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I'm not callous or jaded enough to make a claim that he's money scheming. I wouldn't suspect he's really raking anything in from it either. Frankly even if he was getting a decent amount, as long as the lights are on I wouldn't consider using excess to help his family or buy his meds particularly egregious either. I would see it more like extra tip money that's his for whatever. Granted I'm not throwing any at him, so whether paying people want to take issue with it is their own perogative but personally I don't care what the excess goes to in that aspect. So anything with all that's more or less between him and donators.
Also I won't lie, the white whale joke did run through my mind because it's a long running classic here with some posters, BUT I figured I would let it be the "serious" lame bitch post it was intended as and withheld it lol
Little late I guess. Meh. Frankly I'm not gonna lie but the last big woman moment really killed my interest in activity for a good while. Thread splitting happened not long afterward which didn't help. Was only just starting to even get back to making my low effort garbage posts in the last week or so. Which to be some level of fair I guess is what the CEO of The Biggest Nicest Huggiest Forum Ever co. wants to get rid of anyway.
Exception for spamming bs in the 6th Fes thread when that started.
I then decide to hop in here to catch up, lo and behold what a shocker, another big ass "You people are retarded and wrong and therefore my will and word is law and if you're too stupid to see why I'm making the best decisions for you well you're an idiot. No, I won't take multiple peoples comments into consideration or have any level of discussion. In fact, I'm going to only focus on one specific thing instead of multiple other issues people bring up to discredit the whole idea."
You do a lot of the type of shit people you claim to hate do for someone who wants some level of freedom or whatever.
Out of curiosity can we at least get a numbers crunch on how relevant the influx of fresh new posters or lurkers who finally started posting is? How much activity changed due to them? I would be curious to see how well it worked to integrate them into the community now that all the old mean guys got split up. Last I knew the "great community we built up" was told to be more kind and accepting, dare I say inclusive, in the new multiple threads so that we were less gate keepy and prevented from scaring off so much new potential. Unless of course we swapped the goal randomly to something else like "So long as we have several happy little communities it's a fair trade if the big overall one isn't as good."
Sure, 2 weeks isn't a good indicator of the numbers for new users, I'll give you that and we can skip it. However SURELY you have a chunk of data for the secret dms and lurkers who kept telling you they wanted to post a lot but them dang angry posters would have never allowed it. I should think that this being what they want would have them all showing up in the new threads going crazy happy no? There's no logic for people who asked for it to not already have dove in and gone crazy by now if they haven't.
Also yeah, of course the thread split is nicer for you. You don't care about 99% of the entire scene, except big announcements (especially if they let you peddle more corpo bad/vtubing is all awful except the small parts I specifically like) or drama you can milk/follow. "All corpos are shit, most big indies are whores," and of the people you care about- One has her own thread and is divisive if you don't already care about her, one is rambunctious and got herself a reputation for piss and soap, and the rest are small or less but you like them, so it's "offensive" if nobody is interested.
For anyone who wanted to keep up on several various people in various situations of hire, it's obnoxious. Most of the discussions in that aspect are still heavily slanted towards the same people anyway, just more inconveniently spread out. Virtually everyone ACTIVE has said something feels off and that the atmosphere seems to have fallen except maybe two decent threads, yet none of these people who supposedly asked for this have shown up nor voiced any opinion on how it's so much better.
I usually try to be some level of middle ground objective and not roll my eyes JUST because it's a post of yours, but anytime you post in reply about forum community shit it basically comes off as you actively hating this place and trying to write words to dance around saying it. "I like our community, I just don't like how you act, react, interact, talk, or do things with any given free reign."
Of course instead of caring about any of this, you generally default to "Well there's nowhere better so suck it up LAWL." Then sit there questioning why the mood seems more hostile and such around the place. Yeah I know, executive privilege or whatever.
Truth be told at this point, despite your "this place is great and worth fighting for" stuff I figure you would delete it in an instant if it didn't let you get "prestige" that works into getting all those dms and fighting all those gay battles you jump into. Wouldn't shock me the slightest is your goal was to get people out of here so you can axe it for the discord.
Anyway here's the @ so it's not some post into a void that I was "too scared" to direct at you or whatever. @The Proctor
Go ahead and follow it up with your reply of how everyone, especially me, is too dumb to understand. Hell go the full mile, call me an egomaniac or something. Like at this point fuck it right?
I'm not a big name in the community so I'm sure this was typed for no reason because "Lolwho?" (Legasp that TAWXIC term) but
At least you were up front enough to finally admit that you don't care if we lose parts of the community, whether it be members or culture, so long as you got your whale, Captain Ahab. Kudos for that.
The answer really is the simplest. Don't fix what was never broken in the first place. Considering we had 3 General Threads that worked completely fine in the past few years, the split thread experiment feels like it has run it's course. We all want to go back to how it was before.
I'm not callous or jaded enough to make a claim that he's money scheming. I wouldn't suspect he's really raking anything in from it either. Frankly even if he was getting a decent amount, as long as the lights are on I wouldn't consider using excess to help his family or buy his meds particularly egregious either. I would see it more like extra tip money that's his for whatever. Granted I'm not throwing any at him, so whether paying people want to take issue with it is their own perogative but personally I don't care what the excess goes to in that aspect. So anything with all that's more or less between him and donators.
Also I won't lie, the white whale joke did run through my mind because it's a long running classic here with some posters, BUT I figured I would let it be the "serious" lame bitch post it was intended as and withheld it lol
I'm not callous or jaded enough to make a claim that he's money scheming. I wouldn't suspect he's really raking anything in from it either. Frankly even if he was getting a decent amount, as long as the lights are on I wouldn't consider using excess to help his family or buy his meds particularly egregious either. I would see it more like extra tip money that's his for whatever. Granted I'm not throwing any at him, so whether paying people want to take issue with it is their own perogative but personally I don't care what the excess goes to in that aspect. So anything with all that's more or less between him and donators.
I doubt he's making enough money to profit off of this site. He's probably barely making enough to keep the place up and running. But I'm not throwing any money at him either, so what do I know?
Proc is most definitely not making money off this site lol. It still surprises me how the guy hasn't thrown in the towel after having come to such a startling lack of understanding with his own users.
I still think the discord was the start of all the shit, we were perfectly fine until november 2023. A whole year with literally no drama and the admin was very much respected.
Just had a horrid realization. That last post he made here reads like corpospeak you know the kind of post that is made where reality conforms to how they think it should be not what it is.
I have migo'd 1490 pages of the Pippathread, nearly 30,000 comments migo'd. I can attest that dumping Nolan in there would do little damage to the thread's quality.
Nah fair enough, I'm probably being too literal with the comments at the moment. It's an interesting question but I wouldn't really expect someone to be posting random financial stuff around. The post with the dono-links has an upkeep cost listed at least, albeit I don't know if that's ever been/needed updated. It's a decent bit actually so falling short in donations often wouldn't surprise me.
I doubt he's making enough money to profit off of this site. He's probably barely making enough to keep the place up and running. But I'm not throwing any money at him either, so what do I know?
I mean I would be surprised if donos were actually a decent amount. Especially in the last few years with economy nonsense. He's done a few banners to ask so I imagine it falls short on and off. I did go to a link a few times intending to but I ended up not doing so for some reasons I can't recall. But intention means all of jack and shit vs actually supporting which so full admittance there on my end. Maybe it was just paranoia and meaning to see if I could use a one time disposable or something.
Proc is most definitely not making money off this site lol. It still surprises me how the guy hasn't thrown in the towel after having come to such a startling lack of understanding with his own users.
I still think the discord was the start of all the shit, we were perfectly fine until november 2023. A whole year with literally no drama and the admin was very much respected.
Yeah skimming the costs from the dono post I think it's pretty likely that 100+ a month probably isn't a commonly successful goal here. Maybe back when people were doing the banner trolling as the new "feature" and whatnot, otherwise I agree and doubt it.
Well I wasn't prominent there either and I'm perfectly fine being just a little guy.
I only meant that compared to the people who have more raport or actual 1 on 1 interactions with him and managing to get zero progress, I'm almost certainly pissing into the wind even trying.
Although funnily enough come to think of it, I'm pretty sure my last post there was during one of the other dramas. I should venture off into the vidya threads or something.
Nolan of the Thesaurus cannot be reasoned with because he is legitimately retarded.
I know you guys got attached to this place, but it's an internet forum in the year of our lord 2025.
The good days died long time ago and you're trying to rehabilitate a mobile corpse.
Double tap and move on.
Moth needs more friends to socialize with.
But in all seriousness, there are enough in groups at this point for people to go off and make their own clubs.
I made mine.
I just don't like seeing you guys beat your heads against the wall expecting different results.
I legitimately don't have beef with Proctor, I'm more disappointed that most of you grew up with Chris-Chan and Josh and fail to heed the lessons from that when everyone went through its carbon copy with Nolan and Proctor.
Time is a flat circle, Yamanbas.
It's fine to make a splinter site from the splinter site, but a lot of people here just aren't a fan of Discord servers.
Anyway, there's no point to dooming. Might as well enjoy the time we have here while it's here. Even if it was competently run, it'd never be the same forever.
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