"Phase Connect but we're not connecting!"Kureiji Ollie

Debate user @MakotoLitch about Froot

Compressed jpg

where am i
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Nigel Nigerman

Ore wa...
Joined:  Dec 22, 2022
I was too busy voting yesterday to notice this thread. Shame I missed it when it was still going. What a shitstorm, imagine simping this hard for fucking Froot. At least be delusional for someone good, like Kaela.
>Someone good
>Like Kaela


God's Strongest Mozumite

Mega Mozu Milkers.
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Are you black? Wtf are these ebonic dialects you write in? @God's Strongest Mozumite I need an African expert to decrypt this stuff.
Nah, he's probably just a cringe retard zoomer who wants to sound like his favorite rapper or whatever. I highly doubt he's black, and if he is, the GDF and the great nation of Blackistan certainly do not claim him :botanheadshake:


You are the Marvel Rival
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:smugmoona: These two are the consequences of what 'too much' talent freedom can do to the population. Don't let yourself get infected by a brainrot coomer zombie!


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
"Actively hate on Froot to this day."

I can't remember the last time I've heard Froot mentioned here other than the indirect news of her mother leaving Twitter. It was only because these two retards came here and started shitting up the place in her name I even remembered she existed.

If you Froot simps are reading this, you are kicking up more "hate" against her by acting like retarded simps than you are defending "m'lady's" honor. Especially when you call her your wife and call yourselves her one-and-only, her soldiers, etc.

Migoed Helmet

Unintentionally reuses words in every longpost
Joined:  Feb 29, 2024
You asked for this don't cry like a bitch cause i gave it to you nice hard and fast

as far as the trans comments cinna did say she was heavily influenced by the people she was around.
seeing as the ex boyfriend was extremely anti-lgbt himself bitching at her for watching a gay anime.
And those 4/chan military groups where heavily anti lgbt it would make sense

And she has proven she can change obviously seeing as the brothers art is featured in her music video sun killer and on mutiple streams backgrounds

So you wanted proof for the hwl situation and the cheating (alleged cheating will be linked)

This is going to be long so if you don't read it well geuss you don't get a opinion on it huh

Well then

1. Froot subbed a couple days prior on the 2nd of the month before silvers stream

>why would some sub to a stream of a person they supposedly sent a hat mob against hmm makes no sense

2."everyone makes mistakes" is a shortened version of "i love all my friends everyone makes mistakes were only human"

>this comment was made in a stream of froots a few days prior to silvers vales stream of hwl froot was drawing art

She was muted and forgot to un mute
She was responding to a mod about a personal situation between her and her brother

This comment was edited by ant hime as well to remove the live icon badge and froots #apricot tag and time stamp

Ant was caught with the unedited version in her own discord like a dumbass
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Not to mention personal custom sub badges don't show up in others comment section

And silver vales comment section is designed differently from silvers different chat header and border outline

Only tweets froot made where "she ain't playing the game because of personal beliefs" and a tweet standing by silver during the whole twitch bot banning the word trans bullshit

Silver threw put a incredible amount of shade to iron mouse and conor however making snarky comments about them all in response to a commenter asking if they where still friends or not. "What is a friend"

Silver never Directly blamed froot on stream,twitter or discord

Silver and froot are both extremely good friends still to this day both following eachother still

Henya as we know as pikame is also incredible friends with froot eith how meny times they collaborate and hang out henya expressing she loves hanging out with froot in mutiple streams

look at dates from silvers discord messege to froots sub notification kindly provided by kuri in his very first video on YouTube mind you
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Hmm pretty strange to be following eachother still if froot did cause it which she didn't (if she did provide your magical made up proof)

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Oh right the charity

Frankly there is no proof she donated or didn't donate

There is proof she attempted to pick s different charity after being informed in her comments in her tweet and in her live stream

Causing her to make a quote tweet about it asking for a different one in support of her brother

Even then it's her money to begin with so frankly none of yall antis deserve a answer especially now after being rsther vile

Now the cheating allegation

Also to note the boyfriend broke up with her in January 14th 2018 a whole ass month before her and cinna where talking in discord
The brother confirmed this was a long distance relationship as well

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Funny thing as well they where never legally married in the first place all she signed was the marriage license paper work

as she states in her document there was no ceremony,wedding,vows,dress or nothin to make the wedding official or any other legal means

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I talked to cinna and he confirmed froot threw around slot of terms husband,boyfriend and fiance

Cinnq told me as well when he first reached out to the boyfriend all he said was "wwre working on things" nothing conferming there was a marriage

And common marriage law only applies if froot had been living with the husband which she was not she was still living in the uk going to college

This was funny to me considering I found the original face book posts on this froot denied the cheating right then and there with in the hour of the ex boyfriends post
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Funny enough she denied it right then and there and went on to explain his domestic abuse to her in detail (Hmm like whats in the document) except the document has photos proof of text conversations

Now onto the ant hime interview bullshit

Cinna was never involved with ant in the slightest he did however reach out to kratzproductions

Because kratz was getting alot of information wrong spreading lies and doxxing froots irl pictures and name

Little did cinna know kratz recorded there conversations illegally with out cinnas consent
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Ant used said recordings editing it to make it seem like she was intevewing cinna herself though her editing is shit and a moron could tell the difference between her speaking and him and the audio quality

Also the boyfriend how deranged he was was responsible for the nudes being leaked
Which is revenge porn which is illegal in the United States

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Ant did share these leaked nudes in her disco as well
View attachment 82198

So, I've reduced the bitty baby's post down to actual attempts at rebuttal that aren't complete retard "clapback" nonsense, and I'm disappointed.

First off: This felt like a Froot defender discord mouthpiece when blackrose came in the second time. I had wondered why he was so adamant on defending the actual retard, he's their Nolan and they feel defensive towards him.

Second: Froot's massive document drop unintentionally proved the cheating, from her own mouth IIRC. Whether or not they were technically married doesn't matter in any case: what matters is that we have proof she was fucking somebody else for her own gain, in a particularly bitchy way.

Third: By the way, in the US, you don't need a ceremony, a dress, or any of that jazz. Dumb shit is obviously single. Us poor people can go to the courthouse, sign the thing in front of the person at the window, and bam you're legally married. People do it all the time when they elope, the particularly classy ones can do it in five minutes in a shitty chapel in Las Vegas. That's also not going into the common law marriage shit which Tourist mentioned in a particularly autistic way. Also, anything Froot said about her marital status to anyone shouldn't be trusted when she's under suspicion of cheating. She kept calling it different things because SHE WAS LYING, not because she wasn't married. The one thing you actually need-the witnessed document you sign in the courthouse-she admitted in her own document that she signed. Her complaining about no ceremony was a complaint about her circumstances, not a denial of the marriage itself you delusional fucks. Also, "Froot said she didn't cheat so she didn't cheat" is actual retard logic.

EDIT: This apparently varies by state, I have no clue which one they got married in. I will say that cheating on your fiance is just as bad as cheating on your husband to 99% of people, and that there are several states where you can bring your license application, get it done with witnesses, and are technically married without an actual ceremony on the same day.

Fourth: No one here cares about leaked nudes other than to laugh at them. Hell, let's even give you that the AntHime conversation was actually with somebody else. That does NOTHING to disprove the material that Froot corroborated (like a retard, because she is one) in her own release. Which conveniently happens to be all of the stuff people in this thread were making fun of you dumbfucks for, namely her getting around and cheating.

Fifth: Lol he didn't even try to deny the faking charity for clout thing

Sixth: No one in particular on this site has ever gone particularly out of the way to defend the boyfriend or paint him as a saint. I distinctly remember several different people in other threads saying that the husband was probably an asshole and it was probably an unhappy marriage. With that said, that does not mean that Froot wasn't in the wrong.

I'm going to put that out there again for the itty bitty baby retards who may be reading this and relaying it to a discord somewhere.

Someone else being an asshole in your relationship does not absolve you of blame for cheating on them.

Also, kinda funny that the boyfriend broke up with HER by your own admission, and then after only a month she's already back on the scene, hmm? What was it he broke up with her for, again.... OH YEAH, CHEATING ON HIM.

No mention of that particular problem huh. Man, that guy meant so much to her that she was back on the scene after a whole damn month, that's an eternity... for a cock-gobbling slut.

By the way, these are the inherent issues with this bullshit that immediately popped out without even going through every inch of Froot's War and Peace level document or the stuff her mom posted. JFC, this kind of dumbass shit is why I don't get to be a racist anymore, now even the white kids are retarded. I need a drink and it's not even past noon yet :wawaspazzing:
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God's Strongest Wardog

Sea Bunny Enjoyer 💛
Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
The only froot I even think about are the loops on my cereal bowl.

Enjoy the shadow realm, stalker frootcakes. :anyannoyed:


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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They still won't take my word for anything, even though I was in her mod chat and saw everything she ever posted, from her latest hookups, to her wishing her brother/sister would 41%. Sad.

Just remember, lads, there are literally millions of women out there, but you're wasting your time and energy on a cheating whore. Even you retards deserve better.


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I can sort of understand Nekofam being psychotic as Miguel is actually attractive and talented and *good* at GFE, and there is a bit of a sunk cost fallacy for a lot of them. However I don't know how you can be so pathetic to be this religious about fucking Froot. The only thing more pathetic would be having Artia as an oshi

No way dude

DISCORD delenda est
Joined:  Jan 30, 2023
I can sort of understand Nekofam being psychotic as Miguel is actually attractive and talented and *good* at GFE, and there is a bit of a sunk cost fallacy for a lot of them. However I don't know how you can be so pathetic to be this religious about fucking Froot. The only thing more pathetic would be having Artia as an oshi
I mean with what i have seen Artia seems to have been funny at times.
Froot is not even entertaining(in her streams)


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I mean with what i have seen Artia seems to have been funny at times.
Froot is not even entertaining(in her streams)
We should put that one Nerissa Schizo in the same room as MakotoLich, who has a more obsessive fixation with such a random Vtuber?

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

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Punished Anime Discusser

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Remember kids, nobody gives a shit about what your fetish is or what you goon to in your private time, as long as you're not hurting any real people or animals, and, a bit less important, NOT SHOVING YOUR FETISH IN OTHER PEOPLE'S FACES AND MAKING IT YOUR WHOLE PERSONALITY.


jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024
ok, i changed my mind.
I forgive Froot all mentioned transgressions.
Memoryholed troon charity grift - i don't give a fuck. In fact, thanks for not actually giving them money.
Being shitty person to family - i don't give a fuck.
Cheating - i don't give a fuck. Even if her supposed husband was a literal saint.
Whatever else - i don't give a fuck.
From now on i gonna condemn her only for pestering rabid schizo audience while having no personality whatsoever. She's fucking shiperwolf of vtubers.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
ok, i changed my mind.
I forgive Froot all mentioned transgressions.
Memoryholed troon charity grift - i don't give a fuck. In fact, thanks for not actually giving them money.
Being shitty person to family - i don't give a fuck.
Cheating - i don't give a fuck. Even if her supposed husband was a literal saint.
Whatever else - i don't give a fuck.
From now on i gonna condemn her only for pestering rabid schizo audience while having no personality whatsoever.
you forgot
1: being a slut/whore

2: Being in Vhoejo

3:Being Green

4:claiming to be a lich while being the most generic ass demon looking ho.


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Fauna's Deadest Sapling

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"Actively hate on Froot to this day."

I can't remember the last time I've heard Froot mentioned here other than the indirect news of her mother leaving Twitter. It was only because these two retards came here and started shitting up the place in her name I even remembered she existed.
I'll do you one better - I had completely forgotten Froot even existed until she decided to drop all those receipts on Twitter last month.

It's like her simps implicitly understand that they gotta kick up drama just to try and keep Froov relevant; which probably means her streams are about as entertaining as a heart attack. And not like a crazy funny heart attack that makes someone spaz out and die, more like a sad one that you survive but leaves your face half-paralyzed.

If you Froot simps are reading this, you are kicking up more "hate" against her by acting like retarded simps than you are defending "m'lady's" honor. Especially when you call her your wife and call yourselves her one-and-only, her soldiers, etc.
I didn't think anyone could make the Shondo simps look sane but here we are.

Just remember, lads, there are literally millions of women out there, but you're wasting your time and energy on a cheating whore. Even you retards deserve better.
B-b-but other girls don't larp as being a boring wannabe sex demon in VR Chat!

The Proctor

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Stunned But Dumb

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last tweet in that thread is from 27 minutes ago... he's been going all day. I hope he finds peace one day
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