"Like, I've heard that British English is like some fanciful mumbo-jumbo"Himemori Luna

Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform


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Here is a link to the logs for anyone who wants them.
After reading this i honestly feel genuine pity for everyone involved.
And for myself for reading this.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
I think that there is a problem in Great Britain and that us Americans may have been on the wrong side in WW1... WW2.... *checks list* damn the Brits got us into a lot of wars didn't they


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
Let me take this opportunity to address this directly, because it's a recurrent theme I've seen developing recently.

TVA is considered a kiwifarms-adjacent doxing forum. This is our public perception. Why would a vtuber want to contact me or by extension any of us? What would motivate them to do so? They would need to, at minimum, have A) completely perfect opsec*, B) agree with what we do, C) be willing to endure backlash from anyone who disagreed with B).

* Or just not care about it.

Who in the industry is like that? I personally can't think of anybody. It is critical to grasp that every single contact I've ever gotten in the industry has been despite me owning this forum, not because of it. Every single one of them, without exception, would like me more if I deleted TVA.

I tried to give people a chance to change that perception, and that ended when the vtuber who was willing to trust us and openly interact with us got harassed and had RL pictures demanded from them, then lied about for years afterwards purely as a way to get a rise out of me personally.

The truth is that the only vtubers who were ever interested in openly interacting with TVA under the terms TVA publicly set after that incident were A) severely mentally ill*, B) terminally stupid teenagers, C) a sociopathic alcoholic who likes to ask her 500$-a-month supporters to carve her name into their arms in VC.

* Much more so than even the norm for this industry.

That was it. It took me a very long time to grasp this fact, and I am completely to blame for not doing so sooner. I was an optimist, and I was wrong.

We are not the kind of people vtubers want to interact with. We dig into their backstories, we expose their PL information, we post their faces. I know many users would absolutely go so far as to post full dox material if I let them, which is one of the only lines in the sand that I've drawn. This stance has caused me intense personal stress and misery in the past two years. My determination to not censor this place has strained my relationships with people I deeply care about. But even though I object to some of the things that are posted here, sometimes very strenuously, I will not let them be taken down or removed.

No vtuber likes this. None of them appreciate your attentions. They would all, to a woman, prefer it if this place didn't exist. Even large amounts of posts about them can indirectly cause them misery and career issues by being known as 'that vtuber the doxers like'. The ones who believe as I do are like me, in that they believe in the spirit of free speech while still objectively, tangibly suffering from the consequences of their belief in reality, because bad faith actors will incessantly use their own standards to attack them without fear of retaliation.

So to sum things up; no, me leaking the DMs of a user is not going to tangibly impact my relationship with anyone in this industry.

Running TVA does not tangibly benefit my mental health, my finances, or my social life in any capacity. It will not make me a successful career, and it will not win me friends or allies in this space. But I will run it because I fervently believe that it should exist, that it is better than the alternatives, and that history will one day prove that tiny, insignificant acts of defiance to the mainstream censorship edifice made a difference in the fight against it.

That's all I have to say on the topic, thank you for listening.
Look man, I'm not the best at articulating, especially in text form, so I'm going to try and keep it short, though I'm sure it'll end up an essay (spoiler alert, it did).

Ignoring the sharing of DMs, which while I'm not a fan of, I don't really care too much about, and putting aside this Discord faggotry, which is probably the shittiest thing I've seen from the groomcord, I appreciate that you've built these forums and have put in a lot of time, work, resources, etc into it. It's a simple little place, but it's a great place for discussing vtubers and other things without being over-policed about how we say things. I've said it before, but if it wasn't for this place, I wouldn't have anyone to talk about vtubers with as I refuse to join any Discord, Reddit, etc communities. As an oldfuck by modern day Internet standards, I also enjoy the webforum format much more as it favors long-term discussions and info archival rather than just whatever is trending at the moment. I suppose I can use the vtuber thread on the Farms, but I've never posted in it, nor do I go to the Farms for vtuber related reasons (even though I got into vtubing because of the Farms thread). So again, I appreciate what you've done with these forums.

I won't criticize you much for having certain aspirations for TVA to be something in the vtuber sphere because they are your forums, and I am just a user here. I don't bear any responsibilities regarding any of that. That being said, and I'm only speaking for myself, though I'm sure many others probably feel the same way, but I honestly don't really care about this place having a particular perception among vtubers. I don't care if this place is known as being Kiwi Farms-adjacent. Of course, I'd prefer TVA not having a negative perception amongst vtubers, but that's on them to decide, not on us to act in a particular way. I have no delusions that most vtubers I like would like me based on how I post here, and I'm okay with that because I'm just a person who likes watching entertaining vtubers, talking about them, and shitposting for fun. I have no ill-will for most vtubers, and I hope most of them are happy and successful in what they do, and I have stated this probably just as much as I have shitposted and made crass comments and jokes. If that latter part of my presence here is enough for anyone to see me as a bad person, then so be it.

I don't say any of this to try and convince you away from whatever your plans are for TVA. I am sorry to hear that running TVA has been this stressful and miserable for you. I say much of this because I am confident in saying that most people here aren't trying to do things just to spite you outside of making jokes like we do with everyone here. Most of us aren't out here trying to intentionally ruin whatever it is that you want to do with TVA. But I think I can safely say that most of us don't care for TVA to be anything more than a place for fans to discuss vtubers and shitpost, which seems to clash with what you seem to want TVA to become.

Now, this is just focusing on what you posted there. There is plenty of other things to criticize you about, and plenty of people do. This has nothing to do with the way you post here at times, nor does it even touch the Discord bullshit because as an outsider looking in, it just looks like all dumb shit, and there are clearly problems in there that need to be fixed. But you do you on any of this. I've already said my piece about how stupid this Discord shit is, particularly your power tripping Discord janny who had zero known presence on these forums until today when he decided to help you drag Discord shit here. I absolutely criticize you both for that retardation. I just wanted to focus on this particular post and give my perspective.

Take it as you will.
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Well-known member
Joined:  Jun 14, 2024
Also, i feel gay for even considering to say this, but hats off to either the forum's moderation team or the forum's community overall making the moderation team's work practically nonexistent. Or both. You fuckers are enjoyable to have discussions with and i hope this doesn't ever get ruined by some unspecified omnipresent factor.


haha it's unou
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Completely fails to grasp the actual forums vibe, holy shit what a retard.
let's be fair to @Alexander he wasn't even a forum user until today. He couldn't have grasped the forum's vibe because he isn't an active participant here.
(this is sarcasm btw).
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Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
Early Adopter
Joined:  Oct 10, 2022
Huh. Never knew the Discord janny memes were actually real.


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Gods Strongest Subatomo
Joined:  Oct 22, 2022

I will say, "searching for any excuse" to shit on the Discord seems a bit inaccurate. While there's definitely a bias against Discord in general, I'm fairly certain most of us would just rather forget it exists. Almost every time the Discord has come up in the forum though, it's because someone ends up bringing its nonsense over here. This time it was literally Proctor himself and his janny friend in some weird attempt to dunk on VSoyBoy, when all he did was... argue about politics.

It's just a giant, unnecessary, gay mess all around and bringing it into the open has done nothing for anybody.

Actually, Bay Lurker and VSoyBoy were able to bond, so maybe one good thing came out of this :BijouBijou:


Well-known member
Joined:  Dec 27, 2024
let's be fair to @Alexander he wasn't even a forum user until today. He couldn't have grasped the forum's vibe because he isn't an active participant here.
Does this man even have an Oshi? Has Proctor brought in his own Black and Tans, or seeing as he is a discord mod Black and Tràns


Rrat Dissolver
Joined:  Jul 22, 2023
Huh. Never knew the Discord janny memes were actually real.
I have not groomed anyone yet

It's just a giant, unnecessary, gay mess all around and bringing it into the open has done nothing for anybody.

Since the Xenlar thing i have been saying this and every time i wake up and see my dms flare i expect a free gaming pc and nope is just people reporting Proctor again

Migoed Helmet

Unintentionally reuses words in every longpost
Joined:  Feb 29, 2024
what the fuck is going on

Motherfucker they don't hate you whatever you do, they hate you because of what you do and how you do it. Oftentimes they don't even hate you, just the things you're doing.

This is it.

I knew exactly nothing about this site or the people on it last year. I had no opinions formed about it or the guy who ran it, and hoped for his success out of a general sense of goodwill. Any opinion I have on Proctor is formed from his personal decorum over the last year. Where that opinion lies after the last year of Proctorism is fairly self-explanatory.

By the way, to further shoot down the "everyone will hate me anyways" argument: I don't hate people even when I disagree with them, a concept I know Proctor doesn't understand because of this last debacle. And the one before it. And the one before that, and so on. I don't hate Proctor. But now I don't think he believes that, and I think he's going to keep freaking out at "haters" until there's no one left for him to interact with except for a couple of very disturbed 2-view "leakers" and whoever the fuck Alex is.

As for the new gay boyfriend, can't wait for him to become one of the magic new mods that Proctor started setting up a couple months ago so he can run the site into the shitter. We've already reached the "retard shadow mod who is the personal friend of the admin" stage of forum life, it's all downhill from here.

What a comedy of errors this whole experience has been. What was even the point?


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Joined:  Oct 19, 2022
Does this man even have an Oshi? Has Proctor brought in his own Black and Tans, or seeing as he is a discord mod Black and Tràns

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023


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Joined:  Jun 14, 2024
and hoped for his success out of a general sense of goodwill.
I mean, that hasn't changed. As said in the previous post, i like the forum a lot, so Proctor definitely did some things right, nothing wrong about giving him credit for that and supporting him continuing to do so.
can't wait for him to become one of the magic new mods that Proctor started setting up a couple months ago so he can run the site into the shitter.
With that in mind, i dare hope that this doesn't happen and that you're being severely hyperbolic.


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Joined:  Feb 16, 2024

I Wanna Die

Don't do drugs, blow all your money on vtubers
Joined:  Nov 15, 2023
let's be fair to @Alexander he wasn't even a forum user until today. He couldn't have grasped the forum's vibe because he isn't an active participant here.
Damn, almost like it was a shit idea to have him moderate the discord in the first place.

Just pretending

The Great Bald Rrat
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Does this man even have an Oshi? Has Proctor brought in his own Black and Tans, or seeing as he is a discord mod Black and Tràns
Now I wish Proctor was still at his 'Lowtax phase', because we could throw some cash to make "Black and Tràns" Alexander's official title.


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
Are you shitting me? This same Marimari_EN?

Bro, that's fucking perfect.

(Note to the janny: When she says "clean it up", she doesn't mean to spread the shit everywhere else.)


curiosity didnt kill the cat but sure gave it PTSD
Joined:  Nov 23, 2023
Damn, almost like it was a shit idea to have him moderate the discord in the first place.
IIRC he's been made a second admin of the Discord when Proctor had housing related issues because Proctor had to be completely AFK for a few days


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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
That being said, and I'm only speaking for myself, though I'm sure many others probably feel the same way, but I honestly don't really care about this place having a particular perception among vtubers. I don't care if this place is known as being Kiwi Farms-adjacent. Of course, I'd prefer TVA not having a negative perception amongst vtubers, but that's on them to decide, not on us to act in a particular way.
Same here, the truth is that most vtubers being unstable young women would only like a site where they are constantly bootlicked and praised for every minute thing and thrown money for simply existing while their simps ignore all of their flaws. Proctor's fantasy, and I call it a fantasy because that's what it is, is simply unreachable, we will never be liked or accepted, anyone who is even the least bit critical or cynical of other people's attitudes, actions and personalities will never be liked, because we live in an era of egomaniacal manchildren who must have their every action praised as if the entire universe cares for their feeble existences. As I have long learned the only way to be liked is to be aloof as fuck and super chilled out, never have any strong opinions or argue against anything, that's what people like.

Proctor has spent the better part of two years trying to build himself up to be some kind of vtuber guru or insider who is taken seriously and liked by the industry, all of his actions are in service of that goal, but this rat race to gain notoriety, and dare I say, CLOUT, is a fool's errand which will maybe get him a few (((friends))) and bootlickers who will abandon him the second he spouts one too many controversial diatribes and will make him out to be a massive lolcow in the same vein as nolan.

And it's already fucking happening here in real time, all of these essays trying to get him to change his mind, mocking posts, memes and injokes at the expense of the person as they continue to dig their own grave because they cannot cease to repeat the same behaviors over and over. Go to nolan's thread, read the first 50 pages or so and realize that the guy who replaced Nolan is not superduper, it isn't merelytourist or anyone else, it's. fucking. Proctor.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
I feel like the TVA Discord needs to divorce itself entirely from the TVA forum, because these two cultures are so incompatible with each other that trying to avoid these episodes is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. The forum's culture is basically the Kiwi Farms without the anime seething, while the Discord's looking like a better candidate for a Community Watch thread by the day.

To demonstrate what I mean: @Alexander, I don't know you, and I can't speak for your character in real life. But seeing shit like this is the worst first impression anyone could possibly give.


The smugness, along with complaining about someone being "toxic", is the kind of shit I'd read from an SJW after someone posted a YWNBAW meme. It makes you look like a literal stereotype of the Discord mods who get mocked relentlessly here and on the Kiwi Farms, and a quick skim of the forum would make it immediately apparent that people here are not going to like it.

If I'm being honest I don't even have a problem with the Discord existing in itself; I don't care much for Discord communities so I just personally chose not to join. That should be all there is to it and I'm content to just live and let live, except for some reason it keeps breaking containment and this unfiltered autism shits up the otherwise reasonably-civil forum every few weeks or so. I think the forum in its current state is mostly a good thing, it's strikes a healthy balance between being a place for meaningful discussion while still allowing people to have a sense of humour about both the more absurd parts of the vtuber industry, and the unique quirks of individual users here. I post here every day for a reason. But I can see a snowball starting to roll, and I don't like it.
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