"If I die, one of you guys has to taxidermy me and keep me in your house, I wanna keep a cute cat pose, 'nyaa~', you'd make me continue forever!"Sava Safari

Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
Haachama is 1/4 British. Papachaama is a hafu.
Remember, when you guys say mean things about the British, this is who you're bullying.


Egg the Boiled

Joined:  Nov 2, 2022
Older posters from the farms have a baseline to work with, but for those of us who haven't been around from the beginning or known the people here for a long time, we don't know where we stand and it's just unpleasant.
It's ironic that this forum started (in part) because of Null's threats to close the thread or ban everyone involved on the farms because anime=pedoshit.

Now we've been here multiple times concerned that the admin will flip out and ban people he disagrees with... or just doesn't like, I suppose.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
It's called "Lowtaxification of the admin" and it's a recurring phenomenon on internet message boards.

God's Strongest Wardog

Wigger Daisenpai Stan
Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
I mean shit Short and I tag teamed Hexa for a couple of hours and for some reason she doesn't hate me. I dunno, discord man what can you do


Spooked But Lobotomized

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Joined:  Jan 29, 2023
This is like the fifth time I've seen that twerking gundam, what is wrong with you all


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
It's called "Lowtaxification of the admin" and it's a recurring phenomenon on internet message boards.
Magosteen juice when? In this case it would be fox fur pillows I guess...?


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
He has to have a flip out first, then threaten to delete the boards. Then the closet cabal of dicksuckers (FYAD) has to deny him entry into the cool kids locker. This whole process has been mapped out like the Krebs Cycle.


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I don't care about plausible deniability. People blatantly and shamelessly lie about my motives and actions and I get called a simp or a bait-taking retard when I try to explain them. I quietly endure this as a simple reality that there is nothing I can really do about, because I as the saying goes, you can hold a firehose on a horse for an hour, but you can't make the bastard stop whining that he prefers sparkling water.

I never need any justification for anything I do here, whatsoever. Me giving you any is me going out of my way to be nice and democratic, when I have absolute power and can do whatever I want. All my efforts to be open and transparent are routinely met with generic 'lol no one cares why do you care haha' replies and 'aww man you totally failed to live up to the arbitrary expectations I set for you in my own head, but which I expect you to obey like the inscriptions on the tablets God personally handed to Moses :(' style responses. Why, exactly, should I care about appeasing any of those people?

Certainly not for the health of my site, because they simply shit up the place with inflammatory comments that I have to sift through to read what I find interesting.

Certainly not for their money, because none of them ever pay me anything either.

Certainly not for their emotional support, because they've made it very clear they are patiently waiting for me to have a meltdown so they can validate all their negative expectations of me.

At the end of the day, every single thing I do here depends on one thing; my personal enjoyment and investment in it. When that is threatened by retards who spend their entire existences defending objectively dreadful people and lying about me, I will act to get rid of them so that my personal enjoyment and investment remain intact.

That's my final word on the topic.
I liked Naganon. He'd occasionally post interesting stuff, generally had a sense of humour, and he didn't mind the occasional joke at his own expense. I like that in a poster. I definitely disagreed with his take on the Kiki situation, but not to the extent that I would want him banned. From where I'm standing, it looks like he was banned because you both wanted to argue and you pulled the "lol I own this place, get fucked" card. And it is your right to pull that card since you own the forum, sure, but it's your responsibility to use that card wisely. I'm not sure you did.

And Naganon may not have donated to the site, but I have (three times), and part of the reason I donated was because at the time I liked the site, appreciated your work and I don't mind donating to sites I like to support them. This one isolated incident won't stop me donating in the future, but if I see more incidents like this, that stance could change. I'd much prefer if it didn't.


No faith in Humanity
Dizzy's Wife
Joined:  Oct 30, 2022
Oh my, has Proctor turned on his vaunted morals he effortposts so much about just as soon as it was personally convenient? Yet again?

It was one thing to handwave his personal army-ing, hornyposting, and general acting like a shit-touching dumbass the first time way back when it was Takodachi and Rrat who got taken out, where at least he had the sense to reverse things and apologise, but these meltdowns are getting to be a regular thing.
And now when he sweeps some regular over a petty disagreement he instead justifies it with some psuedointellectual drivel about how only he and his asskissers are the real community and you can't do anything to stop him anyways. Here, anyways, he just got laughed at on the Farms when he went off like this there.
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Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
To all of you who complain I have one message: Stop wasting your time, no amount of bitching is gonna change anything.
Just sit back and watch the fireworks, trust me, it makes life so much funnier.

Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
I heard a pedo got shot in the ear. Is proctor still in Ireland?

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
To all of you who complain I have one message: Stop wasting your time. Just sit back and watch the fireworks, trust me, it makes life so much funnier.
quietly puts away 12 other sock accounts mimicking multiple personalities


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022


Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
I Disagreed with Nigganon over that topic but he was a good user
What it sucks the most it that he was truly loyal to his oshi: Hexa
You dont find those kind of guys anymore with everyone having one Morbillion Oshis now :pikameefuck:


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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Faceless Waifu

prompt: sister cleaire, event horizon, no eyes
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
It's ironic that this forum started (in part) because of Null's threats to close the thread or ban everyone involved on the farms because anime=pedoshit.
I mean, early on it was because of that, though most of the actual excuse is because of the drop kiwi stuff making the site nigh-inaccessible to the point of it going down indefinitely.


Well-known member
Joined:  Feb 16, 2024
Who shat in Proctors cereal today man. Like, I have to think real hard to even come up with a good take he had in the last couple of months but today he's been way off base, more then usual. Maybe he was left on read by his favourite politsperg VTuber.

Spooked But Lobotomized

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Joined:  Jan 29, 2023
iirc, Null's threats to give the vtuber thread two shots to the back of the head created two discords and a telegram or something? I am not sure on the latter, part but there was another off site service used before this forum was made.

Egg the Boiled

Joined:  Nov 2, 2022
I mean, early on it was because of that, though most of the actual excuse is because of the drop kiwi stuff making the site nigh-inaccessible to the point of it going down indefinitely.
True, but they made some gay discord servers before the Drop Kiwi Farms shit happened. I figured they were a precursor to TVA, and Proctor bit the bullet to make a forum while the homelands were down.
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