling match would treat an audience member who kept shouting 'WRESTLING IS FAKE' at the start of every round.

Vtubers are public entertainers, and doxxing is a reality of the industry. Part of me wants to say 'lol deal with it', but I also have to acknowledge that Japan is an incredibly backwards nation when it comes to dealing with cases of stalking and obsessive behaviour. My stance is therefore necessarily somewhat complicated.

In brief, if a vtuber (of any nationality) openly reveals information linking them to their real life activities or has a 'digital footprint' that can be easily connected to their real life identity, the onus is on them to remove it, not on me to prevent it from spreading. Information wants to be free, and censoring it will only encourage more dedicated individuals to archive the evidence and spread it elsewhere.

On the other hand, if somebody were to, say, release a video of them filming the roommate of a vtuber at a restaurant or out in public without their knowledge or consent, then I would be fine with removing it, as it amounts to little more than voyeurism. I will also react poorly if I discover schemes to harass a vtuber or otherwise interfere with either their digital or physical lives for any reason. Unless you have concrete evidence of them committing crimes, stay out of the moshpit.

tl;dr; We observe and document, we do not interfere.


This image encapsulates everything I have founded this community to avoid. The internet is becoming progressively more sanitized, homogeneous and conformist. I despise this with my entire being. I will never compromise on the principles outlined above. I will never censor this community to conform to the arbitrary moral standards of an overly shrill minority of either puritans or degenerates. Only my own arbitrary moral standards apply, because they're obviously always right.

In short, Fuck conformity. Fuck digital gentrification. Live free or die.

Made it through alive? Cool. Like what you see? Then go ahead and hit that register button. Happy shitposting.
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creator, innovator, artist, idea
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Well I think I have two things that are so extremely obvious, you probably forgot to mention them.
- don't post anything illegal.
- don't try to start a moral crusade or cancel anyone, this site is not your personal army.

Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster
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Nolan has already broken the code of conduct. Otherwise seems reasonable.

Are we using the 5 head height rule‽

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Nolan has already broken the code of conduct. Otherwise seems reasonable.

Nolan is one of those weird fuckers who will never change. He's not malicious as far as I can tell, just a very strange person. Fortunately, his strangeness appears to be confined to a fairly specific niche that doesn't involve anything that can't be quietly ignored.

Are we using the 5 head height rule‽

No, that's nonsense and pointless. There is no objective way to measure 'virtual maturity', especially since model and talent can be entirely different in every way. The only metric I go by is how many creeps it tends to attract.


Coming along for the ride
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
How are you planning on dealing with copyright/legal threats and the such? There will likely be more doxes, and I assume you will put a restriction on directly posting member only content and the like? A point of reference is PC's take down notice of Lia's dox, and as we know they got told to fuck off by Null, but Null's only able to do that because he's quite well read in US law; do you have a plan for any of that? Like got any lawyers on call or are you confident in your legal knowledge to be able to tell them off?

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
How are you planning on dealing with copyright/legal threats and the such? There will likely be more doxes, and I assume you will put a restriction on directly posting member only content and the like? A point of reference is PC's take down notice of Lia's dox, and as we know they got told to fuck off by Null, but Null's only able to do that because he's quite well read in US law; do you have a plan for any of that? Like got any lawyers on call or are you confident in your legal knowledge to be able to tell them off?

The overwhelming majority of such threats are ultimately just that; threats. They are made with the expectation that websites will comply automatically, and most do. I'm fortunate in that one of my closest friends in a lawyer and can give me advice on a regular basis. As far as I'm aware, PC never said or did anything further after being told to go away. If I get a demand that I can tell has essentially no chance of ever being acted upon, I'll resist it. If it's a huge company like Cover who employs those insane Japanese lawyers, I'd probably give it merit. But in such a case, if this forum is the target of such a notice, the likelihood is that the content is already out there elsewhere anyway. Obviously I strongly encourage people not to use this forum as a dumping ground for unique pieces of information that aren't hosted anywhere else, because that's just incredibly stupid data security practice.

electronic elephant

"I am uncontrollable. I cannot be managed."—Vesper
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I think there should be a tldr with a one sentence bullet point for each of the rules at the top of the rules post. That way it's more likely for people to at least have a basic idea of what all the rules are. Most people don't read terms of services, and for people who do, most don't read the whole thing.

Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Seems pretty clear and reasonable.


creator, innovator, artist, idea
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
maybe some more,
-gtfo if you are under 18
- no spam, triple or quarduple posting
- no self advertising (this used to be a nonissue as our brand used to be radioactive, but now that we split... It could turn into a problem)

Fucking YTs

I just want to annoy people in peace.
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Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
To keep this close to the other forum, can we please ban the word no-no square? It makes my skin crawl and it fits right in line with the no-lolicon rule.

Nevermind, it is banned lol. It was the c-word.


Spooky time.
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✡︎ God's Chosen Schizo ✡︎
Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
You may want to also include a section for helpful hints on opsec and anonymity if you plan to get outsiders and tourists eventually, as these days that's a dying trend with how people just vomit their info online. Even back home you still have those who show up, use the same account for everything and then are surprised when someone finds some shit they didn't want others to see.


Well-known member
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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
You may want to also include a section for helpful hints on opsec and anonymity if you plan to get outsiders and tourists eventually, as these days that's a dying trend with how people just vomit their info online. Even back home you still have those who show up, use the same account for everything and then are surprised when someone finds some shit they didn't want others to see.
There should be also be a 'how to archive' section/thread.
These are my usual resource links:

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The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
To keep this close to the other forum, can we please ban the word no-no square? It makes my skin crawl and it fits right in line with the no-lolicon rule.

Nevermind, it is banned lol. It was the c-word.

Yeah, I'm on the money there. There's a few banned words, nothing major. I generally don't like to go heavily into censorship right away, I prefer to let small events happen and then use them as a basis to justify additional rules and regulations, with objective examples of what happens without them in place.

Well I think I have two things that are so extremely obvious, you probably forgot to mention them.
- don't post anything illegal.
- don't try to start a moral crusade or cancel anyone, this site is not your personal army.
I think there should be a tldr with a one sentence bullet point for each of the rules at the top of the rules post. That way it's more likely for people to at least have a basic idea of what all the rules are. Most people don't read terms of services, and for people who do, most don't read the whole thing.

I'm overly verbose by nature, but I'll try and come up with something like this today or tomorrow.

maybe some more,
-gtfo if you are under 18
- no spam, triple or quarduple posting
- no self advertising (this used to be a nonissue as our brand used to be radioactive, but now that we split... It could turn into a problem)

All worth addressing. Self-advertising/advertisements in general is something I should probably make a section about. I actually don't mind self-advertisement and one of my original principles for founding this place was to give certain people a chance to share their work to a naturally receptive audience. I think the way I'll do it is have a Talk To Staff board like on the farms, where people can post anything that might count as an advertisement for analysis and approval.

You may want to also include a section for helpful hints on opsec and anonymity if you plan to get outsiders and tourists eventually, as these days that's a dying trend with how people just vomit their info online. Even back home you still have those who show up, use the same account for everything and then are surprised when someone finds some shit they didn't want others to see.

Worth considering. I'll definitely look into making a section about this as well.

There should be also be a 'how to archive' section/thread.
These are my usual resource links:

Oh look, somebody did this literally as I'm writing this. One of the first extra boards I'll make here will definitely have a dedicated section for this kind of thing + any other technical discussion on the topic.

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
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I've added a currently-spoilered section called 'for newcomers' designed to summarize the community for people who aren't from the Farms. Could do with feedback about it.

A Great Ape

Don't worry, I have a shovel.
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
First of all, there are a few unbreakable rules. Violating these will result in a permanent ban.

1) Do not post anything illegal, or anything unambiguously against Xenforo's ToS.2) Do not start moral crusades. We are here to observe and document, we are not your personal army.3) You must be over 18 to have an account here.
That belongs on top of the post without a spoiler around it.
I would also make it more obvious that dox and roommate discussions are a thing here. Something like: "...including the negative aspects and drama and the people behind the avatar."

Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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Maybe add a fourth rule for newbies: no lolicon?

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022


Spooky time.
Early Adopter
✡︎ God's Chosen Schizo ✡︎
Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
Maybe add a fourth rule for newbies: no lolicon?

There's a whole section on it

All lolicon art is banned from this forum. Discussion of vtubers with childlike avatars is allowed, but any imagery that depicts their avatars in a sexual context is considered lolicon. I also have a zero-tolerance policy for discussing the 'merits' of lolicon art and what is or isn't a loli. I will not allow either puritanical crusaders or pathetic degenerates to tear this community apart over their own personal interpretations. If there is any ambiguity in a situation that may involve lolicon content, either err on the side of caution or report it to me and I'll make an executive decision.

Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
I'm alive again. Since this place is somehow now being shared in locations utterly unrelated to KF I'm going to push out an update to this by the end of the day.
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