Kuzuryu Kota's (bondlive) stream finished a while ago. It wasn't all that informative, but the girls kept reiterating that whatever occurred "wasn't management's fault" while implying there were many things management had done wrong; the girls applied under the impression they could stream on YT, were told they could move from IRIAM to YT if they performed well enough but this never happened, lots of miscommunications, were told that bondlive would be "a group thing" where they all work towards a shared goal, many many instances of "I thought something was management's fault, but it actually wasn't".
Kota said she saw her friends be "harrassed and ridiculed" and initially blamed management, but "realized it was never management's fault, they were only doing what they were told". She implied that
someone was at fault, saying, "when you don't check in on your own management, you don't check in on your own talents, that builds up, and that hurts". I'm gonna assume she means the CEO.
A talent/manager (still can't be sure which one it is, but shifting blame for many things away from management points me towards manager) committing suicide would make sense for the shock, sadness, and outrage that everyone seems to be going through.
This is just a short summary, I'd recommend watching the stream if you're interested. Hopefully this is helpful to someone.
Stream archived since I just saw her twitter get nuked