"A sandwich is just a book made out of food"Ninomae Ina'nis

BondliveEN Collapse


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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
One more bondlive graduation before bed:

The stats so far, out of 24 VTubers under bondlive EN:
- 10 Graduated or on indefinite hiatus
- 4 saying they'll stay
- 10 either no comment so far or no committal either way
View attachment 86608

24?! Holy shit the spam is real. It really goes to show how cheap and low overhead shitting out chuubas is lol, keeping them around and profitable is always the issue though which ties in with the memelord corpo talk going on above me btw.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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IRIAM US comments on the Bondlive graduations.


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Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
24?! Holy shit the spam is real. It really goes to show how cheap and low overhead shitting out chuubas is lol, keeping them around and profitable is always the issue though which ties in with the memelord corpo talk going on above me btw.
A bit more context
This is from the IRIAM branch of BondEN which has its first talent debuted in late November, after they killed their Reality & Youtube Branch. These 24 were churned out in less than 2 months time

Including these 24, from December 2022 (their first debut) to December 2024, BondEN have only debuted 98 vtubers across 22 generations. Only a bit shy from 1 generation a month.

Tbh it's not that bad compared to anilive and IRIAM


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Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
since now we have a bondEN thread, Here's some older stuffs.
1. Dec 2023, Bondlive spotted sliding into random people's email trying to recruit vtubers
2. Feb 2024, Bondlive announced a graduation on Febuary 1... saying she will graduate on January 25th, when she actually graduated on January 16th
3. Mar 2024, Bondlive announced being sold to Strawberry Prince, a Japanese male idol focused company/band. My write-up on STPR.
4. May 2024, Bondlive held IRIAM 1st gen audition.
5. October 2024, Bondlive killed their Reality and Youtube branch, announcing that 25 "v-streamers" will be debuted on IRIAM in late November.
Only 19 out of 25 actually debuted


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John Vtuber👁️

Sentient Eyeball, Primarch of Hag Pride Worldwide
Certified Manwhore
Joined:  Oct 24, 2022

Does this mean they'll stop vagueposting about bullying, because this sounds like mandated backtracking to me, and changing the language to mitigate culpability

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
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Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
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Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
Imagine being in a situation where multiple colleagues are quitting a corpo at the same time, many of who are undeniably fostering a "bullying" narrative for the reasoning, and rather than simply say nothing and look like just a bystander, you come out and say "I'm staying guys!" You are complicit at best, through inaction or indifference, or the ones responsible at worst and simply don't care how the optics look.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Alternatively, wait, what happened?! That is so weeeeiiiiirrrrdddd!!!


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Joined:  Sep 28, 2022
Imagine being in a situation where multiple colleagues are quitting a corpo at the same time, many of who are undeniably fostering a "bullying" narrative for the reasoning, and rather than simply say nothing and look like just a bystander, you come out and say "I'm staying guys!" You are complicit at best, through inaction or indifference, or the ones responsible at worst and simply don't care how the optics look.
Maybe they think the allegations are false, or blaming the wrong people. 20 people on the other side is a bad look, but I'll try to reserve judgement until the facts come out.


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Joined:  Jul 3, 2024
Imagine being in a situation where multiple colleagues are quitting a corpo at the same time, many of who are undeniably fostering a "bullying" narrative for the reasoning, and rather than simply say nothing and look like just a bystander, you come out and say "I'm staying guys!" You are complicit at best, through inaction or indifference, or the ones responsible at worst and simply don't care how the optics look.
Proctor and someone else said one of the people who left was the minor. If that's true, then the people crying about bullying were the ones in the wrong and trying to create a narrative to protect themselves before the company could act on it.

Would also explain why so few people left. Dumbass kids being stupid as always. :mikoInshanya:

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
Vagueposting is so powerful in this scene that a corpo died from it. Unbelievable!


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!!Foot Dox Confirmed!!
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Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
So yesterday Proctor's favorite femboy decided to focus the entire UnderTheTea stream on BondLive. It was a bit of a shitshow, mainly because you got talents, staff, fanboys and managers joining in on chat to try to run defense for a company and for people that clearly cant be defended.

Many of the talents have contacted other "dramatubers" with information but people but it seems Mizu has some people on the inside he has known for some time and he decided to be the first one to talk about it. Expect a PurpleKeemstar video on this soon probably.

What caused all of this? In January 1, 2025 after BondLive members made a very public spectacle on Twitter about many dumpsterfires going on in the company, Blue Boy Wonder Mizu decided to make a 24 minute video going over the shitshow. Very simple video that goes over the Tweets and some of the replies.

In the video MIzu did not really talk about the talents by name or atleast the ones that apparently were the cause of the bullying which led to some manager wanting to off himself. Mizu had mentioned that there had been harassment and bullying taking place for multiple months. Additionally he mentioned that the company had hired a minor and said minor was the main instigator in all of this. At no point did he mention any names. The only talent he mentioned in his video was Erebus Grey and it was because she had replied to a Tweet Mizu made where she basically tried to run defense for the company and told him to not spread misinformation.

Archive of Mizu's Tweet with Erebus' reply

His video had a few hundred views but suddenly he got a large uptick in views and comments. It seems someone at BondLive caught notice and spread it on the company discord. Random people (talents and staff) suddenly started shitting up the replies trying to play defense for the company which had hired a minor and had watch said minor and others constantly start shit against each other.




Green Marks on those two because one is clearly a sock account made to come in an shit on the comments (possibly a talent) and Bruno showed up to the UTT livestream and seems to be one of those accounts made by some retard with little to no opsec as it seems to be one of those name/last-name accounts so either that's another talent using his personal account or some manager.


So after getting called a liar. Getting called out for "using someone's suicide note for content". And getting called disgusting for talking about a "private" matter which was publicly made on Twitter via multiple tweets, google docs and notices, Mizu did what Mizu does and decided to just call all out on this and dedicate the UTT stream to discuss this shit.

It seems that after all the shitshow and defense running some of the people leaking stuff decided to leak more. To the point that management had to ask for people's Twitter login and apparently they caught one of the leakers by looking into their DMs. Their problem is that not only was that member leaking information but others have come out and also leaked information. Others that left the company so there really isn't much they can do to silence them (more on this later).

Now to go through a summary of things that happened:

Stream starts off with Mizu going over the replies of his Youtube video.

00:14:30 - They talk a little about the company and its structure.

00:16:50 - Someone comes in to try to run defense on behalf of one of the talents. At no point had Mizu mentioned Anna other than he showed her graduation notice which is publicly available on Twitter.

00:19:00 - Mizu goes over the suicide note of the manager.

00:21:00 - Mizu says he wasnt going to reveal the minor but apparently they scrapped their Youtube and Twitter and then came back to start shit with him so he decided he didnt care.

00:21:25 - Kuzuryu Kota revealed as the minor in question and basically one of the main instigators in all of this.

00:21:35 - Keika Fujioka also revealed to being a talent that was basically the lapdog of Kota and also helped the shitshow.

00:27:30 - Another random chatter appears to try to run defense by saying that the manager did not want any of this. (Note that in no point in the manager's suicide letter or in other posts did he specify this. This is a common tactic used to try to shut down speech.)

00:28:41 - Mizu mentions that their Discord got locked up and management started deleting posts mainly from Keika and Kota as a way to cover their ass in case the guy had actually offed himself.

00:33:00 - Mizu goes over the Erebus Grey tweet. Which basically is her saying that he shouldn't talk about things unless the talents or managers give him the green light to do so as if he had signed a contract with them or something.

00:34:50 - MaiMartin keeps trying to shit the chat up. Says some retarded shit about UTT peeps by implying that doing this will get them blacklisted (as if they cared to go corpo). To which Mizu replies with a "I wasnt going to mention blacklisted BUT, the only reason Erebus is still in BondLive is because they are family member with a very large Corpo Vtuber. Thats why BondLive wants them around and that's why this girl is BondLive's star talent. Because they want to use her connections."

Mizu knows who it is but says he wont say.

Its funny that the people running defense for the company at this point are just pissing Mizu off and he keeps revealing things that only makes them look worse. This is why I tell people to shut the fuck up whenever "drama" comes up.
00:36:30 - Mizu mentions that the talents had their Twitters confiscated because management wants to know who is leaking things to him. Mentions that one person got "caught" leaking.

00:37:50 - Mizu mentions that the reason he decided to expose Kota was because despite graduating she went into his video using her corpo account and left this gem of a comment. Which is ironic when she is the main instigator in all of this.

00:39:00 - They go over the Gaynamede document. Mizu mentions that he has been on management side running defense. Someone in chat says this:

Mizu replies that he doesnt care and if they dont want people to talk about shit, they shouldnt publicly post it on Twitter (which is something I agree with and I commented)

00:40:22 - Doc writer pops in to chastise Mizu for using his document

00:41:20 - More people trying to run defense by being angry at the messenger.


I never understood this "don't monetize" shit. Fuck you.

00:42:42 - Mizu reads Ganymede's comment made on his video (which it seems he deleted because i couldnt find it, I might be wrong)

Honestly this guy can go suck a dick.

00:43:20 - More retardation from chat. UTT calling people out for being dumb and making shit public if they dont want others to talk about it.


00:44:35 - MIzu - "Also I don't have to be in Bond. I don't have to be in a company to recognize that when your employees are trying to kill themselves you are doing something wrong"

00:50:20 - Mizu addresses the "Peter doesnt want this to be used for content" which some people keep parroting in chat. At no point is there any mention of Peter saying anything.

00:51:30 - Lumi asks if Peter is the only talent manager in BondLive, implying that he is managing up to 40 talents. Ex-talent seems to confirm that he is.


00:52:00 - Lumi explains to the retards in chat that Peter is not the content and this is not making content out of Peter's missery. Peter is the victim in all of this.

00:52:55 - Ex-talent seems to be on Peter's team and Mizu tells them that why the hell are they on this stream trying to shut UTT down for speaking about this when all they are doing is exposing a shit company with toxic talents that almost caused one of the managers to off themselves.

00:54:13 - They go over the part in Ganymede's document where he mentions that the Minor (this is a 16 year old girl) was reported because she was engaging with NSFW topics on stream, had a wishlist (assuming Throne) with Adult items and attempting to meet up with some of the male streamers. Mizu mentions that Ganymede's post is not accurate because he has confirmation that people knew she was a minor since MAY 2024 and they knew she had provided a fake ID. They still hired her in JUNE 2024 and they kept it under wraps for months. Only after Peter (talent manager) found out that she had used her brother's ID. The CEO did not want to fire her it seems. His excuse was that if would look bad if they fired a talent they had just hired.
Not gonna lie this smells like the CEO is a groomer and given that the minor was constantly pushing to get into NSFW topics, its even worse.

00:59:30 - Company discord leak gets plosted. Kota had a merch thing and she was streaming while all of this was happening. It seems Hirarin called them out on it and Keika came in to call him out. 7 People liked the Discord message hinting that those 7 people are pretty fucking toxic.

01:01:30 - Mizu talks that some of the talents in BondLive had disabilities and Kaika would constantly start shit by saying they were faking it. Someone in chat mentions that one of the girl has tourrettes and they got constantly accused of lying.
I assume it was because she wasn't screaming "Yamanba" every 10 seconds.

01:03:50 - Mizu mentions that many talents have not spoken up because they are scared of getting harrased by management or the talents that are toxic.

01:06:30 - Bootlicker Bruno shows up to talk shit because they are implying that Erebis is complicit in this in some way. Mizu clapsback saying that they are by running defense for the company and trying to shut down people from speaking about it despite them having direct sources to talents. "If they don't want to get involved they shouldn't say anything."

01:07:43 - Lumi mentions that there was a thread people were talking in (I assume Twitter) and it got deleted.

01:08:49 - Mizu mentions that all of his information has been cross referenced with atleast 4 talents (some which are involved and some which are not currently involved). Mizu also mentions that this is not the first time BondLive has a mass graduation but that he doesn't know what happened the first time. But it seems to have been on management side and that the new people that joined did so because they had been told that "management had changed".
Im going to call bullshit. They just probably changed usernames or some shit.

01:10:40 - Bruno seems to be an Erebus autistic simp or something. Mizu tells him that Erebus was not helping all she was doing was trying to shut up and prevent people from talking about it.

01:12:20 - When shit got to the critical point. Kota and Kaika (both identified as being the main people that caused the shitshow) and a 3rd girl (maid one) did their own black screen stream but mainly to talk about graduating. Mizu says he has not heard anything negative about the 3rd girl in this so he assumes she doesn't know much of what's happening or is not involved and is just someone they dragged along. The video got wiped because Kota wiped her Twitter and her Youtube.
Something of note. Kota does sound extremely young and honestly given that she seems to be the main instigator in all of this, she also sounds like a sociopath trying to say shit to garner as much pitty as possibly from an audience that has no clue what the hell is happening. Basically saying that this has been super hard and stressful for them and they just did as they were told. Honestly sounds like a girl trying to copy what other big corpos do when it comes to graduation announcements. Its like larping. This chatter has the right idea.

01:21:29 - Mizu mentions that the payout threshold for BondLive is $500. So unless the talents make more than $500 a month, they dont get paid.
Given their size and their streaming platform we can speculate that most talents were not getting paid.

01:22:51 - I mentioned that I had heard their contract sucks. Mizu mentions that their contract has a Non-Compete clause which is null in the US but that it doesn't seem to have an NDA.

01:29:24 - Mizu mentions again that one of the terms is that they had to stream 300 hours to keep their IP
im assuming channel + asset + model. He had mentioned this in his January 1 video.

01:31:59 - Mizu mentions that Keika is an adult and its very weird how she talks about her deep and personal friendship with a 16 year old.

01:35:34 - This chatter has something interesting to say:

More comments from the same chatter who might be either close with the talents or possibly a talent themselves


01:38:50 - Maid has been talking for a while and she seems like prime-sad girl material. Said tried to off herself a long time ago and having people at Bond she was friends with was the only thing that basically saved her.
Honestly speaking she seems like the only girl genuine in this and the one to be taking it the hardest because she is leaving a company she cares about. Protip you dont need a fucking toxic corporation to make friends. I really hate this mentality but it seems so fucking common in Vtubing.

01:44:20 - One of the talents linked the contract to Mizu but he says he has to sit down and read it to make sure that its not personalized that reading it or discussing it would hint at who the person that leaked it might be.

01:48:02 - Armchair notices something

This feels very fake and very poorly acted. At some points it seems like Kota is even laughing in the background (though it could be poor mic and shes sobbing but honestly it sounds like laughing to me. This all seems like it was poorly written and scripted and you can see that Kota at no point is looking at the camera but looking off to the side while reading some poorly written document. The only one I might be willing to believe is the maid.

01:49:12 - Mizu reveals that he got an email from Youtube that a BondLiveSister filed a "privacy complaint" against the entirety of the stream. The complaint is from the start of the stream to 1.5 hours into the stream claiming that it violates their "privacy".

01:51:40 - It seems the person who filed the privacy complaint might have shown up.



Note that no private or personal information has been discussed.


01:55:35 - Another BondLifeSister shows up to accuse people of doing shit they havent done. Either they did not watch the stream or they are too fucking retarded and havent read the definition of "dox".


More shit from this retard



02:08:50 - More retardation. Mizu thinks they are just trying to shit the chat up to try to get him to reveal who his sources are.


Another Name + Last Name account.




02:14:27 - Chatter asks if the bullies come and leak information. Mizu mentions that none of the bullies have contacted him and they all deleted their socials.

More retardation from Sakuno

02:18:57 - Sakuno mentions that apparently Princess Lollipop told Elara not to cover this. We possibly DM because there is no evidence of this. Mizu mentions that Elara wouldnt have covered this because she would've had to do work and research and she doesn't cover things unless someone feeds her the information. I know that UTT peeps and Elara have some beef and I disagree with Mizu on this. Given some of the fuckups in the past with some of the things Elara has said its possible she was waiting for more information to come out or she just didnt want to touch this given how many people kept pushing for "dramatubers" to stay silent and not talk about it despite they making a public spectacle of it. Elara got a ton of shit once because she talked about something (which was public) and the person involved did not want people to talk about it.

02:22:06 - Mizu says he doesn't care if people don't want others to cover it. He thinks BondLive is a shit corporation and they are a danger to anyone that joins the corporation.



02:28:52 - Mizu confirms that the only reason he exposed everything was that they all came out in a semi-coordinated matter to try to shut him down.

02:32:27 - Mizu mentions that the person who sent him the contract, the contract had been changed AFTER it had been signed by the person who signed it.
I wonder if this is malicious or the edit was something minor like a document name change.

Remaining 20 minutes is mostly nothing. Just answering some questions from chat.

I expect Purple Keemstar to talk about this given that the talents are leaking shit left and right. I also expect a mass exodus from the company. Apparently they have a JP branch which isnt doing too bad. I havent checked but I doubt it. I expect this company to stay on life support for the next few months and eventually die in summer 2025.

Would be interesting to see who Sakuno, Bruno, Toawa, Jason, Rust and Ryze are that they seem to be running defense for whats clearly a shit company.


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Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
So yesterday Proctor's favorite femboy decided to focus the entire UnderTheTea stream on BondLive. It was a bit of a shitshow, mainly because you got talents, staff, fanboys and managers joining in on chat to try to run defense for a company and for people that clearly cant be defended.

Many of the talents have contacted other "dramatubers" with information but people but it seems Mizu has some people on the inside he has known for some time and he decided to be the first one to talk about it. Expect a PurpleKeemstar video on this soon probably.

What caused all of this? In January 1, 2025 after BondLive members made a very public spectacle on Twitter about many dumpsterfires going on in the company, Blue Boy Wonder Mizu decided to make a 24 minute video going over the shitshow. Very simple video that goes over the Tweets and some of the replies.

In the video MIzu did not really talk about the talents by name or atleast the ones that apparently were the cause of the bullying which led to some manager wanting to off himself. Mizu had mentioned that there had been harassment and bullying taking place for multiple months. Additionally he mentioned that the company had hired a minor and said minor was the main instigator in all of this. At no point did he mention any names. The only talent he mentioned in his video was Erebus Grey and it was because she had replied to a Tweet Mizu made where she basically tried to run defense for the company and told him to not spread misinformation.

Archive of Mizu's Tweet with Erebus' reply

His video had a few hundred views but suddenly he got a large uptick in views and comments. It seems someone at BondLive caught notice and spread it on the company discord. Random people (talents and staff) suddenly started shitting up the replies trying to play defense for the company which had hired a minor and had watch said minor and others constantly start shit against each other.

View attachment 87025
View attachment 87026
View attachment 87027
Green Marks on those two because one is clearly a sock account made to come in an shit on the comments (possibly a talent) and Bruno showed up to the UTT livestream and seems to be one of those accounts made by some retard with little to no opsec as it seems to be one of those name/last-name accounts so either that's another talent using his personal account or some manager.

View attachment 87028

So after getting called a liar. Getting called out for "using someone's suicide note for content". And getting called disgusting for talking about a "private" matter which was publicly made on Twitter via multiple tweets, google docs and notices, Mizu did what Mizu does and decided to just call all out on this and dedicate the UTT stream to discuss this shit.

It seems that after all the shitshow and defense running some of the people leaking stuff decided to leak more. To the point that management had to ask for people's Twitter login and apparently they caught one of the leakers by looking into their DMs. Their problem is that not only was that member leaking information but others have come out and also leaked information. Others that left the company so there really isn't much they can do to silence them (more on this later).

Now to go through a summary of things that happened:

Stream starts off with Mizu going over the replies of his Youtube video.

00:14:30 - They talk a little about the company and its structure.

00:16:50 - Someone comes in to try to run defense on behalf of one of the talents. At no point had Mizu mentioned Anna other than he showed her graduation notice which is publicly available on Twitter.
View attachment 87029

00:19:00 - Mizu goes over the suicide note of the manager.

00:21:00 - Mizu says he wasnt going to reveal the minor but apparently they scrapped their Youtube and Twitter and then came back to start shit with him so he decided he didnt care.

00:21:25 - Kuzuryu Kota revealed as the minor in question and basically one of the main instigators in all of this.

00:21:35 - Keika Fujioka also revealed to being a talent that was basically the lapdog of Kota and also helped the shitshow.

00:27:30 - Another random chatter appears to try to run defense by saying that the manager did not want any of this. (Note that in no point in the manager's suicide letter or in other posts did he specify this. This is a common tactic used to try to shut down speech.)
View attachment 87030

00:28:41 - Mizu mentions that their Discord got locked up and management started deleting posts mainly from Keika and Kota as a way to cover their ass in case the guy had actually offed himself.

00:33:00 - Mizu goes over the Erebus Grey tweet. Which basically is her saying that he shouldn't talk about things unless the talents or managers give him the green light to do so as if he had signed a contract with them or something.

00:34:50 - MaiMartin keeps trying to shit the chat up. Says some retarded shit about UTT peeps by implying that doing this will get them blacklisted (as if they cared to go corpo). To which Mizu replies with a "I wasnt going to mention blacklisted BUT, the only reason Erebus is still in BondLive is because they are family member with a very large Corpo Vtuber. Thats why BondLive wants them around and that's why this girl is BondLive's star talent. Because they want to use her connections."

Mizu knows who it is but says he wont say.
View attachment 87033
Its funny that the people running defense for the company at this point are just pissing Mizu off and he keeps revealing things that only makes them look worse. This is why I tell people to shut the fuck up whenever "drama" comes up.
00:36:30 - Mizu mentions that the talents had their Twitters confiscated because management wants to know who is leaking things to him. Mentions that one person got "caught" leaking.

00:37:50 - Mizu mentions that the reason he decided to expose Kota was because despite graduating she went into his video using her corpo account and left this gem of a comment. Which is ironic when she is the main instigator in all of this.
View attachment 87037

00:39:00 - They go over the Gaynamede document. Mizu mentions that he has been on management side running defense. Someone in chat says this:
View attachment 87041
Mizu replies that he doesnt care and if they dont want people to talk about shit, they shouldnt publicly post it on Twitter (which is something I agree with and I commented)

00:40:22 - Doc writer pops in to chastise Mizu for using his document
View attachment 87042

00:41:20 - More people trying to run defense by being angry at the messenger.
View attachment 87043
View attachment 87044
I never understood this "don't monetize" shit. Fuck you.

00:42:42 - Mizu reads Ganymede's comment made on his video (which it seems he deleted because i couldnt find it, I might be wrong)
View attachment 87045
Honestly this guy can go suck a dick.

00:43:20 - More retardation from chat. UTT calling people out for being dumb and making shit public if they dont want others to talk about it.
View attachment 87046
View attachment 87047

00:44:35 - MIzu - "Also I don't have to be in Bond. I don't have to be in a company to recognize that when your employees are trying to kill themselves you are doing something wrong"
View attachment 87048

00:50:20 - Mizu addresses the "Peter doesnt want this to be used for content" which some people keep parroting in chat. At no point is there any mention of Peter saying anything.

00:51:30 - Lumi asks if Peter is the only talent manager in BondLive, implying that he is managing up to 40 talents. Ex-talent seems to confirm that he is.
View attachment 87049
View attachment 87050

00:52:00 - Lumi explains to the retards in chat that Peter is not the content and this is not making content out of Peter's missery. Peter is the victim in all of this.

00:52:55 - Ex-talent seems to be on Peter's team and Mizu tells them that why the hell are they on this stream trying to shut UTT down for speaking about this when all they are doing is exposing a shit company with toxic talents that almost caused one of the managers to off themselves.
View attachment 87052

00:54:13 - They go over the part in Ganymede's document where he mentions that the Minor (this is a 16 year old girl) was reported because she was engaging with NSFW topics on stream, had a wishlist (assuming Throne) with Adult items and attempting to meet up with some of the male streamers. Mizu mentions that Ganymede's post is not accurate because he has confirmation that people knew she was a minor since MAY 2024 and they knew she had provided a fake ID. They still hired her in JUNE 2024 and they kept it under wraps for months. Only after Peter (talent manager) found out that she had used her brother's ID. The CEO did not want to fire her it seems. His excuse was that if would look bad if they fired a talent they had just hired.
Not gonna lie this smells like the CEO is a groomer and given that the minor was constantly pushing to get into NSFW topics, its even worse.

00:59:30 - Company discord leak gets plosted. Kota had a merch thing and she was streaming while all of this was happening. It seems Hirarin called them out on it and Keika came in to call him out. 7 People liked the Discord message hinting that those 7 people are pretty fucking toxic.

01:01:30 - Mizu talks that some of the talents in BondLive had disabilities and Kaika would constantly start shit by saying they were faking it. Someone in chat mentions that one of the girl has tourrettes and they got constantly accused of lying.
I assume it was because she wasn't screaming "Yamanba" every 10 seconds.

01:03:50 - Mizu mentions that many talents have not spoken up because they are scared of getting harrased by management or the talents that are toxic.

01:06:30 - Bootlicker Bruno shows up to talk shit because they are implying that Erebis is complicit in this in some way. Mizu clapsback saying that they are by running defense for the company and trying to shut down people from speaking about it despite them having direct sources to talents. "If they don't want to get involved they shouldn't say anything."
View attachment 87061

01:07:43 - Lumi mentions that there was a thread people were talking in (I assume Twitter) and it got deleted.

01:08:49 - Mizu mentions that all of his information has been cross referenced with atleast 4 talents (some which are involved and some which are not currently involved). Mizu also mentions that this is not the first time BondLive has a mass graduation but that he doesn't know what happened the first time. But it seems to have been on management side and that the new people that joined did so because they had been told that "management had changed".
Im going to call bullshit. They just probably changed usernames or some shit.

01:10:40 - Bruno seems to be an Erebus autistic simp or something. Mizu tells him that Erebus was not helping all she was doing was trying to shut up and prevent people from talking about it.
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01:12:20 - When shit got to the critical point. Kota and Kaika (both identified as being the main people that caused the shitshow) and a 3rd girl (maid one) did their own black screen stream but mainly to talk about graduating. Mizu says he has not heard anything negative about the 3rd girl in this so he assumes she doesn't know much of what's happening or is not involved and is just someone they dragged along. The video got wiped because Kota wiped her Twitter and her Youtube.
Something of note. Kota does sound extremely young and honestly given that she seems to be the main instigator in all of this, she also sounds like a sociopath trying to say shit to garner as much pitty as possibly from an audience that has no clue what the hell is happening. Basically saying that this has been super hard and stressful for them and they just did as they were told. Honestly sounds like a girl trying to copy what other big corpos do when it comes to graduation announcements. Its like larping. This chatter has the right idea.
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01:21:29 - Mizu mentions that the payout threshold for BondLive is $500. So unless the talents make more than $500 a month, they dont get paid.
Given their size and their streaming platform we can speculate that most talents were not getting paid.

01:22:51 - I mentioned that I had heard their contract sucks. Mizu mentions that their contract has a Non-Compete clause which is null in the US but that it doesn't seem to have an NDA.

01:29:24 - Mizu mentions again that one of the terms is that they had to stream 300 hours to keep their IP
im assuming channel + asset + model. He had mentioned this in his January 1 video.

01:31:59 - Mizu mentions that Keika is an adult and its very weird how she talks about her deep and personal friendship with a 16 year old.

01:35:34 - This chatter has something interesting to say:
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More comments from the same chatter who might be either close with the talents or possibly a talent themselves

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01:38:50 - Maid has been talking for a while and she seems like prime-sad girl material. Said tried to off herself a long time ago and having people at Bond she was friends with was the only thing that basically saved her.
Honestly speaking she seems like the only girl genuine in this and the one to be taking it the hardest because she is leaving a company she cares about. Protip you dont need a fucking toxic corporation to make friends. I really hate this mentality but it seems so fucking common in Vtubing.

01:44:20 - One of the talents linked the contract to Mizu but he says he has to sit down and read it to make sure that its not personalized that reading it or discussing it would hint at who the person that leaked it might be.

01:48:02 - Armchair notices something
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This feels very fake and very poorly acted. At some points it seems like Kota is even laughing in the background (though it could be poor mic and shes sobbing but honestly it sounds like laughing to me. This all seems like it was poorly written and scripted and you can see that Kota at no point is looking at the camera but looking off to the side while reading some poorly written document. The only one I might be willing to believe is the maid.

01:49:12 - Mizu reveals that he got an email from Youtube that a BondLiveSister filed a "privacy complaint" against the entirety of the stream. The complaint is from the start of the stream to 1.5 hours into the stream claiming that it violates their "privacy".

01:51:40 - It seems the person who filed the privacy complaint might have shown up.
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Note that no private or personal information has been discussed.

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01:55:35 - Another BondLifeSister shows up to accuse people of doing shit they havent done. Either they did not watch the stream or they are too fucking retarded and havent read the definition of "dox".
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More shit from this retard

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02:08:50 - More retardation. Mizu thinks they are just trying to shit the chat up to try to get him to reveal who his sources are.

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Another Name + Last Name account.

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02:14:27 - Chatter asks if the bullies come and leak information. Mizu mentions that none of the bullies have contacted him and they all deleted their socials.

More retardation from Sakuno
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02:18:57 - Sakuno mentions that apparently Princess Lollipop told Elara not to cover this. We possibly DM because there is no evidence of this. Mizu mentions that Elara wouldnt have covered this because she would've had to do work and research and she doesn't cover things unless someone feeds her the information. I know that UTT peeps and Elara have some beef and I disagree with Mizu on this. Given some of the fuckups in the past with some of the things Elara has said its possible she was waiting for more information to come out or she just didnt want to touch this given how many people kept pushing for "dramatubers" to stay silent and not talk about it despite they making a public spectacle of it. Elara got a ton of shit once because she talked about something (which was public) and the person involved did not want people to talk about it.
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02:22:06 - Mizu says he doesn't care if people don't want others to cover it. He thinks BondLive is a shit corporation and they are a danger to anyone that joins the corporation.

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02:28:52 - Mizu confirms that the only reason he exposed everything was that they all came out in a semi-coordinated matter to try to shut him down.

02:32:27 - Mizu mentions that the person who sent him the contract, the contract had been changed AFTER it had been signed by the person who signed it.
I wonder if this is malicious or the edit was something minor like a document name change.

Remaining 20 minutes is mostly nothing. Just answering some questions from chat.

I expect Purple Keemstar to talk about this given that the talents are leaking shit left and right. I also expect a mass exodus from the company. Apparently they have a JP branch which isnt doing too bad. I havent checked but I doubt it. I expect this company to stay on life support for the next few months and eventually die in summer 2025.

Would be interesting to see who Sakuno, Bruno, Toawa, Jason, Rust and Ryze are that they seem to be running defense for whats clearly a shit company.

I actually expect more people to join. IRIAM vtubers are AI rigged right. There are always stupid people who doesnt do any background check.
even wactor got hires again and again and again


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Joined:  Feb 16, 2024
Bondlive confirming the graduation of 8 members and commenting on the nature of the leaked information.

One more thing that hasn't been shared on here yet is this comment by a friend of the VTuber/Manager that put out the apparent suicide note. It was retweeted by the manager himself so I will assume it to be accurate.

I am a real friend of Pastor Peter's.
As soon as I saw this tweet yesterday, several of my friends went to Pastor Peter's house to persuade and force him to come out.
He is now in my apartment, very tired but safe.

I would like to let him recuperate until he settles down and leave the future to him.


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!!Foot Dox Confirmed!!
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UTT mentioned the Tweet because many of the people trying to pushback saying Peter doesn't want people to use this for content are somehow hinting that this friend apparently said so in some notice. Back when the stream happened Peter nor the friend had mentioned anything about people using the content. Only ones that did were Bondlive members and staff. Especially Ganymede who wrote a google doc talking about things with kid gloves and apparently offering false information related to the minor.


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Joined:  Jun 1, 2023
seems to be one of those accounts made by some retard with little to no opsec as it seems to be one of those name/last-name accounts so either that's another talent using his personal account or some manager
This is incorrect, it's actually good Opsec, unless he's actually Bruno Bucciarati, then he's an undead mafioso with the power of zippers. Likewise Jason Todd is the Robin that was beaten and exploded by the Joker and came back as the Red Hood.

Both are throwaway accounts, and I'm sure both are associated with the company in some capacity.


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Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
Some old development
Seems like there was alot of development that went under the radar. This isn't a small company working under a small company. It is literally another Brave in the making
In march 2024 bond was acquired by STRP, CEO from Bondlive Ryosuke Sumiyoshi joined STRP board along with the acquisition. <- This we already knows
In June 2024, STRP established Super State Holdings as their attempt at consolidating the vtubing market
On the same month, they bought Gumi Inc., a gacha/mobile/NFT/crypto company

In August, SSH established Anitones, a media company focusing on making music, webcomics, animation, etc. Anitone later absorped Mages Co., Ltd. another company of the same type

In September, SSH bought SLP Co., Ltd. a company specialized in holding live events.

They also bought ScarabStudio Inc. a 3DCG/animation company

In October they bought a sweets company for some reason
In September 2024, Super State Holdings bought Lucid Multimedia, an English vtubing company, which tbh I haven't heard a lot of beside /vt/ keep shilling the company name for some reason.

In October, Bond announced killing their Youtube and Reality branch, but a bunch of their Youtube members was moved under Lucid Multimedia.
In November 2021, Super State merged orgina1 and transferring all their vtubers into Bond. Note that SSH bought origina1 in may 2024.

But something really struck me in particular in the article
Japanese diversified entertainment company SUPER STATE HOLDINGS has announced that 191 talents have officially transferred from 0rigina1 to Bond. This makes the total number of Bond talents jump from 832 to 1,023, according to the agency's latest tally as of October 30 this year.
This fucking company has been hoarding literally thousand of vtubers.... with likely the rate of 1 manager to 100 vtubers.....

And while Bond EN isn't doing great, it was only one of Super State Holding attempt into an EN expansion, I have reason to believe even if all the current vtubers graduate, Bond EN will just do it all again. What is 20 leaving compared to 1023, peanut numbers

If your favorite small corpo isn't being bought by Brave, another company might be eyeing them
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Some old development
Seems like there was alot of development that went under the radar. This isn't a small company working under a small company. It is literally another Brave in the making
In march 2024 bond was acquired by STRP, CEO from Bondlive Ryosuke Sumiyoshi joined STRP board along with the acquisition. <- This we already knows
In June 2024, STRP established Super State Holdings as their attempt at consolidating the vtubing market
On the same month, they bought Gumi Inc., a gacha/mobile/NFT/crypto company

In August, SSH established Anitones, a media company focusing on making music, webcomics, animation, etc. Anitone later absorped Mages Co., Ltd. another company of the same type

In September, SSH bought SLP Co., Ltd. a company specialized in holding live events.

They also bought ScarabStudio Inc. a 3DCG/animation company

In October they bought a sweets company for some reason
In September 2024, Super State Holdings bought Lucid Multimedia, an English vtubing company, which tbh I haven't heard a lot of beside /vt/ keep shilling the company name for some reason.

In October, Bond announced killing their Youtube and Reality branch, but a bunch of their Youtube members was moved under Lucid Multimedia.
In November 2021, Super State merged orgina1 and transferring all their vtubers into Bond. Note that SSH bought origina1 in may 2024.

But something really struck me in particular in the article

This fucking company has been hoarding literally thousand of vtubers.... with likely the rate of 1 manager to 100 vtubers.....

And while Bond EN isn't doing great, it was only one of Super State Holding attempt into an EN expansion, I have reason to believe even if all the current vtubers graduate, Bond EN will just do it all again. What is 20 leaving compared to 1023, peanut numbers

If your favorite small corpo isn't being bought by Brave, another company might be eyeing them
It's like Brave! Except even MORE shit!

Clown Penis

To Be Continued
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
It's like Brave! Except even MORE shit!
The time you spent typing this and hitting "Post reply" was time you could have spent on making an organizational chart for Super State Holdings.

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